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Marc Emery Extradited to USA and Sentenced

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Green Supreme

I bet he loses his virginity So good luck in the pen "Prince of Pot". After they are done with you your name will be princess.

Nice fantasy, hope it can come true for you one day . Funny how so many in this thread dig the gay thing. Betting Marc turns you down though, but its cool to dream lol. Peace GS

Green Supreme

Just sayin, I mean is that not part of your constitution. Do these things usually take 6 years like this, hmmm? Peace GS


Active member
It all most retarded to think and any "high profile" person to be sentenced immediately... Even considering the fact that he plead guilty... Thats not how it works GS.

And you should know that...

As far as fast and speedy trial...

There was no trial because he plead guilty... Genius...
Tell GS like it is. He speaks on things he knows nothing about.
Just thought I add my 2 cents about the Podcast...

First off, From my own personal experience all prison calls are monitored... They have systems that can detect three way calls and usually the call is ended automatically... I have personally made 3ways calls from county jails and the dept of corrections... And the rule is pretty simple if you are a "high profile" inmate... No business over the phones... .
There is generally a little recording about not making 3 party calls before you actually get to talk to the person you are calling. I have wondered though if a recorded call actually can be considered a 3rd party call. I dunno. The prison wardon, captain, etc can put him in Sol Con anytime they want to really.

Listen, sometimes folks get on a crusade over an individual and they just will not hear anything negative about that individual. It happens. I wish Marc luck, I hate to see anybody in the klink over selling seeds.

K Double O

I know the little recording Tex... It tells you that the call is monitored and will disconnect if 3rd party(s) are detected... Its whack as hell... All we did was breathe heavily in the phone... or press a number when the 3way call was connected...

Green Supreme

Not really on a crusade. I just see a lot of folks blowing things out their butts like its facts. When they only" heard" from someone else. I dislike the spread of misinformation and will point it out when I see it. Besides I see a lot of folks attacking and not much defense. Even a man as arrogant as Marc, that has done as much for cannabis as him, deserves some degree of respect and defending. You would have to have your blinders on not to see the good the fellow has done. Peace GS


I never did like that guy, but I don't know why. I mean you ever not like someone and not know why. I am sorry he had to go to jail but he did a lot of show boating. Most of us try to keep a cool cover on our smoking, growing, and whatnot, but he seemed to use publicity to his advantage to make money. That is what cost him his liberty. I don't think there is anything anyone can do now. This is history.
Not really on a crusade. I just see a lot of folks blowing things out their butts like its facts. When they only" heard" from someone else. I dislike the spread of misinformation and will point it out when I see it. Besides I see a lot of folks attacking and not much defense. Even a man as arrogant as Marc, that has done as much for cannabis as him, deserves some degree of respect and defending. You would have to have your blinders on not to see the good the fellow has done. Peace GS
I expect thats fair enough.

Off the subject, when can I put my own avatar up?

Green Supreme

Think it might be 75 posts Tex look in the faq's. Peace GS

ps. looks like you already changed it , ain't that Rolo lol

K Double O

It appears to me that your anger is partly missed placed GS You should be mad at your Govt...

More so than the people of the MJ community...

You cant change the fact that Marc was not well liked on either side of the fence... Be it the International MJ community or the Canadian Govt...

Despite is unlikeable stature... Most people who have had some type interaction with Emery the man or the seed co. have expressed concerns for his legal troubles...

What more can you ask for?

Green Supreme

Go through the thread. This has been handled many times. My guess is you stepped in most of the way through to give your opinion. Peace GS

ps. can't say for US but Marc is very popular here in Canada. Not sure where your info comes from
Think it might be 75 posts Tex look in the faq's. Peace GS

ps. looks like you already changed it , ain't that Rolo

I thought it was 50. I dont know who it is, It was one of the ones provided by management I reckon. I will run that one until I can run my own. Hope I didnt tick you off, it just seemed like you were not willing to hear anything negative about Mr Emery. I see your point too. Its good to try and see all sides. Bottom line though, its sucks to see someone in jail for something that needs not be illegal in the first place. :wave:


I read this whole thread and although there are some valid points this issue is dead. Arguing about why it happened or who is at fault is fruitless. Marc Emery is going to spend time in a US prison and may even face more charges before he is released. If anything positive can be taken from this is to learn by example. Laws are changing, but there will always be laws. If you break the law you need to be cool, whatever the law is at the given time.

Every other post is this green supreme fellow and there are others about Marc that he is in too. What are you trying to prove?

K Double O

He was not well like by the Canadian Govt... Thus the extradition...

OMG are you Canadian GS?

Marc has been politically active since the 70's...

Green Supreme

I have seen as much bad as anyone, just not willing to put my blinders on, as many and say he is all bad. In my country he supports many of our most prominent activists. Allowing them to focus on activism, not where is my next meal coming from. His store supports any good people. His store made way for many others, which DID NOT exist before him. His website gives folks a forum. Ya ,beat the man down as he is worthless. Peace GS

Green Supreme

If unjust laws are not broken in defiance, how is there change? Peace

ps. lets take the religious angle and all just go home and pray for change lol


I have seen as much bad as anyone, just not willing to put my blinders on, as many and say he is all bad. In my country he supports many of our most prominent activists. Allowing them to focus on activism, not where is my next meal coming from. His store supports any good people. His store made way for many others, which DID NOT exist before him. His website gives folks a forum. Ya ,beat the man down as he is worthless. Peace GS

Why don't you put your mug online, go blow smoke in a cops face, make videos and give yourself some royal name (oh you already did that one) if you are so into 'the cause'?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Well I guess the "movement" needed a big mouth..

Well I guess the "movement" needed a big mouth..

I really don't think that a guy sitting in the corner and saying nothing was going to cut it here.. Not saying I agree with all Marc does and says. BUT that still isn't the point here is it? It's not about the man it's about what the man is saying, RIGHT?!? Lets face it he is saying it to some pretty dence ppl here and not many ppl are stepping up to the bat either.
As far as bad seeds ,You mean you got seeds from a vendor that sucked.. Gee your going to be the first and he is going to be the first that has done this shit .. lol
Just trying to stay on track here lol peace out Headband707:)
If selling bad seeds means going to jail ppl then damn !!!!!!!!!!
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