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IMO it ranges from not so good to kinda bad.
Kinda like airport security.
Cant compare to yer commercial quality, coz i never smoked that shit.
But dont take yer cues from me, smoke it and then write yer own report :yummy: :wave:


You guys bring up a lot of interesting points. I think it would be fun just to grow out to say you have, and form your own opinions.

I think I'll try a few out just for kicks. I'm sure i've smoked worst weed... :)

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i know someone who has made a couopke of crosses, including an Ak47 cross Lowryder.....Cant wait to get those from the very nice chap....just imagine an autofower with the AK ass-whooping stone lol.....
I think a lot of this strains ((LR)) inherent value is in its potential as a parent for other hybrids.
there is a report in weed World....saying hes seen yields between 3 grams for a tiny soil plant, and 2.5 ounces from a plant in a waterfarm......
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stretchpuppy said:
I think it would be fun just to grow out to say you have, and form your own opinions.

That's what I'm doing. I've just started a seed grow (DWC), and I'm curious. I've read so many conflicting reports, I want to see for myself. I had enough room for five, and I've put three more in soil (outside). I've never grown anything in soil, and if they were going to be full-size plants I'd not put them outside, but I'm really curious. I'll segregate any males that look hearty, and save some pollen. Maybe ... Alex.
good shit. lowryders seem so interesting at this point in time. why not cross the 'REAL' weed with the ruderalis indica or the ruderalis skunk to bred in the af(ruderalis) trait? i think it wud take like 6 back-crosses to make it like 50%? (dont bash me i have no idea on the statics...) but even with Ruderalis in the the gene pool it drops the potency due to ruderalis being that non-drug type plant.


lowryder are not fem'd unless you made them fem'd.
If you override the autoflowering, them why grow AF's?


think you take the f1's and re cross it with ruderalis then you get quite a high % of af then the next gen should be 100%. i believe this to be the case anyway