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Marijuana addiction drug research gets $3 million grant


Marijuana ITSELF can be a treatment for addiction.

They can't wrap their heads around it yet.

Anybody here ever been to rehab? I sure have. Spent quite a while in there 15 years ago, I was real fucked up. Coke, hard hard drugs, everything but the needle. In rehab or AA, they have this term, "the Marijuana Maintenance Program." It's what they call people who quit all the hard drugs / alcohol but keep smoking weed because it keeps them from doing harder, more detrimental drugs. It has a negative connotation in rehab or AA, because they don't consider you "sober" if you're smoking weed. They consider it a crutch. But they'll gladly prescribe you a nice cocktail of antidepressants, benzodiazepines and GABA-altering sleep aids that make you feel reeeeeeel fuckin good while you're in there. Just don't smoke weed, because that would be a crutch, right? The Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation industry in the USA is a private-for-profit industry; the people who own these places are savvy business people; they want you to feel real comfortable staying in their luxury rehab hotel so they can take your $50k for a 90 day stay. It's a very lucrative industry to be in!

Addiction: continuing to use a substance or behavior (sex, gambling / alcohol, drugs) despite overwhelmingly negative consequences on one's life.

That was the definition as we were given it in rehab and NA/AA meetings.

Does your consumption of cannabis have an overwhelmingly negative effect on your life? If so then yeah, you should probably quit for a while and re-evaluate your life. There are people in this world who will find a way to abuse damn near any substance - down to drinking bottles of Robitussin (no disrespect if Robo-walking is your favorite pastime), so of course there will be individuals who abuse Marijuana to a point where it messes up their life. Does the government need to focus on spreading the word about MJ addiction? Ummmm, how about we start with taking down all the billboards for hard alcohol, and the ads on TV for alcohol, and see if that keeps people from getting addicted to THAT, which is far more addictive, harmful, and deadly, and THEN maybe think about spending taxpayer dollars educating people on how to not to get addicted to a substance that may end up saving their lives.

Murrika! Fuck yeah! :/ WTF is wrong with us?