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Marijuana damaged teenagers brains more than alcohol study finds

Crusader Rabbit

Active member
There's no such thing as a free lunch. Anything that has such a profound effect upon the mind, is likely to have a profound effect on the mind... even if your head is in the sand. There's likely a reason why the long tradition of cannabis use in India discourages consumption by youth. Some other studies have suggested negative effects upon the developing brain, including a higher incidence of anxiety in those who smoked before adulthood. Do people ever post here looking for strains that help with their anxiety issues?

But our ignorance of actual effects is a legacy of prohibition which made realistic studies with cannabis impossible. And the many studies which used synthetic THC (including the anxiety work with mice mentioned above) are questionable because actual smokers wouldn't touch the stuff because it's so hardcore. We'll finally come out on the other side of this situation some years in the future with legitimate user data on effects, but we're not there now. We'll get there though.

But we're in a muddle because prohibition has had a stranglehold upon acquisition of new knowledge. That's changing. We aren't stuck with synthetic THC, nor Kings College London for our new knowledge on cannabis' effects. We will obtain more valid user data. We have new brain imaging technologies such as blood perfusion scans which pinpoint the regions of the brain doing work and the effort required. We smokers may not like some of the results of this research, but we should pay attention.

I just watched an alcoholic in serious denial testify to the US Senate. It wasn't a pretty sight. I'm a pothead and I try not to be in denial about my habit. We all have different metabolisms and reactions to effects. We all have different reasons for walking this path we've chosen. But whatever way we choose, nothing we consume of this plant could possibly outdo the profound negative life effects resulting from incarceration for possession we've all faced. I lived as a criminal for 45 years because of this nonsense. What does that do to a person?

Its time for me to roll one now.


Boreal Curing
Right. I have a nephew who was on meds to help him in school. All it did was turn him into a zombie. He started smoking weed at 15, dumped the meds and graduated with a degree in computer sciences.

Every one is different. Some it would help, some it would harm.


ICMag Donor
Right. I have a nephew who was on meds to help him in school. All it did was turn him into a zombie. He started smoking weed at 15, dumped the meds and graduated with a degree in computer sciences.

Every one is different. Some it would help, some it would harm.

It seems that a lot of the techie CEOs in this world explored altered states of consciousness.

Not only that but it was during those altered states when they had their best ideas.


Boreal Curing
The Dalai Lama was asked "What is the most important thing a man can do in life?"

Without hesitating he said
"To know himself. "

Good weed will let you look nice and deep, as would other gifts of the earth.


Active member
All marijuana does is damage the brainwashing coming from the system. School brainwashing, tv and entertainment industry brainwashing and government brainwashing.
When you get high you see how much of this "message" on how to live and what to value is BS. Then the marijuana users starts calling the brainwasher on their brainwashing. Nobody likes to be called out on their BS.
That's the damage marijuana does to the young brain. It makes the youngster say far too often, "You know that's total BS right?" The pushers of BS hate that.


ICMag Donor
Forty Five years ago in high school 95% smoked weed. 20% were daily or nearly so. About one third of the teachers smoked weed regularly. Everyone turned out just fine.


Active member
There's no such thing as a free lunch. Anything that has such a profound effect upon the mind, is likely to have a profound effect on the mind... even if your head is in the sand. There's likely a reason why the long tradition of cannabis use in India discourages consumption by youth. Some other studies have suggested negative effects upon the developing brain, including a higher incidence of anxiety in those who smoked before adulthood. Do people ever post here looking for strains that help with their anxiety issues?

When you understand how the endocannabinoid system actually works, its very hard to believe it truly causes negative development factors in a growing brain. There's no clear evidence that it does. On the other hand, there's very clear evidence that scaring people about things threatening their kids is an age-old tactic for turning them against things you want them to fear. In the early days of cannabis prohibition they told people that Mexicans and blacks were going to rape their daughters because reefer made them into wild animals. During the 70s and 80s they started developing this notion of "gateway drugs" so that you would equate cannabis use with crack and heroin.

Simply saying something profoundly affects the mind is reason enough to ban it is ignorant at best. There are many cultures from many parts of the world where children use hallucinogens, and there is a lot of evidence that these ritual uses actually improve mental health. Then again, Aztecs priests and their acolytes used a massive cocktail of at least 6 difference hallucinogens and they went so crazy from it that they started telling people they had to gut people on top of a pyramid every day or the sun wouldn't come up. Set and setting are a big deal, and not all mind-altering drugs are equal. That's probably also true of pot use. If you just sit around and watch stupid talk shows all day while baked and just eat Doritos all day long, you're not going to develop as well as those kids who get baked and go out and actually do things(or stay in and do something more meaningful).

Also, the combination of alcohol and cannabis is clearly a significant issue while driving, and probably a major developmental no-no. The notion that this study could not link any developmental problems to alcohol flies directly in the face of so much research saying the exact opposite. That point alone totally undermines the credibility of the "science".


Well-known member
I'm gonna see if I can find the actual article, news orgs generally do a terrible job of reporting medical study's conclusions.


When you understand how the endocannabinoid system actually works ...

Simply saying something profoundly affects the mind ...

I have to accept other peoples assertions that such a system even exists ...

And what is a 'mind'. I have never seen one. Has anyone seen a 'mind'? If there is such a thing as a 'mind' where is it? Show me a 'mind' if you don't mind!!

Sorry Mr Klompen ... just saying something profoundly NOTIONAL has had a negative affect on me this morning.


There's no such thing as a free lunch. Anything that has such a profound effect upon the mind, is likely to have a profound effect on the mind... even if your head is in the sand. There's likely a reason why the long tradition of cannabis use in India discourages consumption by youth. Some other studies have suggested negative effects upon the developing brain, including a higher incidence of anxiety in those who smoked before adulthood. Do people ever post here looking for strains that help with their anxiety issues?

But our ignorance of actual effects is a legacy of prohibition which made realistic studies with cannabis impossible. And the many studies which used synthetic THC (including the anxiety work with mice mentioned above) are questionable because actual smokers wouldn't touch the stuff because it's so hardcore. We'll finally come out on the other side of this situation some years in the future with legitimate user data on effects, but we're not there now. We'll get there though.

But we're in a muddle because prohibition has had a stranglehold upon acquisition of new knowledge. That's changing. We aren't stuck with synthetic THC, nor Kings College London for our new knowledge on cannabis' effects. We will obtain more valid user data. We have new brain imaging technologies such as blood perfusion scans which pinpoint the regions of the brain doing work and the effort required. We smokers may not like some of the results of this research, but we should pay attention.

I just watched an alcoholic in serious denial testify to the US Senate. It wasn't a pretty sight. I'm a pothead and I try not to be in denial about my habit. We all have different metabolisms and reactions to effects. We all have different reasons for walking this path we've chosen. But whatever way we choose, nothing we consume of this plant could possibly outdo the profound negative life effects resulting from incarceration for possession we've all faced. I lived as a criminal for 45 years because of this nonsense. What does that do to a person? Its time for me to roll one now.

I absolutely support this piece of SANITY! HOORAY for this point of view! I know that Cannabis has altered the way I arrange and prioritise my thoughts. Whether it's permanent or not is difficult to say given the subjective nature of all this ...

And I saw that Alcoholic on tele too! HE LIED!


Boreal Curing
If trauma or even yelling at a kid has this effect, you can bet your boots a joint will. And usually not for the better.


Active member
I have to accept other peoples assertions that such a system even exists ...

And what is a 'mind'. I have never seen one. Has anyone seen a 'mind'? If there is such a thing as a 'mind' where is it? Show me a 'mind' if you don't mind!!

Sorry Mr Klompen ... just saying something profoundly NOTIONAL has had a negative affect on me this morning.

With all due respect: you do not need anyone else to tell you such a system exists. If you're willing to learn the science you can comprehend and even observe such systems for yourself. A "mind" in the context in which I used the term refers to the developed structure of the human brain.


Boreal Curing
Come on Teddy... you know what we're talking about here right?

There's lots of research on it.

Your Childhood Experiences Can Permanently Change Your DNA
"But we’re finding out that our DNA isn’t always set in stone. Now, a team of researchers from Northwestern University led by anthropology professor Thom McDade have shown that DNA can also be modified by your environment during childhood. What’s more, the authors conclude in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, those modifications can affect how or when you develop certain illnesses during adulthood.
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/your-childhood-environment-can-permanently-change-

Childhood trauma can leave scars on DNA, Harvard-UBC study finds
"Gladish said there was a "striking" difference in tagging between those who'd been abused and those who had not. Typically, most studies see [percentage] differences about five per cent to 10 per cent ... some of these differences were very large in the 20 per cent range up to 29 per cent," said Gladish, who analyzed much of the data for the study. Essentially, [it means] these little tiny tags on the DNA are kind of put into place at the time of abuse and are just present and persist throughout the life's course."


Seed Whore
Genotype (G) + Environment (E) = Phenotype (P)

For example:

A Mafioso (G) who has a burnt pizza delivered at his party (E) = Motherphucker (P). :biggrin:

Lost in a SOG

Id say just don't believe anything at all that is associated with the BBC in anyway. its an insidious and highly devisive crown corporation propaganda proxy. The directors and management are all dodgy and whoever is sailing that ship seems to basically set the tone for all western media, its like the gold standard in sheep herd management for all the english speaking networks pretty much.. A totally fascist, imperialist, totalitarian backwards institution.

It steals millions, billions by now from the British people through its "TV license", that it has brainwashed sheeple for generations to pay to make its programs and the through a private arm "BBC worldwide" sells the dvds to the rest of the world and only pays 25% back into the bbc. fucking perverse thieves impoverishing this country.

Its BAD poison.. dont drink that koolaid especially if you're in America :2cents:
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Still Learning
What changed my brain was VietNam.. a little more weed at a younger age might mello the war machine.. blame the politicians. THEY know how to redirect blame and make it seem like it's your/our fault. just watch the news..


Active member
I think we ought to keep an open mind. Developing kids are important social assets. Sure this work needs a lot more verification and the science should be reproducible. But I think it's possible Cannabis does some harm to young brains. So, no rush to judgement here. I'll wait and hope to see a lot more sound science.