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Making fem seeds with colloidal silver


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I am trying to self pollinate a maui waui using colloidal silver. I have been spraying her at dusk and dawn every day for 15 days. I had planned on doing it for 21 days but it has been raining so 15 is all she got. Has anyone done this before and can give suggestions or tips that may help me to be successful? I plan on sharing them as it was a difficult strain to track down. I harvested pollen from the 2 big honking males. I also have 3 clones that are rooted I believe they look like they are growing so I believe they rooted. They are in soil so hard to tell. The one in the cloning water was rooted I saw visible roots. Put plenty of Mykos in there. If the fems fail I will pollinate a clone. This is happening.


Well-known member
Are the plants getting 12/12 light hours? If the plants are outside the days are too long. Where I'm at we're getting 15.5 hours of daylight.


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They started flowering they are outside but if they get pollen sacks I will bring them in. The sun is better than any light I own. They are at least second week flower. This is my girl and these are done of her bud sites. I have not sprayed in 3 days because it’s raining. She got sprayed morning and night for about 15 days. I had planed on around 3 weeks but rain.


Well-known member
I've never reversed a female plant without it being under 12/12. Where did you get the CS? If you purchased it online not all is strong enough to reverse a plant. But I think the days are too long. I don't see any signs of flowering from those photo's.


Active member
He's doing it right you need to keep spraying till you see pollen sacks. hitting it right before flower all the way till pollen sacks start to form, even a little longer won't hurt. I've been doing exactly that for a few years now but I make my own colloidal silver tho. It's cheap as hell that way literally gallons for like $15


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He's doing it right you need to keep spraying till you see pollen sacks. hitting it right before flower all the way till pollen sacks start to form, even a little longer won't hurt. I've been doing exactly that for a few years now but I make my own colloidal silver tho. It's cheap as hell that way literally gallons for like $15
Yes I make mine. So spray even though its raining?


Well-known member
He's doing it right you need to keep spraying till you see pollen sacks. hitting it right before flower all the way till pollen sacks start to form, even a little longer won't hurt. I've been doing exactly that for a few years now but I make my own colloidal silver tho. It's cheap as hell that way literally gallons for like $15

You can spray all you want but if the light hours are too long the plant is not going to flower. They've been spraying for two weeks. Those plants are not flowering yet which is why nothing is happening. If they're outside and in the USA the days are going to be 14 hours or longer depending on where you are.


Well-known member
I start spraying CS 1 week prior to flipping to flower inside. I also make my own CS. I keep spraying even after the pollen sacks form. I spray until I start to see the first pollen drop. I have had a few strains that wouldn't reverse using CS. I also mix my own STS for those strains. Maui Waui is an easy one to reverse. Everything I've reversed or crossed is documented over on the other site I belong to, which is GC. I did document a few here too. Good luck.


Well-known member
You can spray all you want but if the light hours are too long the plant is not going to flower. They've been spraying for two weeks. Those plants are not flowering yet which is why nothing is happening. If they're outside and in the USA the days are going to be 14 hours or longer depending on where you are.
Have you tried reversing a clone? My first attempt wasn't successful. I started spraying every 3 days starting 9 days before flip. Then again 3 days later. At day 5 since flip I noticed new pistils still growing. So then I started spraying them daily. Saw balls forming and continued to spray daily until about 10% of sacks had opened like I saw on another site.

No pollen. I was hoping they might throw out some eventually so I threw them in the tent with the 3 different females I was planning on pollinating. It's been 5 weeks since flip now and still no pollen. Any ideas?




Well-known member
In my experience, most of my reversed plants do not have the heavy pollen release we typically experience with true males. If you're not seeing any pollen released under the open flowers. Check the open flower with a digital microscope or a 30x jewelers loupe. If you still don't see any pollen. You could have stopped your CS applications too early. It could have been a weak CS solution or the genetics you're working with won't reverse with CS and you'll need to switch over to STS.


Well-known member
In my experience, most of my reversed plants do not have the heavy pollen release we typically experience with true males. If you're not seeing any pollen released under the open flowers. Check the open flower with a digital microscope or a 30x jewelers loupe. If you still don't see any pollen. You could have stopped your CS applications too early. It could have been a weak CS solution or the genetics you're working with won't reverse with CS and you'll need to switch over to STS.
I am using STS. Don't think there's any pollen since no pistils are turning brown yet like they've been pollinated. I wonder if I should've kept spraying until I saw pollen. I guess I missed that this was a CS thread. Didn't mean to hijack it.


Well-known member
I am using STS. Don't think there's any pollen since no pistils are turning brown yet like they've been pollinated. I wonder if I should've kept spraying until I saw pollen.

You only need to spray a few times with STS. I have reversed dozens of plants using STS. I don't know why you're not getting any pollen. It looks like a successful reversal. I've seen cases of male flowers but no pollen. I've never had it happen and don't know what causes it.


Well-known member
I am using STS. Don't think there's any pollen since no pistils are turning brown yet like they've been pollinated. I wonder if I should've kept spraying until I saw pollen. I guess I missed that this was a CS thread. Didn't mean to hijack it.
What ratio is the STS you are making/using? You could be spraying a weaker ratio and need to make another application or two. I have great results with a 1:4 ratio. I know many folks use a 1:6 and even 1:9 ratio. But, I believe they are making more applications.


Well-known member
What ratio is the STS you are making/using? You could be spraying a weaker ratio and need to make another application or two. I have great results with a 1:4 ratio. I know many folks use a 1:6 and even 1:9 ratio. But, I believe they are making more applications.

I followed this guide but I keep them separated and I also mix while adding the silver nitrate solution to the thiosulfate solution. I'm trying again but this time it's a ARC x GG4 instead of an ARC x Cookies and Cream. I sprayed and flipped last night. Maybe I'll mix up a new stronger solution. What's your spraying schedule? Do you spray until you see pollen?

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Active member
No experience with colloidal silver but do with STS.

twice I have used too much STS and gotten sterile pollen. Spray selected nodes once at the flip then again 8-9 days later. That’s it. Be patient. The entire plant doesn’t change. Only the nodes you sprayed so you will likely get female flowers also which can be pollinated for seeds.


Well-known member
I use clones. I spray STS on the day of flip and 14 days later. Some long flowering sativas would require a third application on day 28.
I believe the ratio he is using is 1:10. It's a weaker solution. I'd spray that 7 days apart and use 4 or 5 applications which would include your starting application on day 1 of flower.


Well-known member
Premium user
I start spraying CS 1 week prior to flipping to flower inside. I also make my own CS. I keep spraying even after the pollen sacks form. I spray until I start to see the first pollen drop. I have had a few strains that wouldn't reverse using CS. I also mix my own STS for those strains. Maui Waui is an easy one to reverse. Everything I've reversed or crossed is documented over on the other site I belong to, which is GC. I did document a few here too. Good luck.
Thank you I will keep spraying. This is a skill I want to hone.


ICMag Donor
I am using STS. Don't think there's any pollen since no pistils are turning brown yet like they've been pollinated. I wonder if I should've kept spraying until I saw pollen. I guess I missed that this was a CS thread. Didn't mean to hijack it.
You need to manually remove the yellow banana 🍌 and sprinkle them over the white hairs on your flowering females looking for the pollen to drop over the pistils

Some Reversed plants will give zero seeds if not manually pollinated like mentioned.

Your pics look plenty available, pick the most open looking or plump yellow banana and sprinkle over plant and see if pollen dust falls from the 🍌


ICMag Donor
For original post. , you need to spray for around 30 days with colloidal silver to get it to Reverse fully , I keep spraying ( with Colloidal Silver not STS)from day 1 flower until fully Reversed.

Also in veg it won't Reverse as someone mentioned


Well-known member
You need to manually remove the yellow banana 🍌 and sprinkle them over the white hairs on your flowering females looking for the pollen to drop over the pistils

Some Reversed plants will give zero seeds if not manually pollinated like mentioned.

Your pics look plenty available, pick the most open looking or plump yellow banana and sprinkle over plant and see if pollen dust falls from the 🍌
Thanks OJD. I just crushed and sprinkled a bunch of the balls all over the females. Fingers crossed. Thanks bud. I'll post back with results.