Nothing special at all.
I know this is wrong because there's a plethora of books about growing dope that says so. Posters with long green bars under their avatar sneer at my general stupidity - but I just don't understand the role of Dioxin in germinating seeds.
Here's the wrong (stupid wrong) method that I use on all seeds from any plant:
Take soil mix and put it into #1 containers, hydrate with kelp meal tea, Aloe vera and Fulvic acid. Take seed and set it on the surface - and here comes the tricky part - I take my 'pinkie' and press lightly on the seed until it is about 1/4" deep - warning another tricky step here - I push the surrounding soil on top of it and gently tamp it down.
They go under 400w HPS CMH bulbs until they're of size to transplant.
Take notes - there will be a pop-quiz in the morning! LOL
"Tough Love" - that's how we roll in the shire
EDIT: Same method for 20+ year old seeds - pitiful isn't it?
You "press" the seed into the soil? How many lbs of pressure are you using? Are you sure you won't damage the seed? I'm going to have to do some pinky push ups before I attempt
You guys are great.