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Marijuana Might Make Your Sons Retarded!


Anyone who consumes cannabis while pregnant or allows their girl/wife to do so, does not deserve to be a parent. Just doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The short lived rewards of getting lit for 2 hours doesn't equal the cost of a lifetime of birth defects and learning disabilities. It should be a crime for shit like this to happen.

I agree that its bad to smoke weed while pregnant....I disagree that it should be illegal...it probably already is anyway...however..

We have enough laws already...do we really need to add more? Laws rarely fix a problem anyway....I don't know a single person who drinks and drives that stopped drinking and driving after they got a DUI...literally not a single one...

All new laws do is add more government control over every aspect of our lives....as Ron White says...."You can't fix stupid"..so why even try?

Let people live their lives...no matter how fucked up they are...as long as they aren't hurting anyone...and I'm sorry...but if you can murder a fucking baby in the womb...I really don't see how smoking weed while pregnant should be illegal?

BTW I'm pro-choice =)


An easy analogy for the average person to understand the findings from this study would be someone taking home a bottle of liquid plant food, and feeding it to a tomato plant without diluting it, and trying to infer from that, the effects would be the same at any dosage on any plant. At that strength, it will cause detrimental effects. If you were to give that same solution to a cannabis plant at the recommended ratio, it would thrive.

What we are not seeing here, or anywhere is what happens under strict scientific conditions with a beneficial dosage of cannabis on a pregnant woman. Since most users self titrate, and become very adept at it, people who use cannabis are more easily able to keep their dosage at a beneficial level compared to pharmaceutical drugs, which are far more difficult to administer at a proper dosage without a trial and error period.

Since there are millions of users worldwide, we can safely infer from that the idea that; maternal cannabis use went unnoticed in many cases. This is unlike maternal alcohol, tobacco, or hard drug use, all of which have produced a long history of causing damage to a developing fetus (as well as children, and adults), and hence do not require a study, nor would it be ethical to conduct one. With cannabis, there is no documented reason to believe it will cause damage.

The people who support prohibition have managed to produce an array of propaganda featuring images of premature and low birth weight children attributed to cocaine, heroin, tobacco and alcohol. They have, however, failed to produce any real life cases with marijuana. This alone provides the real life data needed to draw the conclusion that maternal cannabis use does not cause any direct known effects on offspring.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Assuming they are using the stated ratio of cannabis extract at 250mg per Kg of rat weight that is absolutely absurd. That amount of cannabis oil injected into the blood stream would make any living creature retarded. I read the study and it doesn't really matter that it was done in 1972. It is still relevant for the dosage given. When the adult rats were given this high dosage they exhibited behaviors out of the norm. Like spinning in circles and walking backwards. Most likely from extreme anxiety and paranoia like anyone gets on a good sativa except at very extreme levels. At these extremely high dosages no less injected during the first trimester of pregnancy than yes I could believe there may be some effects on learning.

Where they only mention this a few times is that the 250mg/kg dosage was the lowest dosage they could get the adult rats to exhibit abnormal behavior. Doses below the 250mg/kg mark the rats showed very little if any abnormal behavior than non-medicated rats showed.

So really if you keep your doses of injectable oil down to lets say 4 grams per day as a pregnant mother your kids should be normal like everyone elses. What we should get the most out of this study is that it is damn near impossible to overdose on cannabis. Even if you are mainlining it. Hmmm now I have a recipe for injecting oil. Don't try this at home.

Personally I think there are far greater risk factors for pregnant women than smoking weed. Alcohol should be 0 tolerance for pregnant women. The biggest risk with smoking pot and being pregnant is if the doctor finds it and reports it to some child protective service. It happens.


Well-known member
my oldest son (18 yrs old) has Aspergers Syndrome, the youngest is "normal", whatever the hell that means. my wife smoked some with both, & i have eaten enough vitamin A to stun an elephant. if any damage was done, it does not show. yes, he has been diagnosed with Aspergers, but nearly all of his problems are the same that i grew up with. same pronunciation difficulties when young, incredible difficulty expounding in a written paper, etc. he is what i call a "concrete thinker", or as Jack Webb said "just the facts, ma'am". i am convinced, personally, that my beginning to use cannabis at age 11 is what brought me out of my shell, so to speak. if i thought his mother would not kill me outright...


Active member
oh i still think marijuana is making alot of people retarded,

just None of the Actual smokers.


3rd-Eye Jedi
also I neglected to mention

that if cannabis was a negative catalyst to human development than humans that came from areas with psychoactive cannabis grew naturally and was imbibed then we would have examples in those population segments

as we well know they do not

99% of modern pharmacology has been around less than 100 years and we still have no assurance that we aren't being genetically influenced by them

cannabis mankind has used for eons and still hasn't negatively effected us yet

in fact we have receptors for the substance which is proof that there is a potential natural synergy between the two

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
This thread....

This thread....



Active member
Good, I am of extremely high intelligence.

Hopefully my offspring will have a lower intelligence, as I am maladjusted to this world.

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