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Long-term pot smoking has no significant effect on lung functions: new study


Dr. Narrowleaf
Spreading studies like this can be harmful imo. I used to believe them but my lungs are fucked after only 10 years of smoking so be warned. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, just weed.


Active member
Yeah I too believe smoking anything is bad for you, but I think if you're able to stick to once or twice a month its probably not going to be a big deal.

I used to smoke weed all day and honestly my lungs were a mess. Even with daily exercise. I'm taking a long break for now, as I got to the point where my breathing was horrible.


Why not vaporize ? These new modern day vaporizers like the Crafty from Storz and Bickel are fantastic. No more filling up bags or sucking through whips just small easy to use direct draw vaping which extracts all the goodness in one or two hits.


ICMag Donor
Ima have ta call bull shit!

My lung function is diminished due to smoking pot & nothing else.

I wake every morning with a bit of congestion & wanting to cough up phlem ir whatever is blocking my breathing.

I live in a clean air environment where my closest neighbors are a mile away & the closest town 12 miles, as the crow flies, so near zero air polution.

However, on a spirometer test I can blow away most non smokers for lung capacity. Don't know about the 1sec exhale though.


Dr. Narrowleaf
Why not vaporize ? These new modern day vaporizers like the Crafty from Storz and Bickel are fantastic. No more filling up bags or sucking through whips just small easy to use direct draw vaping which extracts all the goodness in one or two hits.

Too lazy or poor to get a vaporizer I guess.

I've been looking into it though, and will get one soon. (Da vinci) Vaping and edibles are the future for me, this smoking madness has been going on long enough. I had to wake up one night not being able to get enough oxygen to really start appreciating my lungs.

Value your lungs, you only have two! lol


Active member
Spreading studies like this can be harmful imo. I used to believe them but my lungs are fucked after only 10 years of smoking so be warned. I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, just weed.

Exactly some people get cancer with out even smoking or a lung disease far as i am concerned any and all smoke inhaled has a potential for harm some get issues some don't for instance ....
I smoke cigarettes pack and a 1/4 day for 35 years yet when i went on the breath machine doctors were in awe how little my lungs deteriorated from what they expected ,,, but my lungs are not 100 percent more in the 75 - 80 percent range
Another person smoking that much would have a tomb stone with his name on it

Ima have ta call bull shit!

My lung function is diminished due to smoking pot & nothing else.

I wake every morning with a bit of congestion & wanting to cough up phlem ir whatever is blocking my breathing.

I live in a clean air environment where my closest neighbors are a mile away & the closest town 12 miles, as the crow flies, so near zero air polution.

However, on a spirometer test I can blow away most non smokers for lung capacity. Don't know about the 1sec exhale though.

Way i look at it is many mentioned how cigs have all these chem additives in it bottom line its processed product we all know about processed food which is no good
then we can look at chem nutrients and additives again processed products
and even in organic can it carry potential issues ???
everyone adds manures blood meal , bone meal lime and whole bunch of other ingredients
but again more or less processed products do you know where the manure came from ??? Diseased animals how do you know really
is all i am saying
or Bat guano Histoplasmosis is another disease associated with bats. Its symptoms vary greatly, but the disease primarily affects the lungs. Occasionally, other organs are affected. When this happens it can be fatal if untreated.

In addition, Histoplasmosis is caused by a fungus that grows in soil and material contaminated with droppings from animals, including bats. Droppings, also known as bat guano, can contaminate the soil and cause infectious spores to be released when the soil is disturbed

Also what about molded buds that a person smokes ,, Nothing is really 100 percent safe these days where money can be made people cut corners


Active member
You think organic wins ??? nothing really wins problem is are soils are to depleted and that is the sad truth,
For about seventy years, people have been assured that poor quality soil is no longer an issue, so long as they rely on synthetic fertilizer products. Synthetic fertilizers are believed to infuse nutrients into soil, enabling all plants to prosper. However, synthetic fertilizers tend to replenish only nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus; awhile depleting the other nutrients and minerals that are naturally found in truly fertile soils. Modern farming ironically leads to nutritionally-deficient foods. Most produce is also laced with chemicals; and most troubling, pesticides. Conversely, organically-grown fruits and vegetables have significantly more anti-oxidants, polyphenols, and enzymes. It is not just the soil that is losing out: it is our health.

Omega-3 oils are one of many nutrients which are rapidly declining in our foods. A lack of omega-3's is known to lead to heart disease, cancers, mental disorders such as attention deficit disorder, and Alzheimer's disease. In earlier times, most of these conditions were rare and merely occurred in society's most elderly.

Another reason behind our nutritional deficiencies is that fruits and vegetables are now being picked prematurely. For instance, non-organic tomatoes are now being made to look red using synthetic ethylene instead of sunlight.

As far back as 1936, the U.S. Government was already aware that American soils were nutritionally deficient. In 1936, U.S. Senator Duncan Fletcher, a Democrat from Florida, asked that a document be placed into the Congressional Record. It became Senate Document No. 264, which stated:

"The alarming fact is that foods -- fruits and vegetables and grains -- now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us -- no matter how much of them we eat!

"Laboratory tests prove that the fruits, the vegetables, the grains, the eggs and even the milk and the meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago (which doubtless explains why our forefathers thrived on a selection of foods that would starve us!) No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health, because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them..."

The line, "No man of today can eat enough fruits and vegetables to supply his system with the mineral salts he requires for perfect health" is a good explanation for the existence of rampant obesity. The fatter that a person is; the more his body has been starving for wholesome foods.

Synthetic fertilizers kill a large percentage of a soil's naturally-occurring microorganisms. These bacteria would normally break down organic matter into plant nutrients, and help convert nitrogen from the air into a plant-usable form. Other useful soil bacteria are "disease organisms" which keep cutworms, chinch bugs, grubs, and other parasites in check. It takes almost six weeks for soil to partially recover biologically from a poisoning by synthetic fertilizer. Considering many fertilizer producers advise the reapplication of their synthetic fertilizers every three months explains why so many potentially fertile areas of soil are merely wastelands, in which the essential microorganisms are dead from either fertilizer run-off or direct application. Soil that is deprived of its microorganisms undergoes a rapid decline in soil structure, and it loses its essential ability to retain water, air, and nutrients. Plants grown in such depleted soil are extremely susceptible to damage from diseases, insects and drought. Healthy soil, which is rich in beneficial microorganisms, encourages the natural immune systems of plants, limits the population of plant disease organisms, resists parasitic insects, and creates the ideal conditions for growth.

Organic crops are generally far more flavorful, since they contain many more nutrients. A person's mouth can actually taste the difference between God's goodness and man's folly. For the environmentalists out there, growing organically embraces the ideal that agriculture should meet the needs of the present without harming future generations.

Unfortunately, switching to an organic fertilizer is not a quick fix for soil; especially when the soil has been bombarded with chemicals for years. It can take several years before the soil regains the fertility that it once had, and this may lead some growers into the false belief that organic farming is less productive. Hence, fertilizing with chemicals has become like a drug addiction to farmers.

Organic fertilizer is most often manure from cows, horses, poultry, pigs, and sheep. The problem with manure is that the animals can only make nutrient-rich manure if their food source is also nutrient rich. Because of this, grass-eating animals raised on depleted soil will likewise produce inferior manure. Many organic advocates encourage others to travel to local farms for manure instead of the gardening sections of retailers. This is because the people who sell their products to large stores are likely to be using synthetic products on their fields and crops, because they hope to achieve a quick and easy profit, but their semi-starved animals will only yield depleted manure. Of course, purchasing directly from a farm is not always an option, and taking a risk with retail manure is far better than using chemicals for the best long-term results and stewardship.
To many farmers out there selling organic when there not even when there not even organic certified


Active member
There is no way to shake it really to think your growing Organic is going to be better is not the case do you not here almost daily that some live stock has to be destroyed cause of a disease ?? how many get away with out it new castle disease etc
Organic fertilizer is most often manure from cows, horses, poultry, pigs, and sheep. The problem with manure is that the animals can only make nutrient-rich manure if their food source is also nutrient rich. Because of this, grass-eating animals raised on depleted soil will likewise produce inferior manure. Many organic advocates encourage others to travel to local farms for manure instead of the gardening sections of retailers. This is because the people who sell their products to large stores are likely to be using synthetic products on their fields and crops, because they hope to achieve a quick and easy profit, but their semi-starved animals will only yield depleted manure. Of course

Disease Livestock Affected Symptoms
Erysipeloid Cattle, swine, horses, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks Pigs - arthritis, skin lesions, necrosis, septicemia
Sheep - lameness Serious hazard for the swine industry, rejection of swine meat at slaughter due to speticemia, also affects dogs
Salmonellosis All domestic animals Abortions in mature cattle, mortality in calves, decrease in milk production in dairy cattle
Colitis in pigs
Over 1,700 serotypes
Pasteurellosis Cattle, swine, horses, rabbits, chickens, turkeys Chickens and turkeys die suddenly without illness pneumonia, bovine mastitis, abortions in swine, septicemia, abscesses Also affects cats and dogs
Avian tuberculosis Chickens, turkeys, swine, cattle, horses, sheep Emaciation, decrease in egg production, and death in poultry. Mastitis in cattle Also affects cats and dogs
Streptococcosis Cattle, swine, sheep, horses, chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, rabbits Emaciation and death in poultry. Mastitis in cattle, abscesses and inflamation of the heart, and death in swine Feral pigeons are susceptible and aid in transmission
Yersinosis Cattle, sheep, goats, horses, turkeys, chickens, ducks
Abortion in sheep and cattle Also affects cats and dogs
Vibriosis Cattle and sheep In cattle, often a cause of infertility or early embryonic death. In sheep, the only known cause of infectious abortion in late pregnancy
Of great economic importance
Listeriosis Chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats In cattle, sheep, and goats, difficulty swallowing, nasal discharge, paralysis of throat and facial muscles Also affects cats and dogs
Cattle, sheep, swine, poultry
Inflammation of the brain, newborn calves unable to suckle Associated with listeriosis, salmonellosis, cryptococcosis
Encephalitis (7 forms) Horses, turkeys, ducks
Drowsiness, inflammation of the brain
Mosquitos serve as vectors
Cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks
Abortions in cattle Common in turkey poults
Cattle, swine, sheep, horses, chickens, turkeys
Chronic mastitis in cattle, decreased milk flow and appetite loss Also affects dogs and cats
Histoplasmosis Horses, cattle, swine Chronic cough (in dogs), loss of appetite, weakness, depression, diarrhea, extreme weight loss Also affects dogs; actively grows and multiplies in soil and remains active long after birds have departed
Poultry, cattle, and sheep Bloody diarrhea in chickens, dehydration, retardation of growth Almost always present in English sparrows; also found in pigeons and European starlings

American trypanosomiasis Infection of mucous membranes of eyes or nose, swelling
Possible death in 2-4 weeks Caused by the conenose bug found on pigeons
Toxoplasmosis Cattle, swine, horses, sheep, chickens, turkeys In cattle, muscular tremors, coughing, sneezing, nasal discharge, frothing at the mouth, prostration and abortion Also affects dogs and cats

Chlamydiosis Cattle, horses, swine, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese In cattle, abortion, arthritis, conjunctivitis, enteritis Also affects dogs, cats, and many wild birds and mammals
Q fever Affects cattle, sheep, goats, and poultry May cause abortions in sheep and goats Can be transmitted by infected ticks
Research and Resources:

Choosing the Right Bird Gard

Bird Control Guidelines

Florida Blueberry Growers Association Article

University of Arizona study on Controlling Birds in Orchards
Rutgers University Study on Controlling Birds in Dairies
Health Hazards of Bird Droppings
Crop Specific Bird Control:


Cherries and Tree Fruits


Pistachios, Almonds and Pecans

Still have Questions Bird Gard Bird Repellers?

Help Choosing the right Bird Gard bird deterrent

Get rid of birds with Bird Gard.

Deer Shield

Bird Gard Pro Block

Bird Gard Pro Plus keeps birds out of up to 3 acres.

Bird Gard Super Pro keeps birds out of up to 6 acres.

Bird Gard Super Pro Amp keeps birds out of crops up to 30 acres.

Bird Gard Super Pro Wireless.

Bird Gard Sper Pro PA4 repels wild turkey and other larger birds.


Active member
Yea, totally effects lung function.



I can guarantee to anybody that your lungs are going to be more harmed by living in a major metro area, or from general physical stagnation. Get up and move, general maintenance is required!! 30 minutes a day of breathing exercises for overall health.


Active member
no seeds, no stems. no blunt wrappers. and effect on lungs is highly strain variable.

prefer to avoid vapes, fresher the vape the more like breathing a hot glue gun. different kind of wear, but i can feel that.

atm i have to smoke outside, so i always have to get up and go somewhere and hit standing up. usually when i take a hit one of my feet starts to rise up and i hold the hit standing on one leg in crane stance or some shit.


Active member
Yea, totally effects lung function.

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I can guarantee to anybody that your lungs are going to be more harmed by living in a major metro area, or from general physical stagnation. Get up and move, general maintenance is required!! 30 minutes a day of breathing exercises for overall health.

lol 30 minutes of breathing in and breathing out exercises hahaha
Smoking a lot of weed in adolescence turns burgeoning human people into shiftless idiots, in so many words, according to the findings from a 20-year study of 1,000 people in New Zealand. Researchers gathered from every corner of the globe to figure out how cannabis use — that's science for "smoking a bowl" — affected the pre-18-year-old brain, and discovered that teenagers using marijuana regularly can expect a more dramatic depletion of precious brain juices later in life.

The study tracked a large group of people from Dunedin in New Zealand, assessing them first as children, before even the most precocious of them had become stoners, and then interviewing repeatedly until age 38, when all of life's sundry disappointments become suddenly clear and irrevocable. Researchers accounted for other substance use such as alcohol consumption, tobacco dependency or other, way more exotic and cosmopolitan drug use, and found that those study participants who regularly smoked weed before they turned 18 suffered a significant decline in IQ. Regular users exhibited an average eight-point IQ decline, which was irreversible whether someone stopped using cannabis or not.

Reporting their findings in the U.S. journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers concluded that, for the pre-18-year-old brain, cannabis can have potentially neurotoxic effects:

Persistent cannabis use over 20 years was associated with neuropsychological decline, and greater decline was evident for more persistent users. Collectively, these findings are consistent with speculation that cannabis use in adolescence, when the brain is undergoing critical development, may have neurotoxic effects.
This is obviously a huge bummer, not just for all the high-school stoners of the world, but also for our idea of cool movie stoners like Dazed and Confused's Slater, who I always thought would go on, ironically, to be some kind of brilliant attorney or physician. I guess the joke's on me, then, but maybe also on the scientists that spent so much time confirming a popular prejudice against high school stoners, i.e. that they're unambitious, dimwitted and, in most cases, fail to live up to their potential. Don't worry, though — the study, though pretty comprehensive according to researchers who have the uncanny ability to pat themselves on the back, is by no means conclusive since researchers didn't look at everyone everywhere in the world. Until then, we can all be reasonably skeptical about these findings.


Kiss My Ring
using a vaporizer may reduce the harm associated with smoking marijuana, however vaporizers may carry their own risks and more research is needed.
let's use some logic.
combustion causes those toxins in the smoke.
lacking combustion, only the terpenes and cannabinoids vaporize, and they are responsible for the therapeutic effects we recognize as medicine around these parts.

smoke does irritate the lungs and chronic use will cause hacking, sputum, and possibly bronchitis.

however, chronic irritation can lead to cancer.

cannabis is the cure...


Active member
Warning: Alternative smoking products may be even more hazardous to your health

Several new tobacco products are emerging as the smoke-free movement spreads across the nation. While many of these products look or sound less threatening than traditional tobacco products, they still contain nicotine and produce toxins that are bad for you. Because many of the products are still new to the American market, there is little or no research to know for certain the health risks associated with their use.


Growing in popularity in the Las Vegas area, hookah originated in India and dates back at least 500 years. A hookah is a device, also known as a water pipe, that heats up flavored tobacco (called Shisha) and then cools the smoke in water before it is inhaled. Smoking hookah is particularly popular among college students, and many believe it to be safer than smoking traditional cigarettes.

According to Malcolm Ahlo, health educator, “Many people believe that the Shisha is safer because it is flavored, doesn’t taste bad or produce an offensive odor. Some people even claim that it’s only fruit. This is not true. Shisha contains tobacco and tar.”

Ahlo also explained that contrary to popular belief, the water does not filter out the harmful chemicals while smoking hookah. “It’s like saying the filter at the end of a cigarette makes smoking safe,” he said.

Recent studies show that smoking hookah might actually be worse than cigarettes because users smoke over a longer period of time, take more puffs and inhale more deeply. A typical hookah session can last as long an hour during which time smokers can inhale the equivalent of 100 cigarettes.


Snus (pronounced “snoos”) is a Swedish smokeless tobacco product that dates back several centuries. This moist powder is used like traditional snuff, with a “pinch” between the cheek and gum. However, this form of snuff doesn’t need to be spit out.

It is packaged in two ways: loose, which requires the user to portion out a pinch; and prepackaged in the same material as teabags. Because of its unique processing using steam instead of fire, snus contains lower amounts of nitrosamines—organic compounds known to cause cancer. However, this product contains more nicotine than cigarettes.

Because snus is placed in the mouth, the negative health effects are similar to snuff. A user may develop lesions in the mouth, gum recession and cancer of the mouth or tongue.

Dissolvable tobacco products

Dissolvable tobacco products, also known as orbs, sticks or strips, are among the newest smokeless tobacco products on the market. Their appeal is that they do not require chewing or spitting; and they are odorless and discreet. These products are packaged like breath mints or dissolvable strips, and are typically flavored. Their nicotine content varies from 0.6 mg (less than one cigarette) to 4.0 mg (almost four cigarettes).

They are marketed as an alternative to cigarettes or chewing tobacco and not as a smoking cessation tool.

Electronic cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are nicotine-delivering devices that look and act like cigarettes. They have a battery, a vaporizer, a cartridge filled with a solution (usually liquid nicotine) and an inhaler. When assembled, an e-cigarette looks just like a real cigarette. The smoker puffs on the inhaler, a battery causes the tip of the “cigarette” to glow and the heat generated by the battery turns the solution into a vapor that is inhaled. E-cigarettes’ appeal is that they produce a vapor, versus smoke, and they are available with varying degrees of nicotine.

A recent product sampling by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) showed that users still inhale nicotine, toxic chemicals and other carcinogens even though they are using virtual cigarettes. The manufacturers may not have all of the kinks worked out with the new product, as explained by Maria Azzarelli, the health district’s tobacco control program coordinator. “The quality control process used to manufacture electronic cigarettes is inconsistent or non-existent,” she said. “In one study, the FDA tested three different e-cigarettes that were all labeled as containing the same level of nicotine. The results showed that each device emitted different levels of nicotine with each puff.”

All of these alternative tobacco products, regardless of how they are processed or how “natural” they appear to be, still contain nicotine. Nicotine is the addictive chemical found in tobacco products that increases the release of brain chemicals to help regulate mood and behavior. Dopamine, one of those chemicals, makes you feel good. Tobacco users typically get a “high” or “rush” with their first use of the day. When nicotine intake is reduced, the effects are the opposite of a boost: anxiety, irritability, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, depression, frustration or anger, increased hunger, insomnia and digestive problems. Nicotine can be toxic when ingested in large amounts, especially in small children.

Negative health effects and disease are not usually associated with nicotine, but with the products containing it. Tobacco use can cause numerous types of cancer, heart disease and lung disease, and increases the risk for stroke and peripheral vascular disease. In fact, the CDC reports that more deaths are caused each year by tobacco use than by all deaths from HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, suicides and murders combined.

Bottom line? “Tobacco use of any kind is risky, even in moderation,” emphasizes Azzarelli. All of the aforementioned products, used separately or in conjunction with regular tobacco products, continue to feed the nicotine addiction and fuels your dependence on tobacco.

To combat the high use of tobacco in Clark County, the health district created the tobacco control program in 1999 with federal grant funds. The program was charged with preventing local youth from using tobacco products, promoting helpful ways for adults and youth to stop using tobacco and to eliminate the public’s exposure to second-hand smoke. To accomplish these goals, the program raises awareness and educates the public through media campaigns, social marketing, counter-marketing strategies, community initiatives, the Get Healthy Clark County and Viva Saludable websites, surveys, collaboration with community partners and outreach activities.

Since the program’s inception in 1999, smoking rates among adults have declined from 30 percent to 22.9 percent, and among children have declined from 33 percent to 17 percent in Clark County. In 2010, the health district received $14.6 million as part of the Communities Putting Prevention to Work initiative. Most of the funds were distributed to community partners to reduce tobacco use in Clark County.


Well-known member
"we can all be reasonably skeptical..." :tiphat: I have never heard anyone say that young people should smoke weed, ever. I started drinking at 10 & smoking weed at 11 with no ill effects throughout life (except when some idiot found out & decided to punish me), but I would not recommend that kids that age do either. hell, I would not say that adults SHOULD do either, but I DO think that they should be able to so if they desire to. it is not the govt nor the public health folks' job to decide anything for us, nor is it their job to smack us down if we blow off their "expert opinions".:tiphat: and THAT is MY opinion. :biggrin: in a few years I will turn 61, and bring me to a half century of enjoying this most wonderful plant. I think my 50 years of practical experience overrides their fucking "studies"...

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