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Looking for "Michigan Landrace" genetics


New member
It would seem that Mota Rebel is/was the only one with the Pinconning still being run (or crossed). Would anyone know how to get their hands on it? I've tried emailing and DM'ing him in IG but I don't think Mota was interested in sharing his heirloom bounty.
I've read a couple sources that claim northern lights was bred in the petoskey area eons ago. It's doubtful that they used local wild plants, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Does north America have a landrace strain to claim? Seems as though hemp was the big thing here. Idk though...

Good luck in your search.
Hey . I don't think too many people still run the original Detroit purps. I was around at the beginning and your story is pretty close . Not going to rehash the whole thing but wakko found the seed in a bag of green spirit around 96'. He said it was pollinated by a purple Afghani because the guys he got it from also had purple Afghani.

The first time he ran it it actually hermied and he had a 10 lb + harvest with probably a million plus seeds lol . But in 96' you could still get rid of seeded stuff easily. I'm sure plenty of ppl popped those and it got renamed dozens of times . Like almost any other strain.

Anyway it started to lose it's vigor around 2005 and I stopped running it as did everyone I know who had it . I made dozens of crosses with it back in the day . Lost a lot of them .Still have some seeds. Popped some last year and I have 2 really nice varieties, not sure of the father's because they were unmarked.

I'll put up some pics next week of the 2 varieties I have. I got some pics up of past seed hunts on IG .same as my screen name.

I was around here hanging out in Mt Clemens back then. We used to get some seriously potent dope, seeded but obviously freshly cured. Gotta wonder if it was this guys shit.


New member
It seems the Pinconning is still 'round the way, but not many people are wiling to share the love or its location. I did locate some Phifty Caliber Kush, which is 707 Headband x Pinconning Paralyzer. And Mota also had some gear Pinco Kush that was available not too long ago and if it is still floating around will be on my 'Buy On Sight' list.

In other news, while searching for the Pinconning I was told about two popular, classic Detroit strains and I was hoping someone has run across them and could shine a light on their possible genetics.
"Chocolate" - Story has it this strain had a distinct chocolate/musk scent and flavor. Well known all through Cass Corridor (currently Midtown Downtown) and Dexter/Linwood area throughout the early 90s.

"Ghans" - This one is fairly obvious. But I was wondering if a particular cut of Aghani was making the rounds in the city during the early 90s.
In full disclosure, I do understand that these could have been street names and give no guidance as to what the strain is/was. I'm just kinda high and lookin' for answers. :joint:


New member
More info

More info

We need more info on your growing style. Outdoors, in? The traits you are looking for probably won't be found in most if any commercialized varieties which are all type 1 plants, High THC--low CBD--with little if any other cannabinoids. There is a plant going around MI, the sage n sour, which has haze genetics in it. Good commercial plant with a buzz different than the rest.

What effect is it that you are looking for? Clear--uplifting--with no couchlock comedown? Search for pure landrace african, lao, thai, mexican... These plants are obviously not suited for our climate, but if this is the effect you want, create the climate. These are where you will find the type 4 magic plants. If you want more sedation go for some afghan or Pakistani--said to have varied rations of thc to cbd dom.

Outdoors here in MI, check out some m33 line. Grown up in Canada so it will deff finish here too. Perhaps not the effects you want, but def a finisher.

There is a mi guy bean brains here who has seeds from elite old cuts. nl1 for example.



New member
Chocolate. Find someone selling beans of "chocolate thai". Thai plants can rock your world. Also hermi prone. They will cost lots. Or look for authentic haze plants. You will find sth intense if thats what you seek. These kind of plants have much longer flowering times than commercial varieties. 14-15 weeks give or take.


Active member
I've read a couple sources that claim northern lights was bred in the petoskey area eons ago. It's doubtful that they used local wild plants, as mentioned earlier in the thread. Does north America have a landrace strain to claim? Seems as though hemp was the big thing here. Idk though...

Good luck in your search.

can you please elaborate on this

my family grew NL all thru the 80’s until a decade ago. the clone was lost and I’ve since been on the hunt

straight pine cones and lemons.


Well-known member
It seems the Pinconning is still 'round the way, but not many people are wiling to share the love or its location. I did locate some Phifty Caliber Kush, which is 707 Headband x Pinconning Paralyzer. And Mota also had some gear Pinco Kush that was available not too long ago and if it is still floating around will be on my 'Buy On Sight' list.

In other news, while searching for the Pinconning I was told about two popular, classic Detroit strains and I was hoping someone has run across them and could shine a light on their possible genetics.
"Chocolate" - Story has it this strain had a distinct chocolate/musk scent and flavor. Well known all through Cass Corridor (currently Midtown Downtown) and Dexter/Linwood area throughout the early 90s.

"Ghans" - This one is fairly obvious. But I was wondering if a particular cut of Aghani was making the rounds in the city during the early 90s.
In full disclosure, I do understand that these could have been street names and give no guidance as to what the strain is/was. I'm just kinda high and lookin' for answers. :joint:

Bumping this old thread, because this comment interests me. The "Ghans" is one I've been after for a long time, still some of the best herb I've ever smoked. Anyone who may know something, please chime in. There were a few others around the same time that I still miss today, but don't know what they were. I don't see anything like them anymore, in looks, smell, or resin coverage. Used to have to literally peel the bag off some of the good batches.


There's a few articles on MLive as well as a 3-part podcast about the return of 'Pinconning Paralyzer.' I haven't followed too closely or listened to the podcasts, yet. May just be some folks trying to cash in on a known name. Don't remember if the articles are for subscribers only but here's the link for the first one.



Active member
ill have to post everything ive collected some time

I have tons of beans from early seventies to late 90's

some labeled some not..

its been an ongoing effort of mine

monkey paw, ghans and popcorn, I had the paralyzer for a while, ended up tossing it.. idk itd take a half hour to type it all. had capers as well

ive been perfecting my culture work for years, I once had a 70's affy from ndn labeled herat.. I put them straight into soil and since there were so few and so old I continued lightly watering them for about a month and they ended up popping. was pretty shocked didn't expect them too.

does anyone recall the whole NL was made in MI argument from overgrow

im aware this contradicts Gregs story just would like to hear more as my family had a nl cut since the early 80's and he's insistent "theres no damn number its just nl the original" he could be mistaken but... ive never seen a more worthy subject for NL's admiration thru out time