I was growing my own in the 90's
Oh but I thought the black market was the freest and coolest because there are no evil regulations according to you...so it was not good enough you grew your own it seems though.
See, some of you contradict yourselves in your arguments because you want to make the subject about me; you don't realize no one cares about bombadildo (LOL) because most people come to the forums to discuss the subject matter: cannabis.
but you and woodtroll don't get that, so you miss the subject matter.
Again, if the black market is so good, why are so many growing for headstash? Like you in the 90s? If all is good and well and no shady characters involved? Can you answer without letting your dislike of me get in the way?
I wonder why some labs can no longer test the product in OR? Um...could it be that they are not capable to do it under new regulations? As in, not technically prepared? I'm looking at you to answer this woodtroll, another lesson from your guru, free of charge of course.