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Marc Emery Apologizes: Emery Says he Lied in 2009 About Smoking with Trudeau

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Active member
recall another post of his from that era, where he list off all the crazy, hard and/or designer drugs he used and the womanizing debauchery that ensued ;) hedonistic good times

Johnny Redthumb

liar or not, my hat goes off to emery for his massive cojones for publicly speaking against the DEA and the pointless US drug war. he was ahead of his time in that respect, and no man should suffer for that.


Legend ⭐
Selling F2 knockoffs under a different breeder name is not as bad in my book, as selling seeds under a breeders name that did not produce them.
This is not what I was referring to, Marc also asked several BC grower friends, who separately told me later that he wanted to knock off name varieties so he could sell them as from the original breeders. That and several seed breeders have told me you could order their wares from Marc but they did not sell or they had stopped selling to Marc and Marc just kept on selling seeds as produced by the breeder that did not sell Marc any.
This is old news, and as I said I do not think he deserved time for selling Cannabs seeds, remember I was the first Cannabis seed seller so I understand what is going on pretty well. Or at least I used to...

Emery sold many a knock off, but many were as GS said, known F2's under a Canadian seed co heading. hell, the BCSC was according to them "the first seed co in north america" and most of their stock was Sensi knocks and old nor cal stuff. I don't believe he sold locally made F2's of Sensi or Sagarmatha for example and sold them in breeders packs. most emery seeds came in corrugated plastic with felt pen scribble. the knocking off of genetics and profiteering is still very alive and well...how many "Critical" strains are in Europe ? not to mention, quality Dutch genetics were $$$ back then and to have made available F2's in the $5 a seed price point was very enticing to many folks on a budget


Active member
At this point I have made my mind up.
This is really old ground.

I don't want to be RIGHT, but based on what the things
that were all re-hashing, it aint good.

I definataly HAVE done some shit I am NOT proud of.
I also have made apologies, and amends where possible.

I have never threatened to, or have I EVER SNITCHED!!!
When he opend his mouth, and threatened his customers, He pointed THE FINGER, at himself.

Am I NOT entitled to My opinion?

Show me where im wrong don't question my past as a defense for others Bad behavior.

You are right,, I am sure we all have done things, were not proud of, and at the time others were correct to judge.

Without some sort of judgment, by our peers, the world would fall to Anacrchy rulled by the worst Sociopaths imaginable.( ah shit were already there)


Johnny Redthumb

its a seedy biz for sure. can't blame him though. there wasn't much talk in the 90s for preserving other breeders work and no one expected things to open up like they did and seed lines to be less important than clones. if you look at the current seed biz, most breeders now are just further hybridizing all the shit that has already existed...everyone is ripping off everyone. its like in the 80s and 90s music scene, everyone sampled everyone. maybe stealing or borrowing ideas is the natural order for humans and intellectual property is just a passing 20th century trend...

Green Supreme

Well-known member
How about this, say you get seed for an Afghani from Afghanistan. You start selling the beans as Afghani. Did you create the Afghani you are selling? Or just market something that was not yours?

Talk amongst yaselves. Peace GS


He's a true office politic that happens to smoke weed, is how I think of emery after this comment right here....

"I am wrong, wrong, wrong," he said. "That video was recoded in July 2009, I was clearly upset that in the 2009 session of Parliament, Mr. Trudeau supported the Conservative legislation on mandatory minimums for pot."

so what because you're emotional it breaks ground to start lying, so that to make people jump to support your cause??

Our cause is right we don't need to lie, people like emery and others need to lie

Oh and his wifes hot, but I don't like her either

Don't care for marc to much but support his activism. Jodi is good people though


Well-known member
Well, here's that link:

CannabisCulture cleaned up most of the evidence on their forum but the info is still out there!

And interestingly enough, even though there's only 1 page left of the thread, a poster just happens to mention the F2 scandal/problem also!:tiphat:

marc may have cleaned up his act and Jodie's wearing her high heels and pearls alla the time now, but no amount a lipstick is going to disguise this pig.:blowbubbles:
I really miss Marc. He's a great Canadian politician, pot activist and an inspiration to many people. He dared to challenge the system, was targeted by the DEA and ended up being extradited to the US for something that is not illegal in Canada. Canada used to be a free country where we didn't have to live in fear of oppression. All America's doing is giving more people reason to hate them.


New member
emery is a FLAKE ..a FRAUD and AN IDIOT

emery is a FLAKE ..a FRAUD and AN IDIOT

Wow I nearly threw up reading some of the comments

I am amazed at the power of rumor and fable I really am

Just as a note here for some that have no clue who I am and I know that is many because unlike the prime pimple of pot or his legion of wives and ex wives its never been about me...just the cause

But heres from my Fake Book page


About You
Some call me shrek..
my youngest started it


BC Marijuana Party co/founder 2001
6 Federal election fights over 12 years 4 with in party's
2 " Independent " Federal balloted runs
3 (now 4) Provincial elections 2001 2005 2009...(2013) always a loser..of course... but cannabis is now not treated as an issue like pedophilia etc anymore either..if you get that
I have never ever run in the same place twice...ever (til now I guess)
2013...BC....???...I hope not...(yes I am in it !)

How long before they get it..??

bc green leader election attempt 2007
ndp presidential election attempt 2006 (quebec city)
civic election 1983

I have now helped to put re legalized cannabis into 3 national political partys policy ( I am being nice as no one helped originally actually)
Either by directly obtaining ..getting them approved and presenting the Resolutions myself (ndp ,,and greens) or by networking through and with a group of liberals who were too afraid to stand up personally themselves the resolution shows ....now lots come out of the closet...LOL

(ndp turned into cowards though)

(and greens dont exist anymore...sadly..its the may party )

(liberals ? its still out but their history with the issue is terrible...I left them once before in 1978 when they again failed to act on members wishes then ...their soon new leader was in some peoples opinions blackmailed to reverse his cannabis views and is now for it....I video taped him with a spy cam explaining how we smoked in 2004 and that he was a hypocrite ..more to it...but..he came around as I say)

I will again be the most honest and qualified canadiate I believe so I will of course be probabbly ignored even though all my ideas and issues will eventually be copied like all the other times I have run

I pledge to DESTROY SENSELESS BS ..or as some call it sensible bc

Comecashin-at club owners are trying to think my over 20 year effort is now going to settle for that fake word decrim better learn right now its over and IT will FAIL ...I PROMISE

See below for more info





If anyone has concerns please drop me a line


And I just finished as the party says blackmailing justin trudeau the new leader to say he would legalize and admit his own cannabis use with a spy camera recorded confession obtained legally

Long stories all but

I think some of you should look here for starters


And once you have we can compare thoughts and I can provide more but anyone who thinks emery one of us or a hero is to me an idiot !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Green Supreme

Well-known member
Shavluk is a pro Emery hater. He doesn't seem to do much for his own rep. Always shows he is wackado sooner or later. Peace GS


New member
Shavluk is a pro Emery hater. He doesn't seem to do much for his own rep. Always shows he is wackado sooner or later. Peace GS

Oh my ...wow

I dont hide my girly features like you do behind some fake name and pretend I am an activist because I smoke pot either

If this place is afraid of serious discussion please say so

I have been beaten jailed bankrupted and a whole list of more things I can describe like being attacked by our own prime minister and bikers breaking in to cut my head off with a samurai sword

and you?

I stand by all I say and then some

anyone actually want debate? or just attack and put downs


lets all take a breath and just relax, i got a fatty burning and i hope you do too.

Welcome to icmag shavluk, hope you will be able to settle down in comfort and enjoy the site resources. we are always glad to hear about peoples activisim in real life or online for that matter.

anyway we should all remember the old saying, don't kick a man who's already down and don't talk bad about people who are not here to defend them selves. so lets just chill out, in the end it has nothing to do with our site here so not worth having a great big row about, specially while he's not even free to represent himself in his own defense.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Hey Shavluk, how many political parties will admit you affiliation with them openly? Peace GS

ps. it has long been known you have a hate on for Marc


New member
lets all take a breath and just relax, i got a fatty burning and i hope you do too.

Welcome to icmag shavluk, hope you will be able to settle down in comfort and enjoy the site resources. we are always glad to hear about peoples activisim in real life or online for that matter.

anyway we should all remember the old saying, don't kick a man who's already down and don't talk bad about people who are not here to defend them selves. so lets just chill out, in the end it has nothing to do with our site here so not worth having a great big row about, specially while he's not even free to represent himself in his own defense.

Thank you Sir
Good advice
How about I just stay with things I said to his face and he ignored over 10 years while there then?

Or what about we just post verifiable facts?

I have absolutely nothing to hide and only do this because no one has created more damage in canada on this issue politically then emery

You should all see his tactics by his apology for lying about our soon Prime Minister justin trudeau

I am finally vindicated and expect to be much more actually

I am here because of the fables and I am here to clear it up....

the facts are emery lied to our kind for his own infamy and its his BS that has a criminal government in power

its a long story
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