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mandatory minimum in newyork


Active member
don't know for sure!! but NY has decrimed weed possesion of small amounts BUT they have those "Rockafeller Laws" and i have heard/read somewheres that they r "brutal"

good luck!!


Active member
newbieb, do you get the common theme to the answers in the threads you have started?

You do not seem old enough or at all ready to grow any weed. Be patient and wait until you are an adult and have your own place.


the rockefeller laws are still on but i dont think it pertains to marijuana i looked at norml though they only have 1 pound and over

Stoney McToke

New member
mandatory minumum? well where i come from growing usually mean a mandatory minimum of three felonies! Manufactoring a controlled substance, Felony Possession, INtent to distribute just for starters. Usually possession of a plant in the U.S. is a felony.


18 and Doh!
You can't be too young to grow pot. I started when I was 14 (sure I fucked up the first few times), but now I'm 18 and I'm happy to have started early and learned from my mistakes.