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Looking into greenhouses....where should i start?


Active member
Does anyone know if i need a permit for a greenhouse in butte countyhttp://envirotechgreenhouse.com/image/cache/data/greenhouse/750-CF-1100-004-750x506.jpg

If you live in an unincorporated part of Butte, you need to look up the county ordinances and zoning laws. Generally this can be found online through the county website. If you live in an incorporated city within Butte, you need to look at the city ordinances and zoning laws.

Either way, nobody here will have that answer for you except those in Butte, and the only way to find out is to do the leg work yourself or pay someone else to. You could also go down to the city/county office and just ask...

Chances are if there are any regulations it will be zoning and greenhouse size dependent. Like anything over 20 ft tall and 1,000 sq ft needs a permit, everything under is fine.


Those airstream innovations look awesome, smallest size is half an acre wonder what that costs ? My next gh is very likely a steel building with a clear roof, partial slab for living quarters, I want it to otherwise look like a huge barn. I can't wait to setup a new spot that is actually on the grid & has fiber optic and no crazy ass driveway.


New member
the smallest airstream is 110k thats installed and it comes with a generator if the power goes out. this is the 1/2 size. the plastic material lasts about 5-6yrs and it costs roughly 20k to replace it.

i'm currently prepping the property for them to come and do a site check. very nice people at airstreams.


You might want to check out Forever Flowering (foreverflowering.net) ... I got some parts from them and the customer service was BS, makes me hesitant to take the plunge and buy a 60k 2000 square foot automated light dep unit from them..but, they've got some fans so they must be doing something right...
So i went with greenhouse mega store located in sacramento who buys them from conleys greenhouse co
This is what i picked up and a pain to put up
I still havent gotten it up yet so hopefully when i get pics up yal could help me out

how do you know it was a pain to put up? I was looking into conleys directly and liked what I saw. the instructions on conleys site seem pretty straight forward. it looks like you got the 1100 series? heres the instruction list.
So here is what i found out: using 2x6 for the bottom frame is best and have another 2x4 4ft from that for air to flow through in hit summer days like today..(sidewall)(if your in butte county home depot carries a black shading in garden center you can staple that on so the choppers cant visually see anything...having luminance/white film keeps them guessing what your really doing.....anti condensation film is recommended but ole skool growers been doing without so its your choice really....when digging your post make sure they are aligned correctly before cementing because my frames r not straight across from one another...couldnt fix it cus i returned the bobcat already....oh, know where your holes will be before getting the bobcat i paid the hard way....i got 2 36" exhaust fan for the 20x60 greeny n it move air but bigger is better...note the greeny will not get any cooler then the outside air...i will report back anything else....oh just to let everyone know code enforcers are out there their just waiting for the plants to get bigger so they can get better evidence to knock on your door...my greeny was full 2 weeks ago with 60 5 footers they came and had me chop them and wanted me to buy 4 2x4x10 nailed them together and start over...so be cautious happy growing...................

Daniel Monk

New member

Did you ever find a greenhouse? Hit me up I can get you in contact with my guy at AgraTech. Their greenhouses work perfect with Foreverflowering light dep. I can get you more info if your are still looking. 7 acres..... sounds like $$$ in your future.