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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Well-known member
Will post pictures for sure. Big fan of the Panama, and it's Hybrids from ACE. Got one going now looking textbook Diosa. Also planning to Cob some Super Malawi Haze x Banana Hooch (Subcool).

Which initial drying method is preferred, Hanging or Laying and Turning?

Very cool cant wait I hang mine but how you dry them doesn't matter as long as they are the correct moisture content.
Any pics of the Diosa looking plant I have always wanted to see one.
Golden Tiger cob got mold (see the yellow dots).. do I just toss it or is there some way to make use of it??


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Well-known member
Golden Tiger cob got mold (see the yellow dots).. do I just toss it or is there some way to make use of it??

Thats a shame it was obviously not dried enough or left unsealed or both.
The mold is usually only on the surface if it is surface you can carve or peel the outer kin off with a sharp knife remove a decent amount of the lower material as well until you get clean looking cob.
I know some people have a paranoia about any kind of mold but I smoked heaps in Africa that had mold especially cobs scored in the rainy season.
I had no ill effects even then or now but if your scared bin it.
You could always make oil with it after removing the outer layer if your worried.
I can only say what I would do its not a medical recommendation in any way it just doesn't worry me as much as some people.
It is most important to dry the cobs after removing them from the vac sealed bag this stops them molding I cant emphasize this enough.


Well-known member
Hi Tangwena,

Here is the Panama from ACE.

Yeah thats a beauty that cola will be big and fat come harvest I have seen that pheno before its my favorite.
I had a similar looking Panama x Honduras regular that took after the Panama goddess like that one really good.
Panama is the funkiest smelling cob out there and that pheno in particular.
A really heavy East coast Aussie smoker hit a bong of Panama cob and only needed one hit he couldn't even finish the one bowl its got lots of clout cobbed.


Well-known member
Hey Tangwena!

Yeah, this pheno of the Panama is great. Speedy, chunky, and compact.

Days away from making first Cob.

Me too I have some lower buds from my current Mulanje getting ready for harvest and cure.
I have a feeling this grow is going to be something very special.

Your in for a treat with the Panama cobbed the fermented smells of the Panama cob is something very very special the most beautiful funky skunky sweet smell just screams dope.
The high is another level higher than anything I have had from South America cobbed its amazing no other words describe it.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
Tangwena, thanks so much for passing this technique on to everyone.
I just unwrapped some ACE Panama red Pheno Cobs and some Cannabiogen Destroyer Cobs to check on them at a little over the 1 month curing point.

The smell is amazing, the texture is very fluffy and soft when breaking both of them up. No mold issues on either which is awesome. The same Panama molded like crazy in the burping jar but zero issues in the cob.
The Effect!!! Man this is awesome. Side by side of the cob vs the same buds jar cured is noticeable. Cob cured smacks me hard with a head and body rush with almost every hit. It’s extremely smooth smoking and tasty as well.

I had a much easier time with the cobs than I do with Jar burping. I leave home for weeks at a time and the cobs never need attention so it works out perfect for me. With how the effect is, I don’t care that it looks like a weed dookie roll I’m smoking. And the smell man, holy Shit the smell is amazing.

My Tolerance is also at the ridiculous level. I smoke and eat weed constantly, and very rarely feel like this. I took 1 big rip off my bong with some of the cobbled destroyer this morning and have had to go back and correct pretty much everything I’ve typed because it was all one mushed together run on sentence.

Thanks again for sharing the knowledge and refining the technique into such a repeatable and easy process.
I did mine in Parchment paper this time, but am growing a bunch of corn for use with my outdoor fall harvest this year. So excited. Gonna have KA5H cobs out the wazoo.


Well-known member
Tangwena, thanks so much for passing this technique on to everyone.
I just unwrapped some ACE Panama red Pheno Cobs and some Cannabiogen Destroyer Cobs to check on them at a little over the 1 month curing point.

The smell is amazing, the texture is very fluffy and soft when breaking both of them up. No mold issues on either which is awesome. The same Panama molded like crazy in the burping jar but zero issues in the cob.
The Effect!!! Man this is awesome. Side by side of the cob vs the same buds jar cured is noticeable. Cob cured smacks me hard with a head and body rush with almost every hit. It’s extremely smooth smoking and tasty as well.

I had a much easier time with the cobs than I do with Jar burping. I leave home for weeks at a time and the cobs never need attention so it works out perfect for me. With how the effect is, I don’t care that it looks like a weed dookie roll I’m smoking. And the smell man, holy Shit the smell is amazing.

My Tolerance is also at the ridiculous level. I smoke and eat weed constantly, and very rarely feel like this. I took 1 big rip off my bong with some of the cobbled destroyer this morning and have had to go back and correct pretty much everything I’ve typed because it was all one mushed together run on sentence.

Thanks again for sharing the knowledge and refining the technique into such a repeatable and easy process.
I did mine in Parchment paper this time, but am growing a bunch of corn for use with my outdoor fall harvest this year. So excited. Gonna have KA5H cobs out the wazoo.

When I read a report like that it makes my day brother.
The sole reason I joined the forums was to spread the word to people like yourself who love their weed and love to get really high.
Welcome to the cob club brother the two strains you grew are some of the best pot on the planet so I can imagine the results are outstanding.
Much love my friend.

Cactus Squatter

Well-known member
When I read a report like that it makes my day brother.
The sole reason I joined the forums was to spread the word to people like yourself who love their weed and love to get really high.
Welcome to the cob club brother the two strains you grew are some of the best pot on the planet so I can imagine the results are outstanding.
Much love my friend.

I think I remember reading somewhere that you usually eat a bean sized piece instead of smoking? Or was that haze fog making me think I read that? 😂

I can’t wait for fall. I’ll have Zamaldelica, Panama x Bangi haze, 2 KA5H phenos, Honduras x Panama, 2 Destroyers, Malawi and Golden Tiger waiting to get rolled up.


Well-known member
I think I remember reading somewhere that you usually eat a bean sized piece instead of smoking? Or was that haze fog making me think I read that? 😂

I can’t wait for fall. I’ll have Zamaldelica, Panama x Bangi haze, 2 KA5H phenos, Honduras x Panama, 2 Destroyers, Malawi and Golden Tiger waiting to get rolled up.

Holy Jeesus man thats a dream collection of strains you will have a lot of friends once those cobs cure ha ha.
YES! try chewing between half a gram and three quarters of a gram although some of my friends do a gram sometimes ha ha.
Chew it into dust suck all the juices out then wash it down with a glass of water and dont smoke ANYTHING!

But make sure you dont have to drive or do anything too dangerous for 5 to 8 hours because though you may think you can fly its all in your head my friend.
It takes my friends about an hour for it to hit its stride (its almost instant for me ha ha) then it just keeps building coming in waves of euphoria that are hard to handle in public haha.
It helps if you dont smoke, as smoking dulls the effects. I no longer smoke at all and find even 0.1g of the right cob is just fantastic but 0.25g is better.

Try not to over dose it overwhelm's the more subtle trippy effects and just knocks you into a trippy dream world ha ha. Be patient wait for the effects they will be new to you and you may not realize you are high for a while, its like a different drug to smoking and lasts forever ha ha.
There is more to cannabis than a lot of folks realize, the African medicine men knew it.
There is more to cannabis than a lot of folks realize, the African medicine men knew it.

We managed to reverse engineer cannabis with pretty good accuracy before taking it to the lab. Well, it all started in the lab by quantifying exudates to develop a theory on symbiosis.

It's became clear who else beat me to the chase, besides our ancestors. Seeing all the patented application of derivatives. Derivatives of compounds produced exclusively through microbial symbiosis. The histone deacetylase inhibitors alone [in organic cannabis] would put end to the revenue lanes of all the cases of cancer, stroke, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and neurodegeneration they've caused in conjunction with the conventional farming scam.

Cannabis is not some magic bullet. It's an antidote to the poisonous commercial life, a return to childhood normality that's been slowly stripped away from all of us.

If I listed every useful compound in Cannabis, and every harmful compound in Cannabis... well I guess it's a good thing absolutely no one would listen, or I'd end up dead, taken out by a prescription hitman. The concept that the value in Cannabis comes from hemp cannabinoids and air freshener terpenes is a lie purported by the industries who have been reverse engineering the plant ever since they had it taken out of the publics hands.




Well-known member
Cobbed MJ is the only way to go.


thanks Tangwena for putting it out there.🙏🌄
​​​​​​A must try for any lover of fine cannabis, try uncobbed next to the cobbled after a good long rest, talking chalk and cheese.
apart from improving with age, it's what it does for the effect, though best with nice sativas, cobbing works for hybrids too, when they (finally) drop in the effect is... deeper...

Talking to a guy from Acheh who mentioned that there they press between two boards screwed together and leave it "in the cow house" for a few weeks. Hadn't talked about cobs with him, he just offered the information while we were talking colour.
​​​​​​Looks like dirt but grail material for myself and another experienced traveling companion.

thank you again for this gem, your kindness and thoughtful replies (esp early on in the face of some heavy opinions) speak volumes Though i liked where we were at before, I'm so glad to be here now.
The old man says "yeah-keep doing that, just makes for a better drug".😂😄


Well-known member
We managed to reverse engineer cannabis with pretty good accuracy before taking it to the lab. Well, it all started in the lab by quantifying exudates to develop a theory on symbiosis.

It's became clear who else beat me to the chase, besides our ancestors. Seeing all the patented application of derivatives. Derivatives of compounds produced exclusively through microbial symbiosis. The histone deacetylase inhibitors alone [in organic cannabis] would put end to the revenue lanes of all the cases of cancer, stroke, heart disease, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and neurodegeneration they've caused in conjunction with the conventional farming scam.

Cannabis is not some magic bullet. It's an antidote to the poisonous commercial life, a return to childhood normality that's been slowly stripped away from all of us.

If I listed every useful compound in Cannabis, and every harmful compound in Cannabis... well I guess it's a good thing absolutely no one would listen, or I'd end up dead, taken out by a prescription hitman. The concept that the value in Cannabis comes from hemp cannabinoids and air freshener terpenes is a lie purported by the industries who have been reverse engineering the plant ever since they had it taken out of the publics hands.



Very inciteful and totally on the money my friend


Well-known member

thanks Tangwena for putting it out there.🙏🌄
​​​​​​A must try for any lover of fine cannabis, try uncobbed next to the cobbled after a good long rest, talking chalk and cheese.
apart from improving with age, it's what it does for the effect, though best with nice sativas, cobbing works for hybrids too, when they (finally) drop in the effect is... deeper...

Talking to a guy from Acheh who mentioned that there they press between two boards screwed together and leave it "in the cow house" for a few weeks. Hadn't talked about cobs with him, he just offered the information while we were talking colour.
​​​​​​Looks like dirt but grail material for myself and another experienced traveling companion.

thank you again for this gem, your kindness and thoughtful replies (esp early on in the face of some heavy opinions) speak volumes Though i liked where we were at before, I'm so glad to be here now.
The old man says "yeah-keep doing that, just makes for a better drug".😂😄

I learn something every day thats just amazing this method of curing was world wide it seems except in the west, go figure hey?


Active member
Hello Tangwena, making sure i'm doing this right & a few questions.
Wrap cob tightly in corn husk, 1-2 ozs, vac seal & sweat 24hr. 40c . Unseal, dry cob , revac. store 7 days warm 25-30c. Unseal, let cob dry to touch, reseal & let cure.
Question: During ferment is 7 day good? Should i go longer? Is there anything you can tell me to help with hybrids? Is it worth doing it with hybrids?
While curing should it be cool dry dark?
When you sample should you revac the rest? I will have a canary in with cob.
Thank You in advance


Well-known member
Hello Tangwena, making sure i'm doing this right & a few questions.
Wrap cob tightly in corn husk, 1-2 ozs, vac seal & sweat 24hr. 40c . Unseal, dry cob , revac. store 7 days warm 25-30c. Unseal, let cob dry to touch, reseal & let cure.
Question: During ferment is 7 day good? Should i go longer? Is there anything you can tell me to help with hybrids? Is it worth doing it with hybrids?
While curing should it be cool dry dark?
When you sample should you revac the rest? I will have a canary in with cob.
Thank You in advance

Hi my friend good on you for giving it a go.
To answer your questions in the order you asked them.

The sweating time will depend on how moist the buds are when you seal them up in the cob.
I would go for 6 to 12 hours at 40c initially the reason for this is 24hrs straight off can over do it if the buds are are a bit too moist to begin with.
Better to play it safe and start low say 6 hours then check your canary bud if it has changed color or if the cob shows visible signs of sweating ie moisture droplets inside the bag around the cob it is enough sweating.
If not then extend the sweating for another 6 hours. Most cases 12 hours is enough to produce visible water droplets inside the vacuum bag.
Once you see moisture drops open the bag dry the bag and the cob until the skin of the cob is dry. Most times I discard the maize husks to ensure the cob surface is dried then either re wrap or not use the maize husk any more its not really needed.
I use a dehydrator for this its a lot quicker and safer.

Revac and ferment for 6 to 7 days at a warm temp 25 to 30c no need to go longer and you can over ferment and loose a lot of the beautiful terps.
Unseal after 6 to 7 days if you have done it right you should get a very sweet fermented smell its very pungent and quite pleasant.
The cob should be moist again and will have usually compacted and will require drying again.You should not need longer than 7 days.
Once dried to the touch re seal and keep in a warm 25c place to cure and age. Continue checking and drying if its still moist, when you open it every month.
After 3 months it should be cured and dried enough to either use or store vacuum sealed to age almost indefinitely.

Fully dried and vacuum sealed they stay in suspended animation for years and when opened are as good as the day they were sealed even better.
When you sample only take as much as you need to sample or use, then reseal the rest it will stay fresh that way.

As far as hybrids go it is more to do with the high un cured than whether or not its a sativa or hybrid ect.
If it has a good high to begin with then it will enhance and change that high for the better.
Sativas usually have a multi faceted high this cure works well with that sort of effect.

If it is a stony narcotic monotone type of high there is not as much to work with so it appears to not work so well thats all.
A high quality potent sativa type high usually has many subtle layers to the high, some of which are not apparent when just dried and aged as in the so called jar cured buds.
Fermenting cures like cobbing can elevate these effects while toning down others giving the appearance of changing the high.
But it has to be available in the first place low quality, weak or badly grown pot will not become better or more potent, it has to be there in the first place.

Best of luck this is a hands on art form easy once you have practiced but daunting at first go slow use your eyes and nose.
I recently sent a friend interested in trying this, the sticky empty vacuum bags from a recently completed cure. Just so he could smell the aromas in the bags as the resin and oils stuck to the bags are amazing.
Once you smell them once you will remember and recognize them when you come across them in your own cure its the fastest way to learn I have found.


Active member
My girlfriend was taking care of a cob for a friend and I was on a trip so when I came back I noticed it looked quite different from my cob which was fermented when it was already quite dry, his was fermented when ti was very humid still, they were both left out of their vac bags for 2 weeks with a very slow dry, I think my cob of which I will post later came out just right but my friends seems to have gotten mouldy but I’m not sure, so I just wanted a second opinion on if the little green looking tricomes threat are in a group are in fact tricomes or are they mould?, you can see on the other side of the photos that there are tricomes that look more amber which is the color I’d expect. Any one who has the experience and can help identify if it’s mould, it would certainly be appreciated


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Well-known member
My girlfriend was taking care of a cob for a friend and I was on a trip so when I came back I noticed it looked quite different from my cob which was fermented when it was already quite dry, his was fermented when ti was very humid still, they were both left out of their vac bags for 2 weeks with a very slow dry, I think my cob of which I will post later came out just right but my friends seems to have gotten mouldy but I’m not sure, so I just wanted a second opinion on if the little green looking tricomes threat are in a group are in fact tricomes or are they mould?, you can see on the other side of the photos that there are tricomes that look more amber which is the color I’d expect. Any one who has the experience and can help identify if it’s mould, it would certainly be appreciated

From the pics it looks fine to me mold when present is usually in the form of white dots that spread all over everything or spider web type like fairy floss.
Depending how it was cured the resin can be any and many different colors from white, golden yellow, brown, black, red, amber you name it my favorite is caramel.
The colors obtained bare no resemblance to a jar cured buds resin.
The crazier the resin colors the better the high in my experience.
Its best to keep them vac sealed or fully dried if out of the vacuum bag to use.
I have had mold on cobs that had not been dried properly when it gets humid, we recently had a month of rain with humidity around 80%.
Dried cobs kept in a jar were fine but left outside of the jar they got surface mold within a few days.
If your using the cobs regularly its best to keep the dried cobs in a jar or zip lock bag if its humid outside they will be fine if kept that way.