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Lucas VS. Advanced Nutrients


Active member
Ladies and gentleman, and the one person that didn't find my previous comment helpful, I'd like to expose homebrewer for who he really is. First he insults my intelligence by mocking me about learning what heavy metals are, then he fails to provide any sources for his erroneous claim. Well, I took the liberty of getting the source myself just to prove a point of why I went at this guy so hard. Here you go community:


Please pay attention to the heavy metal analysis.

Homebrewer, you will not ruin these forums with misinformation for as long as I'm around.

Well you found one link (the state of Oregon also tests agricultural products) but you clearly have no idea what you're looking at.

Take for example the mercury reading of 4.1e-005, do you know how to read that number? Do you know the difference between the heavy metals that you want in your plant food and the ones that you do not? Do you know the acceptable levels of 'bad heavy metals' that plant foods are allowed to contain? Do you know how states came up with those 'safe ranges'?

You've got a lot of learning to do, best of luck! Might I suggest you fix the bruise on your ass first?
Well you found one link (the state of Oregon also tests agricultural products) but you clearly have no idea what you're looking at.

Take for example the mercury reading of 4.1e-005, do you know how to read that number? Do you know the difference between the heavy metals that you want in your plant food and the ones that you do not? Do you know the acceptable levels of 'bad heavy metals' that plant foods are allowed to contain? Do you know how states came up with those 'safe ranges'?

You've got a lot of learning to do, best of luck! Might I suggest you fix the bruise on your ass first?

The answer is yes to all of your questions. The only thing I don't know are the acceptable levels of heavy metals and that's because I don't work in the agricultural industry. So far all you do is wuestion my intelligence. Just to let you know I've attended a top 20 university in the nation studying a biological sciences degree. If there is anyone that needs to learn anything its you. Again, don't come at me like I know nothing but if I make a claim I'm open to anyone who calls me out on it. As far as I'm concerned you made no effort to "educate" me on the topic and resorted to insults. If you don't know who spurr is I suggest reading his posts to see how its done.


The answer is yes to all of your questions. The only thing I don't know are the acceptable levels of heavy metals and that's because I don't work in the agricultural industry. So far all you do is wuestion my intelligence. Just to let you know I've attended a top 20 university in the nation studying a biological sciences degree. If there is anyone that needs to learn anything its you. Again, don't come at me like I know nothing but if I make a claim I'm open to anyone who calls me out on it. As far as I'm concerned you made no effort to "educate" me on the topic and resorted to insults. If you don't know who spurr is I suggest reading his posts to see how its done.

So what's your point I've seen you bring no education to this thread just bashing on homebrewer for saying jacks is a clean fertilizer am I right so far? now other then senseless bickering I have not seen you prove otherwise.

I don't plan to use Jacks anyway so I take your claim as invalid since no evidence was provided

See you have no interest in trying it who gives a shit? I don't agree with everything homebrewer say's but really over a simple statement like its clean your a funny guy that top 20 college really put a stick in your ass.:biggrin:lol

So where is your evidence that it is not clean for being a so-called educated man you should have piles. Your so smart tell me why cannabis specific nutes that will kill any cannabis plant if you use as directed are any better? they have the same micro and macro nute's only with jacks its all in one bucket so no fumbling with 8 bottles I use all purpose and bloom booster it has everything a plant can ask for. Sure AN like's to sell sugar and bacteria few other things but most of that shits only good for organic grows to keep your soil alive chemical nutes are readily available so no need for them snake oils.

So lets see the evidence I've tried a few cannabis nutes yet I like the Jack's. why do my plants love it? why do others plants love it? Check out simonD's grows its all he uses and has some nice plants I have some nice ones too and by far my frostiest girl was done with jacks sure genetics play a role but its still all you need to grow great bud.
So what's your point I've seen you bring no education to this thread just bashing on homebrewer for saying jacks is a clean fertilizer am I right so far? now other then senseless bickering I have not seen you prove otherwise.

See you have no interest in trying it who gives a shit? I don't agree with everything homebrewer say's but really over a simple statement like its clean your a funny guy that top 20 college really put a stick in your ass.:biggrin:lol

So where is your evidence that it is not clean for being a so-called educated man you should have piles. Your so smart tell me why cannabis specific nutes that will kill any cannabis plant if you use as directed are any better? they have the same micro and macro nute's only with jacks its all in one bucket so no fumbling with 8 bottles I use all purpose and bloom booster it has everything a plant can ask for. Sure AN like's to sell sugar and bacteria few other things but most of that shits only good for organic grows to keep your soil alive chemical nutes are readily available so no need for them snake oils.

So lets see the evidence I've tried a few cannabis nutes yet I like the Jack's. why do my plants love it? why do others plants love it? Check out simonD's grows its all he uses and has some nice plants I have some nice ones too and by far my frostiest girl was done with jacks sure genetics play a role but its still all you need to grow great bud.

I provided a link you should go look at it. I never said anything about using something like Jack's vs. cannabis specific nutrients. I never made a claim like that. You know why? Because I haven't tested it myself so I'm not going to sit here and talk out of my ass.

Other than that you are right. I am bashing on homebrewer. I came here to refute all his claims. I came here because he is the type of person to make claims without having any knowledge on them or the sources to provide for them. So far, he hasn't provided any sources while I've provided one and I'll continue to look for more.

Remember, you're expecting me to have piles of evidence on a claim I did not make when homebrewer is the one who should have evidence on his own claim. If there is one thing I hate about any forum is the fact that people with large post counts think they are prophets.
And here is another. Look at the levels of lead.


Link: http://oda.state.or.us/dbs/heavy_metal/detail.lasso?-op=eq&product_id=1133

Also look at levels of arsenic in my previous post.

And here is another one from Washington since California wasn't enough for homebrewer.


Do you all want me to compare this to something like botanicare or are you guys capable of doing that yourselves? I'm still interested to know how Jack's is "one of the cleanest".
So what's your point I've seen you bring no education to this thread just bashing on homebrewer for saying jacks is a clean fertilizer am I right so far? now other then senseless bickering I have not seen you prove otherwise.

I encourage all of you to use those links I provided and search for other "cannabis specific" nutrients. Learn how to read the levels correctly. Usually a number preceded by a > means there was less than the minimum detection level or in other words it couldn't be detected. If anything I now have provided a tool to analyze nutrients and if you use Oregon's website than you will see other things not listed in the bottle (i.e. HORMONES). For example, botanicare's PBP soil has indole3 butyric acid in it.

Is that educational enough for you?


Active member
ICMag Donor
I remember first finding this thread and getting all giddy about an EPIC comparison. That quickly died and I forgot about this thread, saw it again today to get alll stoked - only to find it went completely down the crap shoot.

Tranceaddict welcome to ICmag

You need to relax big time. I don't agree with homebrewers statements or attitude most of the time - he is knowledgeable but is a complete snob.

You took this personally and on the internet... some one who attended or attends a top 20 university wouldn't let homebrewer rial them up or anyone on the internet for a matter of fact. And you later state you came here to go against homebrewer and not for the beauty of cannabis growing.

To me - you are a fraud - smoking either REALLY good weed or no weed. You are being very silly to be polite and keep asking for all this damned evidence for something only you care about. Bluntmassa dropped some love thru some real talk but imo you are a younger person who has yet to realize the true meaning of a site like this.

If you came to pick a fight with homebrewer - I sure hope a mod puts you in place. For a biological sciences degree - its astronomically stupefying too see you asking questions about how a fertilizer is "clean".

To be honest - im not pickign a fight with you either - you just need to sit back - pack a bowl - remember - none of this really matters too you. Smoke that bowl - and realize - even tho homebrewer isn't saying it lovingly - he's showing you some love by responding to your antics. Thats what this site is about man - love - we share and show each other the love of cannabis - but if you came here to fight - you need to watch the documentary called "Marley" and learn what One Love is about because you got some bad vibes going mon

Tranceaddict welcome to ICmag
It's not 2008 anymore but thanks anyway.

You need to relax big time. I don't agree with homebrewers statements or attitude most of the time - he is knowledgeable but is a complete snob.

You took this personally and on the internet... some one who attended or attends a top 20 university wouldn't let homebrewer rial them up or anyone on the internet for a matter of fact. And you later state you came here to go against homebrewer and not for the beauty of cannabis growing.

I've read too many of his and "uncle bens" posts on rollitup. I didn't take the right approach against him (I've acknowledged this) but intentionally misleading growers, including new ones is a personal matter for me. Not all of us are here for profit, remember that.

For a biological sciences degree - its astronomically stupefying too see you asking questions about how a fertilizer is "clean".

If you can find me peer reviewed papers that use "clean" to describe fertilizers than I will agree with your statement. If you go back and see the posts I was the first to mention heavy metals.

To be honest - im not pickign a fight with you either - you just need to sit back - pack a bowl - remember - none of this really matters too you. Smoke that bowl - and realize - even tho homebrewer isn't saying it lovingly - he's showing you some love by responding to your antics. Thats what this site is about man - love - we share and show each other the love of cannabis - but if you came here to fight - you need to watch the documentary called "Marley" and learn what One Love is about because you got some bad vibes going mon


To each their own. I don't speak out of place about things I can't back up. How would you like it if you're trying to grow medicine for a loved one that is terminally ill from cancer and has diminished both physically and mentally before your eyes and wants to die simply because of the pain of living? Would you be appreciative of people who come here, ramp up their post count, and state opinions as facts or would you be thankful for people like spurr who are open to criticism and contribute to respectable discussions?
If you're all done with your genetic fallacies now, I have nothing more to add. MileHighGuy, my sincerest appologies for hijacking your thread. I hope that you or anyone interested in hormone products will find the Oregon link useful.


Active member
I just want to see Lucas blow Advanced away! Hopefully some tests are coming soon! If anyone knows of a good Advanced formula that would be comparable to Lucas, please let me know the rates and I will happily conduct a real detailed test.

Personally I would rather use 6mL GH Flora Micro and 9mL Flora Bloom. If anyone knows what rates and products I would need to compare that to an Advanced formula, please let me know a comparable one so it doesn't turn into a forrest full of trolls.


It's not 2008 anymore but thanks anyway.

so why did you just introduce yourself saying you where gonna open a new account but you found out you already have one.
I've read too many of his and "uncle bens" posts on rollitup. I didn't take the right approach against him (I've acknowledged this) but intentionally misleading growers, including new ones is a personal matter for me. Not all of us are here for profit, remember that.
I'm interested too know what your name is at RIU? Also what do cheap nutes have to do with profits? You think some sick person without much money should use AN's line of nutes?
If you can find me peer reviewed papers that use "clean" to describe fertilizers than I will agree with your statement. If you go back and see the posts I was the first to mention heavy metals.

To each their own. I don't speak out of place about things I can't back up. How would you like it if you're trying to grow medicine for a loved one that is terminally ill from cancer and has diminished both physically and mentally before your eyes and wants to die simply because of the pain of living? Would you be appreciative of people who come here, ramp up their post count, and state opinions as facts or would you be thankful for people like spurr who are open to criticism and contribute to respectable discussions?
I would think a dude from a top 20 college for biological sciences would laugh at us for using canna nutes but I'm not sure Chimera went for botany but the name was a little different can't remember off the top of my head. now for a botany guy I would expect to read informative posts not senseless bickering you don't like the guy big deal. Only thing off I've seen at riu from HB was the whole not flushing thing I didn't say shit at first cause I always flushed but then I tried it from clone and the difference wasn't huge but my flushed buds did taste a little better. But then i realized the flush is to get the green and sugars out not the nutrients which is why everyone flushes the last 2 weeks. But HB was far from the only one who didn't flush there is a bunch of them on riu even a moderator with piles of evidence that flushing does nothing but every book on cannabis has said too flush even breeders books I've read and I tried it and now I flush my buds. you don't see trolling them about every little thing I just take everything with a grain of salt.



from this chart it looks fairly clean to me 10 ppm of Arsnenic don't sound like much and <0.20 mecury I'm thinking that's less than fish not sure. What are the acceptable levels?

I encourage all of you to use those links I provided and search for other "cannabis specific" nutrients. Learn how to read the levels correctly. Usually a number preceded by a > means there was less than the minimum detection level or in other words it couldn't be detected. If anything I now have provided a tool to analyze nutrients and if you use Oregon's website than you will see other things not listed in the bottle (i.e. HORMONES). For example, botanicare's PBP soil has indole3 butyric acid in it.

Is that educational enough for you?

> means greater than < means less than thanks for trying but my guess its you who needs the education I learned that in grade school by the way.


Also look at levels of arsenic in my previous post.

And here is another one from Washington since California wasn't enough for homebrewer.


Do you all want me to compare this to something like botanicare or are you guys capable of doing that yourselves? I'm still interested to know how Jack's is "one of the cleanest".

Alright these reports are contradicting the last one said 10 ppm of arsenic this one says .0500 ppm thats a huge difference imo kinda makes these tests not hold very much weight.
I'm interested too know what your name is at RIU? Also what do cheap nutes have to do with profits? You think some sick person without much money should use AN's line of nutes?

I don't have an account at RIU, never will. I wasn't talking about the price of nutes but the actual quality of the medicine grown using them.

from this chart it looks fairly clean to me 10 ppm of Arsnenic don't sound like much and <0.20 mecury I'm thinking that's less than fish not sure. What are the acceptable levels?
I don't know the acceptable levels for our specific plants, which are usually used by combustion and not consumption.

> means greater than < means less than thanks for trying but my guess its you who needs the education I learned that in grade school by the way.
Simple typo, I won't add to the senseless bickering here.

Alright these reports are contradicting the last one said 10 ppm of arsenic this one says .0500 ppm thats a huge difference imo kinda makes these tests not hold very much weight.

Another approach would be that JR PETERS doesn't have consistency in their products. The real question is how Jack's compares to other nutrients (botanicare, general hydro, advanced, canna, etc.) They might all have some levels of heavy metals but which has the most and which has the least? They might also all be within safe limits, I was just evaluating the claim that Jack's is one the cleanest. It's clearly not relevant to this thread so perhaps someone can help Snype set up and run his test.

Also bluntmassa, I don't believe any one nutrient formula is going to be the best for every strain of cannabis. I don't believe in feeding plants based off of a strict schedule but rather by what they need and when. IMO feed schedules were designed by the same nutrient companies who make ridiculous claims in the first place, so why bother?


I don't have an account at RIU, never will. I wasn't talking about the price of nutes but the actual quality of the medicine grown using them.

I don't know the acceptable levels for our specific plants, which are usually used by combustion and not consumption.

Simple typo, I won't add to the senseless bickering here.

Another approach would be that JR PETERS doesn't have consistency in their products. The real question is how Jack's compares to other nutrients (botanicare, general hydro, advanced, canna, etc.) They might all have some levels of heavy metals but which has the most and which has the least? They might also all be within safe limits, I was just evaluating the claim that Jack's is one the cleanest. It's clearly not relevant to this thread so perhaps someone can help Snype set up and run his test.

Also bluntmassa, I don't believe any one nutrient formula is going to be the best for every strain of cannabis. I don't believe in feeding plants based off of a strict schedule but rather by what they need and when. IMO feed schedules were designed by the same nutrient companies who make ridiculous claims in the first place, so why bother?

well thanks for telling us you know everything cause you been to college and all.:thank you: congratulations your mother must be proud of you.

But since when does it take school to be a farmer? I got a ged and a criminal record and I got some of the best buds in the area and I don't even have co2 yet. from the sounds of it your a little closet grower that lacks actual experience which is why you pull for science not personal experience. throw down 50+ seeds a run just to find a few banging moms then after a few years of that you can then call yourself a farmer not growing in your closet.
well thanks for telling us you know everything cause you been to college and all.:thank you: congratulations your mother must be proud of you.

But since when does it take school to be a farmer? I got a ged and a criminal record and I got some of the best buds in the area and I don't even have co2 yet. from the sounds of it your a little closet grower that lacks actual experience which is why you pull for science not personal experience. throw down 50+ seeds a run just to find a few banging moms then after a few years of that you can then call yourself a farmer not growing in your closet.

LOL how little you know about me but I like to keep it that way. Hang around and I might decide to throw up a grow journal just for shits and giggles.

In the meantime, enjoy this picture of one of my outdoor ladies. If belittling someone that's a lot younger than you gets you off, best of luck to you I have no desire to share anything with seasoned grandmasters as yourself.


Happy toking farmer ;)


Active member
ICMag Donor
You don't get it man. We aren't against you, you are against us.

You want to know about this Jacks vs other nutes - you figure it out - not us.

And for the record - the reason you have been labeled and judged is solely based upon how you presented yourself - we are all good people - life is about attitude - not aptitude.

I wonder why you don't just lead instead of trying to follow...

again not against u dude - just trying ot help you realize you can work with us... not against us...

EDIT : nice plants btw :)

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