If they were to legalize mj it would put leo, dea, atf, border patrol, coast gaurd, lawyers, judges, baliffs, screws, staffs etc all out of a job so what do they do they fucking throw us on the cross like the are doing to Marc Emery and driving rusty stakes deep in his hands and feet
Like the saying goes as long as theirs thieves their will be prisons.
You can smoke a regular Cigarette which has more toxic chemicals in each one that kills a person with cancer and the Cigarettes companies rub elbows with goverment but mj never killed a person from smoking the plant and they call it an illegal drug > If this isn't fucked up I don't know what Is.
Like the saying goes as long as theirs thieves their will be prisons.
You can smoke a regular Cigarette which has more toxic chemicals in each one that kills a person with cancer and the Cigarettes companies rub elbows with goverment but mj never killed a person from smoking the plant and they call it an illegal drug > If this isn't fucked up I don't know what Is.