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Majority of Americans Now Favor Legalization!


Lammen Gorthaur
There are no internals on the poll so it could be over-sampling or using a push-poll question to get the desired result. This is frequently used to push very liberal issues as being "mainstream opinions" when nothing of the sort is the reality.

Without the internals how are we to tell? Did they evenly sample liberals and conservatives? Who determined responsiveness and who determined the standards?

If this were in fact true we would expect to see ballot initiatives winning in many states - or at least the left coast states. That not being the case I am left to wonder about the poll. I'd like to believe it but I've already been burned twice on this board by bullshit stories that stir the mud off the bottom just in time for some lame-o like me to come along and get caught in a rant trap.

Keep pushing, but don't stop prayin'.


Skip we need to get you a news desk and a camera. Thanks for the info as always!

We can do a better Job than Cannabis Planet. Better camera work hopefully.

Things are surly changing and fast.. It's called a Zeitgeist "the spirit of the times."

Like a tall wave under a surfer's board we all get to "Hang Ten" if we Stand Together"

And Thanks ICMag for being a focus for us all.


I am not sure that legalization is in fact the best goal. I am still on the fence but am leaning toward decriminalization which is cannabis actual state prior to prohibition.
Where I am going with this is "legalized" means just that it has a legal status in law thus laws written concerning it.
Decriminalization returns it to it's rightful place as just another plant with no laws specifically governing it. Cannabis would become like any other herbal remedy and only subject to agricultural regulations for a consumable plant product. Demand and market would determine price, just as with any other herbal remedy. The FDA would stay out of things and cannabis would not be as attractive to big corps as they could not "own" the market any more than they do with herbal supliments and like any hebal suppliment you can grow your own with no legal entanglements associated by legalization. Decriminalization makes cannabis a non-issue and keeps the many,many problems of a legal cannabis away. things like FDA approval,government regulation and a multitude of other bureaucratic entanglements the laws to legalize would be filled with. Simply taking away the criminality of the plant obviates the need for a system of laws just for cannabis and makes it no different than say echinacea or dandylion. As it truly was pre prohibition, a plant with no "legal" standing like most of the plant kingdom.If folks really want the gov to stay out of the garden decriminalize don't legalize
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ICMag Donor
The term decriminalization generally means its not a criminal sanction but a civil offense if the person is found in posession under the said amount.

This means that cannabis production is still illegal, and there will be a black market to meet the population's demand. Prohibition only creates problems...

It should be under the alcohol/tobacco/firearms branch of the gov. not the FDA. This way it would be treated the same way as other legal recreational drugs when sold in storefronts... Production should not be restricted or taxed separately... Personal growing by adults should be unrestricted.... A law restricting the number of plants or square footage of the garden would only serve as a reminder of the tragedys caused by prohibition... Thats what people mean by legalize....

Its a word game, but in the end we DEMAND our FREEDOM!!!! :tree:


I can say that the turn around time for an Email about cannabis with these people has improved by several days.

However, as I figured, our representative is deaf to change.

I'm working on a reply and I think I will send more mail.. The Keep in touch part is funny.. It evolved over the last round of exchange I had with his staff.

Basically it's a part of "keep your friends close and your enemy closer." from what I gathered.

LOL.. I can be persistent when i need to.

A Message from Congressman Radanovich
Mon, December 14, 2009
"[email protected]" <[email protected]>

Dear Mr. X:

Thank you for contacting me about the personal use of marijuana by adults. It is a pleasure to hear from you on this important issue.

H.R. 2943, a bill that eliminates most Federal penalties for possession of marijuana for personal use, was introduced by Congressman Barney Frank (D-MA) on June 18, 2009. H.R. 2943 ultimately decriminalizes the personal use of marijuana by adults. If passed, possession of up to 100 grams of marijuana will be assumed as personal use, and will be legal. Additionally, the not-for-profit sale of up to one ounce will be legal. Finally, the bill continues the ban on public marijuana usage, and a fine can be imposed, provided that is under $100. Currently, H.R. 2943 is being debated in the House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security.

I believe legalizing drugs, including marijuana, will only be a detriment to society and will endanger future generations. There is consistent empirical evidence that shows drug legalization does not curb demand problems. In fact, drug abuse rates tend to increase when drugs are legalized. Furthermore, evidence shows that crime rates dramatically increase when drugs are legalized. Finally, legalizing marijuana, even in a restricted way, sends the signal to people that marijuana use is okay. Legalization of marijuana establishes the condition for its increased general use. It is for these reasons that I do not support the legalization of marijuana.

This bill is pending in the House Committee on the Judiciary and Energy and Commerce. Rest assured, if I have the opportunity to vote on this bill in the House of Representatives, I will keep your concerns in mind.

Finally, I encourage you to visit my website at www.radanovich.house.gov to get the most current information on my work in Congress. Once again, thank you for contacting me. Please keep in touch.
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There is consistent empirical evidence that shows drug legalization does not curb demand problems.


I just realized that didn't make sense.

If it is legal and everyone can grow all they want there would be no demand problems.
Is this meant as how do they control the market because we are talking about a market here I believe.

He is a Pro-Black market system with law enforcement controlling the edges of that domain Conservative?

Any thoughts on an example of a Representative of a Conservative nature point of view?


Lammen Gorthaur
The conservative point of view is that this is a state's rights issue and the government has no business regulating anything having to do with what we do as long as we harm no others or cause others to suffer want as a result of our behaviors or the consequences of our decisions. Drugs require the acknowledgment of limitations to protect one's self-interest and these limitations can only be appreciated by adults. Children should be protected from drugs as they are from any other poison until they reach an age where they can make a formative opinion that has a basis in fact, an appreciation for history and an understanding of the requirements of personal responsibility.

Vilification is not a conservative value.

Congressman Pinhead points out generalities that are not grounded in fact. Which drugs have been legalized that turned out later to cause these problems cited by Congressman Pinhead? Can Congressman Pinhead name one or two? Congressman Pinhead cites "'consistent empirical evidence" and this admission (IMVHO) constitutes a dodge. Congressman Pinhead would have been better served by saying, "I hate marijuana, I hate potheads and I will do whatever I can to stick it to potheads." At least he would be respected by other conservatives for speaking to his feelings, as his elocution of the facts appears to be built upon hearsay.

This concludes the conservative position admonition provided by IC Mag's official conservative in residence (that would be me).


Thank you.. I enjoy a well founded point of view be it one I agree with or one I disagree with.

And as we said to each other in the Service of our Country " I may not like what you have to say but I will die fighting for your right to say it."


Lammen Gorthaur
When I was in the service of this great land we had no such order of thinking; it was simply the desire to kill our enemy, rape their women, despoil them of their property, take trophies and commit other sanctioned acts of heinous cruelty. Luckily, I was honorably discharged (as a nut case I will freely admit) before I and my compatriots could realize our goal and kill all commies, pinkos, progressives and other enemies of mankind. LOL....