You know what they say: You can put lipstick on a pig, but you can't take it to the prom.
While this isn't necessarily true, it pretty well describes my feelings on the idea of women's use of makeup:
A beautiful woman doesn't need any, and an unattractive woman can't wear enough.
Be beautiful inside it's more difficult to accomplish but well worth the effort. Love yourself and others will respond to you in kind.
Wow, that's a bit harsh. Personally, I think it depends on the situation you're in. If you are going anywhere that is going to be photographed or filmed, I suggest wearing some makeup. I'm not talking about going in 'drag queen' makeup, but a little foundation for warmth, some colour on the cheeks, mild shading in areas that make you uncomfortable, and smoke up those eyes! It makes you feel confident and looks great when it's done correctly. Not everyone has perfect skin and perfect features, but you can look like you do without being completely painted.