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Lola gets Lucky! My Karma Genetics Test Grow aka Lola Does Jack


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Hi all that sucks lola, should be enough time before its time to plant by the moon, thanks for the update in the Moon Garden i should have planted yesterday now i will have to wait longer than i wanted


If you adjust the time zones from Eastern Standard Time, can't you plant now? Or are you on tomorrow already here? I'm confused?


Me too, twice!! I am just too much of a stoner :D Lola when is the next auspicious time for starting seeds :D

Smoke Kush

too bad you haven't gotten those beans yet, but on the bright side... i have been laughing non stop reading through this thread.

I will do my usps dance to get them there soon for you.

anxiously awaiting the test to start, interested in how they fair the mgos.



hehehe- kindergarten. It never gets old :D I love chasing,catching and kissin' :D


I like being chased, catched and kissed! Hee hee, don't hafta run too fast....

Well I got LolaDad out on the big bass tournament a fishin for the family name today! Cross your fingers! (LolaDad just over chemo, Dr. Lola prescribing) Good Luck LolaDad!


only girls can chase. The boys have to be the game. :D
(((((hugs)))) for Loladad and healing energy.
Have a great day :)
We will of course have fun and debauchery while you are away. I will have all details for you when you get back.


Oh, I'm just the official boat wiper and slave.... heehee

LolaDad and friend are off on the shiny boat just a fishin'.... I'm just a smokin

I see a pair of Orioles in the backyard, a flirtin up a storm.... Whoopie, been trying to lure them in with a feeder for years.... There's Love in Lola's back yard this morning going down Oriole style! (good for the harvest) :bongsmi:


hope every ones weekend is going good .my is good so far other then i had to work this morning.so still no beans lola?


I'm spending a Saturday nite huddled over the laptop, waiting for a friend to let me know if they arrived yet.... that's dedication...

If they don't come today, catchers are going on vacation, so it may be a while before I know how it turns out.... I feel lucky! I bet they are in the box for sure today! :D


lets hope cause that would suck if you have to wait any longer

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Any beans yet? None for me today,Speaking of fishing i'm down with that.
to many boats on the lake on weekends,But love just sitting on the dock
and watching the baby dolls ski.O i take a fishing poll or 2 you never know.



Active member
I like being chased, catched and kissed! Hee hee, don't hafta run too fast....

Well I got LolaDad out on the big bass tournament a fishin for the family name today! Cross your fingers! (LolaDad just over chemo, Dr. Lola prescribing) Good Luck LolaDad!
Run as fast as you can and I still catch you :sasmokin:
Oh, I'm just the official butt wiper and slave.... heehee

LolaDad and friend are off on the shiny boat just a fishin'.... I'm just a smokin babe

I see a pair of Orioles in the backyard, a flirtin up a storm.... Whoopie, been trying to lure them in with a feeder for years.... There's Love in Lola's back yard this morning going down Oriole style! (good for the harvest) :bongsmi:

FIXED! hahahaha


no beans today....... shucks, shoot, daggum it.

No beans tomorrow....

Mebbe I should trade a cow !! It worked for Jack!

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