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Man sold drugs to smoke for free


so is this news or an anecdote or what? "person gets busted. spills his guts. cops a charge" doesn't sound like news to me mate. Smallsmindsville? Worksalot? What is this?? I understand the underlying message with egregious government spending and all but am curious about the point of this thread.


Active member
The guy had a prior for basically the same thing. In the USA he would be going to jail even if it was county jail for months.

The other poster was right too. Many people mess up on probation usually a hot piss test or a drive by house inspection, no search warrant needed at any time.

I would have figured Australia would be lenient in a kinda wild west way.


Active member
It’s an actual news story from a couple of days ago. I just changed the names and town of people involved.

The point is: Even the judge can see that this man is staying out of trouble and can see that he only wants to use the smoko for personal use but is put in a situation by the growing laws where he has to sell to his friends so he has enough to keep himself in smoke.

Further more why are finite tax resources being wasted on this sort of thing when clearly everyone including the judge can see it’s just a waste of time and he will go back to doing what he does.
When you sit back and start to account for all the time and money spent on this what’s the grand total? 10k? 20k? minus the 1k fine. It’s a mathematical joke. And these are the people in charge of running the show! wtf
Money that could have been used on things like health or education.


Active member
Are the law makers afraid that if they loosen the growing laws that people will grow shitloads?<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Logic says that if everyone is free to grow as much as they like then everyone will have as much as they like and any illegal market will be nullified.<o:p></o:p>
The people will have money! To spend! Stimulate the economy!<o:p></o:p>
At the Sydney Opera House during his campaign launch for the 1987 federal election Bob Hawke said: "By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty."
Yeah well I would like and extra $300 per week. But that’s what I’m paying for smoko.
So where does that money go? To some dealer. To spend in another country!
A bust of like 5 grow houses around the corner from my place went down not long ago. None of them were aussie! The money was going out of the country! Wtf man…


Active member
wow that fucking sucks getting raidfed for an 8th and 150 bucks HAHAH wow that is straight horseshit, those cops heads are so far up their asses.

even funnier how they call weed a dangerous drug, like all the chemical pharmas arent dangerous with their 2 paragraph list of possible bad side effects..