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Malawi x PCK


Well-known member
Still stretching! Looking like the mom's side


Well-known member
She started to form small buds this week, I believe the stretch has slowed now. Just topdressed heavy again and watered. The plant has stayed nice and open, with slim but sturdy branches. Has flecks of purple/red at the nodes and petioles. I hope I at least get a flash of color in the buds.
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Active member
Hey guys, hope you are all doing well. Even tho this year I'm not making a thread of my own, I still wanted to share my experiencie with these genetics a little bit, since last season they worked pretty good for me;

This year I got my seeds from the 4/20 - 2x1 offer throughout the ACE website. So I got 10 seeds of which I popped 3; in general they were slighty bigger than the ones I got last season, and I decided to pop the smaller ones to test. All of them germinated in 3-4 days (counting the 48hrs of water soak + paper towels), so still 100% germination rate after 6 or 7 years with ACE gear.

They were planted into 6L pots and popped out of the soil around June 1st. On July 3rd they were transplanted to 17L pots, and for the final phase they are now into 40L containers (transplanted August 3rd). So I went from my usual 1L>6L>17L to 6L>17L>40L.

I will start with plant #1:

4 July. Recently transplanted into 17L after 1 month in 6L.
MPCK#1 (4 July)(smallest seed) - Click image for larger version  Name:	IMG-20210704-WA00051.jpg Views:	0 Size:	92.8 KB ID:	17918267

13 July. Slight deficiency but nothing really serious.

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2 August. That's how it's looking after 1 month into the 17L pot. Still some deficiencies and low PH but looking OK.

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3 August. Just transplanted into their last 40L containers. Standing at 117cm tall aprox.

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Active member
And now some "random" pics. To compare them side by side.

4 july.

1-2-3 comp-4july.jpg

2 aug roots


4 aug


So yeah. That's about it for now. Sorry for the picture "spam", but I've tried to summarize as well as I could.

More pictures when they are done with the strectch.

Have a nice weekend!


Active member
Ok so, It looks like the plants slowed down the stretch quite a bit since Aug/20; In the last 15 days they have grown around 10-12cm. In Aug/20 they also started to show white stigmas, except MPCK#2 that is 7-10 days behind. Hopefully they won't grow more than another 5cm, because they are already kinda big for my space.

One of the MPCKs I had last year suffered a lot from the early/mid september rains. So this year I'm going to try to keep them out of the rain from now on, but I still expect some loses due to mold (43ºN for those who are wondering).

MPCK#1: 170cm tall. The lower, bigger stems are around 100cm long or so. Looking ok considering they are already rootbounded, but as you will see they are still suffering from defficiencies and such.

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MPCK#1 - aeryal.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	MPCK#1 - aeryal.jpg Views:	0 Size:	82.3 KB ID:	17934417

Deficiencies: Some N, P and also maybe some K. Ca+Mg for sure, and most likely microdeficiencies as well (Fe, Mb, S... you know). PH is still a tad bit low, but I cannot do much about most of these. My water comes out at 30ppm (super soft water), and It looks like my fertilizers are for hard water so... yeah. Also the ratios of P to K are too low, I need some extra P but I don't want to burn the plants with K. Decisions...

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Here you can see a lot dots in the lower leafs. I'm thinking it's a mix of Ca+Mg + Micro deffs, as well as damage caused by some aphids that the plant has + some splashes of water coming from the pool (which has a "high" amount of Chlorine).

MPCK#1 - aeryal.jpg - Click image for larger version  Name:	MPCK#1 - aeryal.jpg Views:	0 Size:	82.3 KB ID:	17934417

Buds starting to form. Idk If you can see it, but the color of the stigmas ranges from white to purple, and some are even pink. The calyxes are purple.

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Active member
MPCK#2 - 159cm tall aprox. A little bit behind her sisters regarding the flower formation; but at the same time she is the one that shows less deficiencies. The calyxes on this one are turning purple too, stigmas seem to be just white so far.

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MPCK#3 - ~157cm tall. Showing some deficiencies too (This one was the most difficult to feed I guess). Stigmas are white, yellowish and some traces of pink. Calyxes are green (the only one out of the three). This is the one with the wider/more open structure. She is around 3 days behind the MPCK#1.

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That's it for now. They could look better but I'm pretty happy with the results so far.
Have a nice weekend!🤸‍♂️


ACE Seeds Breeder
Love the way your Malawi x PCKs look this year vcasqui ;) very healthy and happy in early flowering, and it's not easy to achieve it in pots in a terrace with the temps we have, well done!
Keep feeding strongly now in early flowering since some are already yellowing lower leaves. Best wishes!

Glad to see yours also starting to form budsites ColaCalyx seems she is going to be a sativa leaning pheno.


Active member
Thanks dubi . Indeed keeping them in pots is challenging, specially when they rootbound; I think that using bigger pots this year made it a lot easier for me than usual tho.

That said, I have some bad news: the worst ones are that all my plants are "infested" with caterpillars. I spent all the weekend + Monday removing them and cleaning their shits off the leafs and buds. I removed 30+ of them; most of them were thin and not too long, some were "translucid" and very small (really young ones), and 5 or 6 were bigger and fatter. The most infested of them is MPCK#1 by far. And today I sprayed BT, which was a pretty hard work; I sprayed around 3 liters on each plant (except #2 that was pretty clean and got around 1L), going pretty much leaf by leaf with a shitty bottle sprayer; my hands hurt quite a bit right now haha. I didn't want to spray anything on the buds at this point, but it is what it is.

I have also found some white powder-like stuff than I'm afraid might be mildew, so I defoliated them (specially MPCK#2, that was very bushy and pretty) to provide better airflow mainly.

Sadly I can only really visit them once a week, so when I saw the "caterpillar show" I was kinda bummed. So I also did this to keep them out of the rain in the upcoming weeks: my little "greenhouse" hehe.



Which doesn't look like much, but It was not that easy to do haha. Obviously they will have less light (in intensity and time) than outside, but It should be better than leting them get soaking wet in October/Novemeber, when the buds are fatter and denser.


Active member
Ok, and now some pics and info about the plants. The pics were taken today (14/Sept) after the BT spray and the defoliation.

MPCK#1: This is the one that has most of the caterpillars. The yellowing of the leafs also advanced quite a bit; I'm guessing this is because the first half of september was rainy here, so they transpired less and drinked less water, therefore less nutrients available to eat since the waterings were less abundant; So the action I'm taking is to give them 2 types of watering: one for rainy/cloudy days with an increased dose of nutrients, and the other for really hot days with the "standart" dose of nutrients.

I guess the best definition for the smell of it is the one from ACE website: fermented lemon. But she also has this "organic"-birdshit-like smell at certains times of the day: But after the BT spray it smells quite awfull; kinda like wetness and some other shit that I really don't like. I really really hope the smell returns to what it was previously. No more pink/purple pigmentation in the stigmas, but very nice purple on the buds and some of the smaller leafs.



Caterpillar damage



Active member
MPCK#2: Not much to say about this one. She was very bushy before defoliation. It's the "healthiest" one. Around 10+ days behind the others and the buds are just starting to form.



MPCK#3: The only green one this year. I have also found 4 or 5 caterpillar on this one. I cannot describe the smell as of yet, but she also has this "distinctive" organic-birdshit-like fragance, probably even more prominet than MPCK#1.



So that's it for now. Hopeffuly I will come with better news in a couple of weeks.
Take care y'all.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Sorry about the caterpillars vcasqui they are a classic during flowering in humid climates.
Since it is a very common plague, i always recommend friends and growers to spray with BT and look for them after every cycle of rain during August and early Sept .... caterpillars eggs born after these rainy episodes, so at least you can predict when most of the danger will appear. Remove affected areas to avoid later botrytis.

On the positive side, plants are doing great, love how that first purple sativied pheno looks like ;)


Active member
Ye, thanks dubi. I did the BT spray yesterday. The caterpillars were mostly small and the buds were healthy (except for some eaten stigmas), only the leafs were damaged as far as I could see; so I still have hopes for a good harvest. Now I'm hoping that the odour from the BT goes away sooner than later, and if everything goes OK then maybe I will spray again in 15 days. But now it's time to harvest the grapes, so I don't think I will have much time to check on my babies :(


Well-known member
My purple sativa pheno! Purple is even on the main stalk here in hot SoCal. So far I get a spicy sweet lemon, pine, melon funk from the resin. Looking forward to this October harvest

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You can see a caterpillar egg. I spray BT to control the Heliothis virescens (budworm moth) caterpillars.

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