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Thats the way to get 5m monsters alright!will start in January ...
Thats the way to get 5m monsters alright!will start in January ...
November - 9 :
Today the slight rise in temperatures has begun to be noticed, after the passage of the last big cold storm that came from the Northwest, and which plummeted the nighttime minimums to 3° (37.5°F)... For the next 7 days, nighttime minimums are forecast ranging (depending on the day) between 7 and 11°C (45 and 52°F), and daytime maximums in the shade ranging between 15 and 23°C (59 and 73'5°F)...
The weather for 39°N on the northern slope of my Sierra, this week:
Inna "The Dogs' House", few moments ago, at dusk:
(Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (MadMac); (Punto Rojo de Santa Marta / Dorada de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1 aka (Moño Rojo de Santa Marta / Moño Amarillo de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1; aka Cumbiambera.
Born on May-16, she has the 5 lower nodes of the stem (10 twigs) pruned. More than 1'65 metres high.
Light aroma of mint and lemon.
She needs us all to encourage her to mature, because this is not because it is not the Caribbean, it is because I don't even have the climate of El Prat de LLobregat (joke for the cousins/ broma pa' l@s prim@s...)
...So let's encourage Cumbiambera, to see if with a miracle it matures well in my continental climate, and ends up being fire...
28-Noviembre :looking good !
pure colombian ... think 6 weeks to go...
see those hairy leaf's ...
that's a good indicator for lot's of resin @ the end...
last 3 weeks she will really budding up & produce more resin...
to me tey give the best high... pure euphoric up & social high...
keep it up!
Gracias hombre.(...)Secondary branches flowers;
Photos with the only natural light of the day; no flash or flashlight:
Posdata para los primos @el mani y @Hombre del mont : Esta variedad no es apta para mi clima tan continentalizado ("carnavaleras", les decimos, porque su maduración puede alargarse hasta Carnaval); sufre mucho con mi ardiente y seco verano, y mi invierno es demasiado frío; si quereis os envió para la próxima temporada todas las que me quedan (MadMac me envió muchas; son feminizadas).
Coño, prim@; si soy MiG - Montuno - Eltitoguay... ¿Quién eres, que no te pongo nombre: Califa, Dees73,...? Mis mejores deseos pa' ti, de cualquier maneraTitoguay-Mig I'm glad to see that you continue with the active kennel hehe
Cuidate por monte adentro!
I'm afraid that in my climate, without a greenhouse, it won't finish properly. It's not just the weeks it would have ahead of it, but in my winter it would need twice as long, where in December and January daytime highs in the shade will rarely exceed 16°C (61°F).... As you can see, it already has leaf-tip burn from the cold, and there have been no frosts or nights below 3°C (37'5°F) yet, but they will come from now on ... So I think that in your climate or that of Mani (which is now about 10°C higher than me), its full potential can be better seen.@Eltitoguay, beautiful colours on the Cumbiambera, but it looks like she has a long way to go yet!
looking beautiful !Coño, prim@; si soy MiG - Montuno - Eltitoguay... ¿Quién eres, que no te pongo nombre: Califa, Dees73,...? Mis mejores deseos pa' ti, de cualquier manera
(...) 1 - Diciembre :
December has brought a little sunshine back to my northern slope of the European Sierra Morena ("Monte Adentro"),(39° N, 800 meters altitude; approx. "The Dogs' House" aka "La Perrera", welcomes the last month of the year...
View attachment 18926251
(Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (@MadMac); (Punto Rojo de Santa Marta / Dorada de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1 aka (Moño Rojo de Santa Marta / Moño Amarillo de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1, aka Cumbiambera; born on May-16; (Santa Marta's Colombian Red/Santa Marta Gold X Original Haze) S1, (@MadMac); (Punto Rojo de Santa Marta / Dorada de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1 aka (Moño Rojo de Santa Marta / Moño Amarillo de Santa Marta X O. Haze)S1, aka Cumbiambera; born on May-16, just over 1'65 meters tall, she has the 5 lower nodes of the stem (10 twigs) pruned.
All photos taken in natural daylight, without using the flashlight or the flash of the cell phone; except the last one, taken with flash, so that the difference can be appreciated:
The last one, with flash: