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LJ Farming

LJ farming

Well-known member
I can’t believe I just noticed that this years drinking holiday $10 shirt has a 3 leaf clover! What in the actual fuck Bezos/China? My fault I guess but I would rather burn it than wear it! For all I don’t know all the snakes from Ireland could head towards my house if I wear a 3 leaf clover not lucky shirt! I definitely need a new 75% off lucky cheap Chinese shirt tomorrow when I go out to pick up the potatoes, carrots, and no cabbage for the corned beef tomorrow morning!



Well-known member
3 leaf clover on St Patty`s Day.......LMFAO......that`s a damn sacrilege round my parts.......I`d rather be lucky than good any day.........Bein good don`t hurt though right broseph ?........3 leaf clover......almost spit my green beer out my nose......

Nuggage looks fire as always LJ......Keep strokin and .......


LJ farming

Well-known member
3 leaf clover on St Patty`s Day.......LMFAO......that`s a damn sacrilege round my parts.......I`d rather be lucky than good any day.........Bein good don`t hurt though right broseph ?........3 leaf clover......almost spit my green beer out my nose......

Nuggage looks fire as always LJ......Keep strokin and .......

I will always give you credit for that one thing or the other you taught me when I was still in diapers bud! As always thank you for everything and I will do my best to send you a sample of the 2 that aren’t worth smoking/backhoes experiments before he smokes it all! JAJAJAJA


LJ farming

Well-known member
Good vibes for you bud!!!!

I know very little about growing! However an ole head taught me last week how BABY SHIT EASY COCO DTW IS? I don’t understand why anyone growing at scale would go down a different path!

However When I hang it up and I’m only growing a headie closet/tent I definitely plan on trying to complicate growing this damn weed and get at least 1 more G per square meter!!

If it happens I promise I will leave at least one solar Panel on each plant, I will never freeze product to preserve it, I will give the dirt farmers the credit they don’t deserve indoors, I will only use organic horse and goat shit for nutrients, and lastly I swear to baby Jesus and mother Mary I will FLUSH the fuck out of whatever I grow for a few weeks at the end!

Sorry Fun Head Done! I am leaning towards organic dirt farming indoors and I’m forgetting both those things you taught me!

No big deal I got this!!!!!!


LJ farming

Well-known member
We all need "smellavision" for your different flavors Bro.....and......Ring da bell , the next round begins.....

Damn you please don’t remind me the trimming ain’t even 20% done yet!!!

I’m thinking you might get the trophy for smoking anything I fucked with before anyone around these parts????

Just remember your ole lady still owes me a fancy lasagna dinner damnit!!!!
