This beast was hidden by trees and poison ivy so I never noticed it until I found the hose hook-ups buried in my garden. It works by hooking a hose to the small line to fill it and a watering hose to the large drain.
The lines go underground to stay cool
Then pop back up at the tank.
So the reason for this post is because I have never used on of these things before and I am looking for advice on how to maintain them.
The whole thing is sealed shut so it doesn't look like I can get inside to really clean it but it should have stayed clean from being sealed... I hope.
The water comes out just as clean as the hose water I am using to fill it so I assume it is clean in there... no funky taste or smell...
Also will this tank allow the water to de-chlorinate? I am not sure because it is sealed shut if that will affect it or not...
Any insight is greatly appreciated!