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Localhero's Outdoor cookout 2010


thanks guys!

mcdank, we shall see... ive been bled pretty dry since this all started, only income since then has been from trimming lol. it depends if some things come through... plus i def cant where i am now. god fearing christian neighbor will start the cycle all over again :D


Well-known member
Jesus.....I just found this thread today and went through the entire thing. It was like a long roller coaster ride with ups and downs...

At first I was reading and looking at the pics, and I thought to myself, I dont know how these guys do this because a few years ago I put out 4...yes an entire 4...3 gallon plants on my patio and everyone of them were stolen....little shits....

So I was lookin at your garden and I wondered if anyone tried stealing your plants....but I guess the neighbor called the cops????

Anyway it was a nice grow, and glad things worked out in the end :jump:

- Jenn



Well-known member
Oh Im sorry about your dog... I have 2 dogs and I dont know what I would do if that happened....

- Jenn


thanks jenn!

losing sarge was awful. the universe works in mysterious ways tho, cus he didnt get along at all with the german shep puppy i got about a month before the raid. infact while i was introducing them on neutral ground he attacked her and cut her ear pretty bad. she was a trooper thoughout the whole thing tho. she stood in front of my gf barking at sarge protecting my lady from him while her little puppy ear was dripping blood. nothing scares her, you could fire off a gun near her and she wont flinch, you can put your hand in her bowl while shes eating, every time without fail and she will never growl, only wag her tail cus ur close to her.

i got her to keep him company and to act as the brains of the guard duty while he was the muscle. I was thinking that introducing a puppy and a female puppy at that, that he would be cool with her, he was not cool with her at all. so anyways, it was a total nightmare keeping them at the same house and separated. i took her to a friends house to care for her while i figured out what to do about the whole thing. thats when all the shit went down. its a tragedy my good buddy is gone, but the silver lining is that now my other dog has a nice place to stay back at my place again with lots of people around and plenty of exercise.


Active member
I'm glad to hear your charges got dropped. I know what it's like to be sitting around sweating a case. It gives you gray hair. I'm looking forward to you getting back on your feet and growing again.


Is there no way you can get compensation for what has happened? i know when you get taken into custody and then released for other charges you are allowed to get items back from the evidence room. i have no knowledge of what was confiscated besides plants, but if they took other equipment, then you should, by law, have the right to have all that back. i have read some cases where patients were given back their medical cannabis after a wrongful arrest. it just seems so twisted. as you mentioned, you are tapped out for money, but if someone doesnt stand up, especially with such a perfect case like this, then they are going to just keep doing it. i wish i could suggest some freedom fighter types that would want to take this case or suit in a heartbeat, but sadly i know no one. congrats on the case drop and keep your head up.


Active member
wow man sorry to hear about the raid and your dog...even though your case was dismissed i would still be super angry about what they did. such bullshit, your case is dropped but you will never get your meds or your dog back...FUCK POLICE and snitch ass neighbors.

hopefully you find a new more secluded spot and rock it out for 2012..peace from up north.


Active member
hello everyone out there! i have some important news. i realize my mission with this grow was to prove that whats done up north can be done down here (LA) and to an extent i feel that i accomplished that. however, in a way i also failed big time.

it would be bad of me not to share the final chapter of my outdoor adventure with everyone. i feel that if on the off chance i might have inspired someone to follow in my footsteps that they should hear the rest of the tale.

on a cool thursday afternoon about a month and a half ago my house was raided. it was a planned event which included a specialist from the dwp and animal services.

they took everything, what wasnt taken was cut or destroyed.

apparently the outlook for this city is that if they get a complaint, they have to act on it. so even though my perimeter walls are fortresses, a neighbor invited them in and they used a ladder to look over my 8 foot triple thick fences. according to the lawyer they cant do that and the case could be dropped for just that reason alone.

I have a legal non profit business
I have signed co-op agreements with my fellow co-op members
I have a medicinal rec from a stand up doc.
I had our plants tagged with their corresponding patients
there were less than 99 plants on the premises
we were not stealing electricity

they dont care. to them its illegal until proven otherwise. i have friends up north who, when the police come have advised to put up no trespassing signs and to shoot trespassers onsite. down here its not that way unfortunately.

also my dog ran from animal services and was hit by a car.

the arrest was on a thursday so we would stay in jail as long as possible before getting an arraignment.

bail was set obnoxiously high in the hope that we would not be able to bail out and plea out just to be free.

we all made bail and no one is going to take a fucking deal. we are legal. we made sure to follow the law to the best of our knowledge.

it seems the city knows that most people will get scared and plead out to lesser charges and they get to have a conviction. they know that at the very least they get to shut people down and hassle the hell out of them.

shortly after the raid the city sent over an inspector to check for building code violations: no violations were found.

the city sent a threatening letter to my landlord saying that if he doesnt attempt to evict us that he would face criminal charges. WE ARENT EVEN CONVICTED OF A CRIME. i guess just an accusation of a crime is enough to condemn and smear an honest law abiding citizen.

i feel harrassed.

so anyways, since its spring and people are planning their outdoor season, be advised that the smell no matter how well concealed will reach your neighbors. funny that it was my winter crop that caused all this.

peace and i might delete this later or edit it.

also if you can afford it, have a lawyer on retainer. or else know who youre gonna call when the shit hits the fan and memorize fone numbers of the people that matter, cus you arent allowed your iphone in jail. i didnt realize how much i rely on my cell until it wasnt there lol.

good luck out there and dont forget to study more than just the growing side of this!
LH you back up and growing? I'll be hitting it outdoors on 5 acres out in the AV fenced greenhouse though volume full sun is too risky you can possibly risk it but as you know too populated down here too much air traffic police choppers ...shit lancaster has a remote control drone that patrols the city wtf??? Snitching is in style now so I'm going solo shot on this one in the middle of 5 football fields think I can pull it off. You can grow down here like up North guys are down here doing it just need some acreage or carports/gh. Ain't no business like your business an old hood saying to the point now where I just assume everybody is snitching. They don't make Men like they used to. I may even try to open a church/religious collective but still looking into that to see what's what the protection offered +&- ....It can be done down here just better have your game tight I know the risks I'm growing for it start a thread when time comes.:tiphat:


best of luck! shade cloth at around 40 to 50% i hear is the way to go out in the desert like that, plus watch out for those santa anas. shade cloth should protect you from the 130f summer sun and the all mighty eyes in the sky. for the nosey desert tweekers, that I cant offer any advice.

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