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Marijuana mogul, caught because he didn't want to pay utility bill


Active member
I think it's always going to be situational when it comes to this so i dont pass judgment . But we dont want to steal unless we have to . But to play devils advocate , Out my way its way simpler than by passing meters an virtually full proof . You can run as many lights as you want . Yes they will know there loosing power at some point if you do it big , But would be on a goose chase trying to find out where .


Seems like there were so many better options. Diesel genny, greenhouse, solar or wind power setup, or maybe just paying the bill. If you're running that large of a setup wouldn't you want some kind of automatic fire protection? I'm running 1k and I have fire protection.


Active member
never like to see someone go down but this was doing too much.....multiple states plus crossing canada/US border lines when you get into that echelon of the trafficking game you are well aware you will be facing teenage numbers in prison time, no risk no reward.....got respect for those who take the gambles but its just not one i personally want to take. 100 packs from canada that is not some small time, grow for the love of the plant, breeding projects in his growroom kind of guy...

i would be really interested in readin the affadavit and researching how the cops managed to track this guy from state to state, did they hack his phone, how did they pull surveillance on multiple targets in multiple states, almost sounds like the patriotXact in fully effect..


Someone told me once...."Pigs get fatter. Hogs get slaughtered."
Dont get greedy.....
Another reminder of why stealing anything is bad karma.

All those grows and all that action and the theft and resulting fire got him popped.

Hope it works out okay for this dude still but what do you expect really.

Thanks for the post P.

The guy is a selfish piece of garbage. When people don't pay electric, the rates go up for the rest of us. Just because we all smoke the same plant, does not mean we have to stick up for EVERYONE who gets busted. I also drink allcohol... I don't go around sticking up for drunk drivers.


he may have been stealing it in hopes the utility company wouldn't snitch because of the high usage. they dont always steal electricity just because they don't want to pay the bill.

still no excuse but im just sayin...


Well-known member
The guy is a selfish piece of garbage. When people don't pay electric, the rates go up for the rest of us. Just because we all smoke the same plant, does not mean we have to stick up for EVERYONE who gets busted. I also drink allcohol... I don't go around sticking up for drunk drivers.

somebody think of the children...LOL



Active member
I don't give a turd that he was stealing power, my only concern is that they got another grower. We may or may not agree with his methods, but we can all agree, that another on of us...a grower......is sleeping behind bars tonight. It sucks!!!!!
Yes he stole power...more than likely to avoid detection rather than being greedy

generators would have been a better option...whats MAD fucked up is this

"He faces a maximum of life in prison with a mandatory minimum of 10 years when he is sentenced on Jan. 11, 2011."

that kind of time should be for kid diddlers and murders...more proof that uncle sam only gives a fuck when you dont cut him in on the big $$$
I dont believe for a second that a utility company is trying to look at power consumption and turn ppl in for growing marijuana. It makes no sense if a customer is paying his bill no matter how high it is to lose that source of income. Besides, its not illegal to sell power...


If a utility company gets wind of someone growing you can bet your ass they will dial a cop immediately...

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