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Maria's Subtropical Outdoor Guerilla Grows with Connoisseur Genetics (Perpetual Journal)

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Lessons in the symbiotic relationship between garden and gardener:

Maria was out with a nasty fever and more last week.
Somehow managed -- not sure how I did it, sheer willpower, I guess? -- to get to the girls on Friday.
They were quite thirsty, I should have watered Thursday.
And they had been hit hard again by some very strong crazy winds we've been having yet again.
The broken colas on the two SSSTN plants were just totally dead and dried up.
That was very unfortunate, but I kind of thought it would happen, just a matter of time.
The 'medium' pheno of the Grail x ThaiFrican had snapped, and the whole plant just dead and dried.
Wasn't expecting that, but that pheno was the most 'meh' looking plant in the garden, so pity but life goes on.
The SSSTN plant just have their end tops still going, but Sticky top bud is looking amazing!
The damaged but alive main top of the 'taller' Grail x ThaiFrican is still alive, though not great.
She has two lower branches that are big, though, and one is getting really very chunky and impressive.
Meanwhile Ms Grail girl is still rolling along, no extra damage to her this time.
The little SSSTN x ThaiFricans are fine, just a wild range of phenos all doing their thing.

Will visit tomorrow to check up and water.
Should start setting up the drying lines for them, too.
Grail x ThaiFrican will be first down, and I'll need to start monitoring her soon for peak range.
Though I still think a few more weeks at minimum.
The other three will be a few more weeks after her.
The little ones .... Christmas? New Year? It'll be fun!

Hope you're all doing well, my friends.
Blaze a freshly dried sticky icky nugget for me.
And I'll return the same favor when the time comes!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria's Haze Heaven Hacienda!

Day 217: 135V + 82F

It's been cloudy, wet and windy.
Temps from daily high/low around 27C/22C.
The main gate is still broken, so access is quite easy.

Edit: for the dates/times for these seedlings, not the big plants.
Started on June 6.
They just kind of stayed stuck in tiny pots for many many weeks, neglected by me...
84 days = 12 weeks veg, but in effect more like 4 weeks or so.
Then planted out here.
Showed sex from August 21, 5 out of 7 by start of September, last one by about September 15.
Let's say Sept 1 for an average start day for them to calculate.
Gives us...

Day 139: 84V + 55F

Seven Super Silver Sour Thai Neville x ThaiFrican seed plants

Start a bit different today, show each of these girls for the first time.
They obviously aren't at 82 days flowering!

Quite a nice balanced structure on this one:

Yep, looks like the pearl pheno came through the cross:

A slim one:

Chunkier and solid here:

Medium balanced pheno:

I really like the look of this one, too:

(Poor photo!) larger pheno with good shape:

Peace and Love,

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Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Spring-Summer Grow -- Maria's Haze Heaven Hacienda!

Day 217: 135V + 82F

Super Silver Sour Thai Neville (Fluffy pheno, re-veg)


Doesn't have the rounded shape like first time.
I think that was a response to the then-increasing light cycles.
Now she's more like a slimmer finer version of Sticky.

Super Silver Sour Thai Neville (Sticky pheno, re-veg)


Her top 30" are very nice, and thickening up now.

Grail Project x ThaiFrican (Taller pheno, seed stock)


This is the big lower cola, getting very chunky now.

Grail Project (NLD pheno, re-veg)



Lots of medium and smaller tops on this girl.

Forecast for crappy weather for another few days or more.
Temps won't be so low as now, though, will be high 20s C.
But I'm sure the sun will be back out again after that.

Peace and Love,



learning and laughing
We've been facing some adversities. Last run I got some cuts from a growbuddy. Along for the ride came powdery mildew 😱 and thrips.

Thought I had gotten rid of all the pests, but alas no such luck.

They've been soldering on despite the difficulties.


(Honduras x Panama) X NewCaledonia


GoldenTigerThai cutting
Growing trifoliate (?) 😳

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
We've been facing some adversities. Last run I got some cuts from a growbuddy. Along for the ride came powdery mildew 😱 and thrips.

Thought I had gotten rid of all the pests, but alas no such luck.

They've been soldering on despite the difficulties.

View attachment 19088398
(Honduras x Panama) X NewCaledonia

View attachment 19088399

GoldenTigerThai cutting
Growing trifoliate (?) 😳
Nice to get already selected cuts.
But the mildew and the thrips you can do without!

An NC cross and a GT(Thai), yeah, they would be on my list, too!
Just starting flower from the look of things.
Keep up the good work!

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
Epic Grow - thanks for sharing. Good luck getting them over the line as the days shorten and the weather worsens. Not long now!
Hey there @aliceklar , how you doing?
Two or three weeks from now we'll be down near 11/13.
Weather worsens -- more typhoon affects now and for the next week or so! -- but it doesn't get really cold until January, and things should be wrapped up by then.

Maria Sanchez

Well-known member
The colas were all a bit tangled among themselves after that crazy wind.
Separated out and gave them a bit of space each.
The top 12" of that fat Grail x ThaiFrican lower cola was fully broken.
So that's in the drying / laundry bag for now, a little early but I think the window is just opening for that plant.
They're all flopping right over to the south, leaning on my support ropes.
Garden and plants look a right mess, to be honest.

One weird thing I've been noticing and want to ask everyone:
The calyxes this round are really small on all the plants, and the trichome development is not great.
Do they need a hit with some PK or something?
Not sure what the issue is with this.

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