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Los Angeles Hash Oil Factory Explodes


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I didn't see any of the usual fire hazard signs warning fire fighters. Near medical facilities?

Any inside info on the place that is put out here, is probably going straight to the feds.

ka bloooie. Maybe it was just a fire that got into the butane. Fake news with an agenda may have made up the oil part.

What do firefighters do when a place with a lot of ammo burns?
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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Says they weren't making BHO. LA is going to crack down on butane now.


Smoke Tokes is not a cannabis business, and three law enforcement sources told The Times that neither an extraction laboratory setup nor cannabis was found inside the building. A criminal investigation into the blast will be focused on whether volatile or explosive substances were stored improperly, the sources said.


Well-known member
There were no warning signs, no permits, just people selling highly flammable cans of butane. Somebody’s ass is going to have a problem, and I hope it’s a wake up call to other people doing the same thing...


Well-known member
It was a accident. They weren’t doing anything they weren’t supposed to from what I hear.

That entire block is known as “glass row” because 90% of the shops on that street are smoke shop suppliers every single shop that caters to the smoke shops have butane stacked in their shops. Old shitty buildings that aren’t kept up to code.

A news segment just came on as I was typing this and they report that this specific smoke shop wasn’t inspected for one reason or another. They also didn’t have the proper hazmat markings posted. They city is digging in DEEP.


Well-known member
On the LA news site the fire department is going to be proactive about finding other places with improperly stored butane, and the feds are still investigating the whole deal. 4 firefighters still in the hospital...


Well-known member
now that I think about it, of all the tobacco shops I've ever been to, I don't remember seeing any sort of special containment for butane, they had some out on the shelves and more than likely a bunch boxes stacked in the back, and they allowed smoking in the shop

I'm guessing they mean like the 'cages' that propane tanks are kept in, I've definitely seen those but never at a tobacco shop


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
If I was gonna blast, the best IMO is the 20 pound bottles, some are mixed solvents. They are stronger and made to be handled, free shipping, and I bet you can spray paint the outside white and trade it in on a full propane tank. A lot sneakier than going to the head shop, and having to throw out 300ml cans.

Plus it can be plumbed directly and valved.


Well-known member
The LA. News just had a pic if the firefighters, all bandaged up looks like they got badly burnt. They are calling it a hash oil lab...


This is crazy! I hope the firefighters burns have healed by now. Any word on whether anyone else was hurt?


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I'm curious about what has changed since this event? What rules have the FD laid on butane sellers?