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Majority of Americans Now Favor Legalization!


Active member
Well it looks like we're making progress! The most recent poll on American attitudes towards legalization of drugs has come up with 53% of Americans favoring legalization of marijuana vs 43% opposed.

No, this isn't the recent California poll that showed very similar numbers. No it's not the last US poll that showed support rising but still below 50%. This is a new poll showing the highest support for cannabis legalization ever! It is mirrored by similar numbers reported from Canada.

At this rate of increase, it will soon be a vast majority supporting legalization! Apparently more of the media is finally doing its job, reporting the facts about marijuana and not the FEARS!


Want to make polls like this come true? Then LEGALIZE IT!


Active member
While I am very encouraged by these results, I have some deep reservations concerning this poll. This smells to me far more like a rogue poll than a true one.

If you read the whole poll, you will see that the raw data was not disclosed. Break down by age and, most especially, gender was not disclosed -- nor were their assumptions about age and gender disclosed either.

The poll says that the data was corrected to compensate for differences in age and gender and region, etc..

Oh? Using what methods and statistcial data models, pray tell?

There is a good reason that some polls are more reliable than others. The devil is in the details used to correct and normalize the raw data scores. Data correction modeling can have a profound influence on polls and cause numbers to jump +/- 10 points, pro/con -- easily.

To be blunt: This seems too great an uptick swing in favor of legalization from previous polls conducted earlier this year (and over the past decades) and I don't trust the statistical model Angus Reid has used to "correct" their raw data in their polls - and you shouldn't be blindly trusting that statistical "correction" either.

Encouraging Poll? Hell yes!
Authoritative Poll? Hell no.

Don't go planning any parade routes or taking out a mortgage to open your ganja farm just yet.


Active member
More results from the poll:
53% support legalizing marijuana
68% believe the "War on Drugs" has been a failure
70% believe that America has a serious drug abuse problem which affects the entire country

Full Poll Results (pdf)

What skews this poll obviously, is the fact that it was an ONLINE poll, not a telephone poll. So you're going to be polling younger, more tech savvy people than average Americans. That might've been the adjustments they made in their results.

Actually I think any "adjustment" would've come in the selection process itself, since they selected who would participate based upon demographics. So they probably matched demographically the US population with those they chose so it would be representative and not skewed as I mentioned above. Otherwise it might've been even MORE in favor of legalization.

I do like the fact they asked about other drugs, too. But they didn't mention alcohol or tobacco or prescription meds. Those should be included because perhaps many people want them to be made ILLEGAL (certain abused pharma drugs too).

All such polls should include the LEGAL drugs too so we can see how their approval stacks up against marijuana. What if far more ppl think tobacco should be made illegal than marijuana? Do you think the gov't would respond to that? Of course we'll never know cause no polling company has the balls to put that question to the American public...


Personally, I feel that the percentage in favor could be as high or even higher than 75%, and still, the government/powers that be still wouldn't budge on their stance on legalizing cannabis.... I do hope this isn't true, but it is how I feel.

Non-the less, positive news for sure.

The cannabis plant has been through so much trauma in recent history; its about time "they" give it a break.


Active member
comon america you can do it

if they would jsut legalize asap our sheep governments of europe will follow like obedient dogs


now if only the gov. would pay attention to the people instead of try and abuse the people like they have for so long our goverment is out of control and the forefathers would rollover at the sight of this mess we call america now.politicans= people that seek power,control and money take those three things out of there hands and they look for new jobs they dont care about the people they care about the check

polls are good tho i love to see them in our fav.


Active member
On an unconnected but nevertheless important note - the discussion of news events here is now a significant feature of the forum. Grabbing a RSS feed to spam the forum with "news" topics is relatively easy. Getting people to comment on such stories in a meaningful manner, on a consistent basis, is not.

Thumbs up to Skip for that.


i guarantee you if i was given enough time and enoguh weed, i could talk anyone round to wanting to legalize marijuana.