Give it a go brother on some cob you are familiar with.I also find the whole plant experience of chewed cob preferable to extracts.
Always seems to lose something in the extraction process.
And swallowed cob in any dose over 0.1-0.2 usually does slay me for some portion of the day- in a good but maybe not so functional way, somewhat depending on the cob. Usually a very brief lay down- ten minutes or so and we're good to go, and as Tangwena has described, higher.
May have to try spitting a bit more rather than religiously chewing and swallowing.
Double the dose but dont swallow the dust and get back to me with your thoughts ha ha.
With mine its like pure ecstacy over the top feelings of love and understanding of every living thing its unreal!
The golden Mulanje x Malawi/Ethiopian I'm using is a different animal this way even better than it was.
AND it was already pretty darn good ha ha.
Your wife may have to run pretty fast to get away from you ha ha its pure bliss.