any wonder why they are different?
Nope. I've sat and domed bag after bag at settings 7-9 in single sessions and never "got there." Put the same medicine in a tube and BOOM!
any wonder why they are different?
Ironic, your handle is "truthman." ALL studies have shown...ORLY?
You don't read. Here, let me do it for you:
Let me know when spending 400+ on an ugly piece of "technology" actually makes sense...I'll keep my baddass, clean, scientific, artisanal glass that does exactly what it's supposed to.
If you vape a half a gram how many bags or how many breaths in a bag? A vape takes many more breaths to smoke the same amount of Cannabis compared to smoking the same amount in a bong.
Half a gram is one toke in a bong vs 4-5 in a vape, any wonder why they are different?
If you vape a half a gram how many bags or how many breaths in a bag? A vape takes many more breaths to smoke the same amount of Cannabis compared to smoking the same amount in a bong.
Half a gram is one toke in a bong vs 4-5 in a vape, any wonder why they are different?
Didn't I state EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN. You just proved my point.
Also, there was another test done showing the volcano delivered more thc than smoking as well as less by-porducts which means there is more thc being absorbed by your body as it is less diluted than smoking. I'm sure you saw the study because I posted it another thread you was in. I'm getting tired of posting the same thing, but here is the thread showing the post:
Which, ironically, is exactly what Hornby's study proves...You need to compare boiling point and flash points.
THC 315F BP, 300F FP
CBD 320-356F BP, 402F FP
CBN 365F BP, 415F FP
Notice the discrepancy in BP/FP ratios in CBD & CDN compared to THC? This accounts for some of the decrease in bio-availability of CBD & CDN at lower vaporization temperatures.
So yes, there will be a difference in the result of your vapor from 396F to 415F-420F. Assuming the strain you vaporize has significant CBD & CBN to begin with. Combustion doesn't occur until 440-450F. Benzene starts to be released around 392F, so even @ 396F you still release benzene. Why not raise the temperature a bit higher a raise efficiency of extracted CBD & CBN? The goal is to absorb the highest % of cannabinoids possible, without combustion. Lower temp simply means you're missing out.
i let the fan run for 5 seconds first to heat the air a bit ( as recomended) before putting the chamber and the bag on the volcano and staring to vaporize.
All I see is you being torched by brotherindica. I especially liked this post:
Which, ironically, is exactly what Hornby's study proves...
The only thing these devices have going for them is the elimination of secondary material...but not without an obvious price. cannabis is already not only proven to prevent cancer, at least one study has shown that people who SMOKE cannabis are less likely to develop lung cancer than those who smoke nothing at all. Damb.
Half a gram is one toke in a bong vs 4-5 in a vape, any wonder why they are different? -SamS
How do you vaporists medicate when you're not at home or don't have 15 minutes to heat a vaporizer.