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Man sold drugs to smoke for free


Active member
POLICE who raided a home discovered the occupant was supplying cannabis to friends to fund his own drug use.
Smallmindsville Magistrates Court heard Smallmindsville Tactical Crime Squad officers searched the 49-year-old’s home.
Agent Smith admitted he sold marijuana to six friends for about $25 a bag since Christmas but refused to divulge their names.
Police also found 2.5 grams of cannabis, 3.3 grams of cannabis seeds, an elaborate metal water pipe and a small amount of speed.
Prosecutor Sergeant John Worskalot said Smith handed over $150 which he had made selling cannabis to friends but claimed he only did this so he could smoke the rest “for free”.
“He said he purchased an ounce and he sold it to his friends to get the original money back allowing him to smoke the remainder for free,” Sgt Worskalot said.
Smith pleaded guilty to six charges of supplying dangerous drugs, two charges of possessing drugs, possessing utensils and possessing property suspected of being the proceeds of an offence.
He was fined $1000.
Smith, who has similar criminal convictions in 2005, told the court the drugs were mostly for personal use.
Magistrate Donna Mcburger said she accepted Smith had mostly used the drugs for personal use rather than a “more serious drug dealing situation”.
“You have a previous back in 2005 but since that time you’ve obviously stayed out of trouble,” Ms Mcburger said.

This is how it is down under. Logic and reason are out the window.
Now poor Agent Smith has two criminal convictions which will make life hard. Plus he is $1000 down. Thats about 4 ounces of nice herb that would have kept poor Agent Smith doin his thing "out of trouble".

If Sgt Worskalot & Magistrate Mcburger honestly believe Agent Smith smith has done something wrong why arnt they around Agent Smith's home every week to make sure Agent Smith isnt committing these criminal acts?
They know he has been doing it everyday since 2005. And everyone else who has ever had a cannabis related conviction.

By their own standards Sgt Worskalot & Magistrate Mcburger are failing their duty of care for the good people of Smallmindsville EVERYDAY!.
(5yrs x 365 = 1825days) X (155000 population of Smallmindsville) = 282875000 (or should that be the state? 4,406,823 (8042451975))

How about we drag Sgt Worskalot & Magistrate Mcburger through the system for 282875000 counts of turning the blind eye.

Stop wasting our hard earned tax dollars on this nonsense. Use the $ to put computers in our childrens schools.

Rather they just turn up every 5 years to wreak havoc in Agent Smith's life & blow a bunch of tax dollars while they are at it.

When you live on driest continent on the planet and water tanks are not mandatory on all new homes
When you live on the sunniest continent on the planet and solar pannels are not mandatory on all new homes
When all that crap above is going on everyday...

Our system is so seriously forked up people have to ask the question why. When you oppress the people they revolt! I wouldnt be supprised if a whole lot of "crimial keepin out of trouble on the lounge" types are takin names n ready to kick ass (legally of course).


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's what we did when I was young. We would buy an couple z's and sell one so the other was free. When I was in High School everyone would pay me to Roll up there bud. It's to bad the guy got busted.
That's what we did when I was young. We would buy an couple z's and sell one so the other was free. When I was in High School everyone would pay me to Roll up there bud. It's to bad the guy got busted.

It was great being 'the guy who could roll'.

Happy times :biggrin:
Ya, real serious 'drug dealing'.....'situation', something a 16 year old kid does. He is 49 and not a big deal helping friends out!
sounds like a grade A dumbass....letting cops into your house and then giving them the down low on ur whole operation....wow this guy sucks.


I feel for this guy, I used to do the same thing on a smaller scale. Buy an quarter, slang it out to all the stoners I knew and smoke the profit. Shame this dude got caught...

cannabis god

i think a lot of people do the same thing with their friends.it's a shame!


Canna Coco grower
Smallmindsville ?

haha... First thing I thought about too... lol...

Then I figured must be those kinda a people living there.. obviously this guy anyways...


1k... and good bye.. No prison.. no jail no probation piss test illegal searches... AND HE ADMITTED SELLING HERBS... AND HE HAD SPEED....

What a justice system... :0)


Canna Coco grower
Possibly, but not likely. I've seen worst cases than this and the people were just put on probation, fined and told to go to drug rehab.

Oh... IS THAT ALL???? hahahaha.... be done with that in a few weeks right????

don't be coy and make what you said... sound like a walk in the park.... Once you fall into the "criminal justice system" of the U.S.of A.

Probation.. and rehab... has sent more people to jail and prison than judges initially...

ITS A LIFE FUCKING..... is what it is today.... and I feel for anyone under its thumb...

This guy got off easier than anyone would have ANYWHERE in the usa... heck even cali.. speed is a felony all in and of its self... and 6 counts of delivery... Well.. probation??? maybe.. but how many friends did ya send to the pens.... hahahaha


Oh... IS THAT ALL???? hahahaha.... be done with that in a few weeks right????

don't be coy and make what you said... sound like a walk in the park.... Once you fall into the "criminal justice system" of the U.S.of A.

Probation.. and rehab... has sent more people to jail and prison than judges initially...

ITS A LIFE FUCKING..... is what it is today.... and I feel for anyone under its thumb...

This guy got off easier than anyone would have ANYWHERE in the usa... heck even cali.. speed is a felony all in and of its self... and 6 counts of delivery... Well.. probation??? maybe.. but how many friends did ya send to the pens.... hahahaha

lol, relax man. :joint:

I was just saying if he were in the states he most likely wouldn't have been in jail.


Canna Coco grower
lol, relax man. :joint:

I was just saying if he were in the states he most likely wouldn't have been in jail. They wouldn't be able to hold 6 counts of delivery against him unless an officer or a snitch who is willing to testify was present during the crime. He would have been busted with the weed he had on him and the speed. Even if he did admit to the police inside his house what he had done, it couldn't be held against him. He could have lawyer'd up and pleaded he was under duress without being read his Miranda rights.End of story.

Ahh.. the good ole dayz, when we had a constitution :)

See its been a while since you or anyone you know closely, has had a serious run in... :)

Its all good bro... :)

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