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Maine mmj patients sue over home inspections


Well-known member
Dank Franks passive approach will work if more & more folks realize the scams they’re being bombarded with & choose to do things for themselves versus PURCHASING (ie., CONSUMING) privileges from the powers that be.

You see, the war machine wants you to be violent so they’re buddies can point their fingers at you & place you in a cell.

If you, however, refuse to fuel their campaign through education & the power of your own labor ($$$), you alone can have a significant impact on their bottom line. If we, as a community, can affect their bottom line, it will get noticed. Without that bottom line, there are no funds with which to make war against a peaceful people.

In the end, those that choose to live by the gun, will die by the gun. Alternatively, those that choose to live a peaceful life, regardless of the laws, will at least die with a peaceful heart.

I understand your position as I was once there. I mean... I was pushing an offensive position.

Do you watch any MMA?
Who is typically the victor?
Isn’t it usually the guy that’s DEFENDING that gets the KO?
They have been waging war on peaceful people and making plenty of money doing so. The prison industrial complex is very profitable, not to mention asset forfeiture. Don't matter how peaceful people are they've been getting rich off marijuana prohibition. More people are arrested for marijuana than any other drug. Police departments have gotten military MRAP's with marijuana growers as an excuse....



ICMag Donor
The Citizens that voted the sheriff in can vote him out. As long as voting actually works. I believe it doesn’t!

The Sheriff, like other vote appointed politicians is supposed to protect the people before the departments!
The Sheriff can be forced to act on behalf of the people as long as the people are willing to push the issue.

The problem isn’t politicians either...
It’s lazy assed citizens that allow the powers that be to get away with their oppressive antics.

Our (USA) education system & the citizens that support it are at the core of the problem. We The People are taught in our public education system that being a slave IS freedom.
Some folks, eventually, see through the veil of lies.

Oh yeah... one last point...
There’s not a politician on this earth that doesn’t kiss the ring of the Pope.
The only people I’ve seen refuse had the same last name...

So WHO is really in charge of this world?


Well-known member
You're not scared? Then there's something wrong with your brain dude. You should go for a checkup. Put your hand over a flame and watch how quick you pull it away. That's your brain protecting you. But if your willing to show how tough you are by truly not being afraid to die? There's something seriously fucked up with your brain chemistry. I'd say lay off the crack for a while. Your brain is betraying your body.

If everyone in your circle is going to jail or getting shot, then maybe you should change your circle. Or are you too dumb to see that.

Your punk ass cop put his coat on my mother as she layed in the snow after being ejected from her car in an accident, then held her hand until she died. He also sent flowers to her funeral. It sounds like your circle would take the opportunity to steal her purse. Another cop brought my daughter back to me when she wandered away from home and got lost. I had four cops bust into our house party (we were 16yrs old) and pull out the punks causing shit. It was one of the most violent extractions I've ever seen. Then they asked us to turn the music down and left. Another cop in Ecuador brought the punk back to our place and made him apologize for breaking in. I could go on and on. And ya, I know there are some pricks out there. And they seem to be the only ones making the news. Well.... them and people in your circle.

Laws are made to protect us from sociopaths. Why do you want to be on the losing side? Change sides man. And for god's sake, don't run from a cop. Stand up, own your shit, be a man. And here's my final tip; Cops don't care if you're cool. They actually hate it. Talk to them like an adult instead of a street wanna be tough punk. You'll be surprised how well your interaction with them will go. But you know all this shit right?

Peace, Love, Dope
Lol, you don't even know me, I ain't no punk. I actually think I'm a pretty nice guy. :biggrin:

Sure I'm unscarred of death, I've come to terms with the fact, nobody gets out of life alive. Can't just live your life in fear of the inevitable fact you are going to die. Lol

All my friends and family who have done time was for non violent crimes. Of course this is in America not Ecuador. A 26 year old kid shot 4 times in the back for running from the police, sure he sold some drugs in the past, but never hurt anyone. He was cleaning up his act, working and just got engaged to be married and start a family.

The cop had a body camera, yet it was not turned on, he murdered the kid in front of his fiance. Nothing you can say will change my mind.

Sure some cops are OK, but why don't you talk to some BLM folk? Or you want to tell his family he deserved to die, because he ran away?? I can arrange a meeting, can't promise it will go very well...


Well-known member
It is kind of crazy when you think about it. I mean all the hoopla about control and regulation concerning marijuana.

First you have marijuana prohibition and the illegality of it at the Federal level and now you are seeing states ease that with the passage of state legalization (with all kinds of overboard controls and regs).

Not even going to get into the medical aspects.

Can you imagine the state (or the feds for that matter) wanting to come into your house to inspect your liquor cabinet?


Boreal Curing
Sure some cops are OK, but why don't you talk to some BLM folk? Or you want to tell his family he deserved to die, because he ran away?? I can arrange a meeting, can't promise it will go very well...

For the most part, BLM is an american issue. While there is racism in Canada, even less so in the UK and EU, it's nothing like the blatant repression and bigotry we see from cities like Chicago which cuts the education budget, then only cuts black schools leaving upper class white schools untouched. That's fucking in your face we're-keeping-you-poor-and-down shit.

What you need is to vote for politicians who are scientists (regardless of party affiliation), more education for cops, and a lot less bravado from everyone.


Well-known member
For the most part, BLM is an american issue. While there is racism in Canada, even less so in the UK and EU, it's nothing like the blatant repression and bigotry we see from cities like Chicago which cuts the education budget, then only cuts black schools leaving upper class white schools untouched. That's fucking in your face we're-keeping-you-poor-and-down shit.

What you need is to vote for politicians who are scientists (regardless of party affiliation), more education for cops, and a lot less bravado from everyone.
Only problem is scientists don't make enough money to run for office. So we are stuck with crooked politicians. After all is big pharma, oil, prison industrial complex and military industrial complex going to donate money to an honest person who wants to make life better for the peasants?

It's also not just the poor black people getting shit on, come visit the mountains (not the tourist areas) and the trailer parks. More white people are killed by police every year, just not in the nice towns. White trash are doing no better than ghetto blacks, of course Natives have it the worst to this day.


ICMag Donor
Are there private prisons in the U.K.?
Or is that just a USA thing?
Privately managed prisons were introduced to the UK in the 1990s.
At present there are 14 private prisons contractually managed by private companies such as Sodexo Justice Services, Serco and G4S Justice Services. [U.K.]

Back in the day, we knew (sadly) our weed bricks were from Mexico & S. America tainted with Parquat.


Namekian resident/farmer
Legalization = Regulation
Regulation = Oppressed for SOME = SOME prohibition!

I can’t think of one single thing, that there exist laws regarding it’s use, that is not prohibited in one form or another.

How in the hell can anybody call that freedom?

I agree with your point on "freedom"
If it were up to me i would not regulate the plant.. only any act of unnecessary genetic modification to this plant that is sacred that could potentially harm us like that monsanto bs.

Other than that imo it is safe for babies all the way to your death and choice of devlivering the cannabinoids should not be dictated

It pains me when my fellow americans say this is "the land of the free" just shows me how blinded they are to what freedom really means



Namekian resident/farmer
The Citizens that voted the sheriff in can vote him out. As long as voting actually works. I believe it doesn’t!

The Sheriff, like other vote appointed politicians is supposed to protect the people before the departments!
The Sheriff can be forced to act on behalf of the people as long as the people are willing to push the issue.

The problem isn’t politicians either...
It’s lazy assed citizens that allow the powers that be to get away with their oppressive antics.

Our (USA) education system & the citizens that support it are at the core of the problem. We The People are taught in our public education system that being a slave IS freedom.
Some folks, eventually, see through the veil of lies.

Oh yeah... one last point...
There’s not a politician on this earth that doesn’t kiss the ring of the Pope.
The only people I’ve seen refuse had the same last name...

So WHO is really in charge of this world?

Like how ones rectum needs a cleaning to evade potential health problems, our political system needs an aenima to wash all the shit out so we can "vote" in people who arent puppets to evil corporate entities


Boreal Curing
You should read up on Isaiah Berlin.

There are only two kinds of liberty. Positive Liberty, and Negative liberty. Both with a bad end product for society. The British PM, Blair, wrote to Berlin asking him if there was a way to combine the two. Berlin was on his deathbed and died before he could respond.

Look for "The Trap: What Happened to Our Dream of Freedom" on YouTube.


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
The only way to fix this issue is to go back in time an make it fully illegal again.. That way there is 2 sides us n them, get those who don't belong out back buying sacks on corners, or back in there corporate jobs... N "make America s weed great again