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List of different Soil Mixes---Soil Directory

Dog Star

Active member
Real organic mix dont have aerators.. organic soil is soft,black and smells like healthy
harvested shrooms,plants dont have problems to breath or to spread roots in this kind
of soil if she is not pressed stiff inside pot so any kind of aerator is just growers
fiction plant needs them.

Mine Base mix-
70% Black chernozyom soil
30% Wormcastings

and after that you input amendments,crunched kelp,antartic krill meal,Low temp processed fishmeal,dry beer yiest,etc..
mineral part--granite dust,agro lime,maerl,zeolite
use also beneficial bacteries and mycos.

Theres no aerators but is more pure soil mix that will help feed plant in more proper way,
less defs on plant and they grow stronger,less ph swings as bacteries keep
medium in balance.

Actually this are pure organic soil-mix,type that is rare if we compare most of them
that contain perlite,coco,rice husks or any other aeration part... for me those
aeration mixes are empty.. as there is a lot of space in pot that dont contain
valuable soil mix..i read there are a lot of mixes that have to 30% perlite..
so you have in the end 30% of "emptyness" inside your pot... while there
could be a normal soil mix that contain just pure soil and wormcastings.. lot
more organic matter,more pure soil mix and less "emptyness" in your pots that will help your plants reach optimum and grow strong...

Dont know for other people but i grow this way for 6-7 years now and i dont go back..
dont need of aeration of any kind,recicling a soil.. everything works like charm.


New member
Coco coir and #4

Coco coir and #4

Has anyone used the mo'koko premium select coco substrate? I am using 60% that, 30% #4 sunshine, and 10% perlite. I just started using that in 10 gallon air pots. I am trying to figure out the watering schedule, it's a bit tricky. Any tips out there?


Going to try the fox farm mix 3 bags one each of Ocean Forest Original and lite warrior. Dont have much room so I spit it into a half batch. Would like to reuse the soil after the run . Im only running the Happy frog organic mix joe stated. for nutes at 1/2 cup mixed in will this do the job . I also got some oyster shell and going to start collecting stuff to use blood bone meal and such. Anyone tryed this mix? I have transplanted a few to some OF and sent them to flower have not had to add no nutes yet to those.been a week or so in the mix. Just transplanted some today to the new organic mix will see what happens. How much water with my tea shouls I add to the mix to get it kickin it is about 15 gallons of mix? dont want to flood the microbes out. LOL.


Going to try the fox farm mix 3 bags one each of Ocean Forest Original and lite warrior. Dont have much room so I spit it into a half batch. Would like to reuse the soil after the run . Im only running the Happy frog organic mix joe stated. for nutes at 1/2 cup mixed in will this do the job . I also got some oyster shell and going to start collecting stuff to use blood bone meal and such. Anyone tryed this mix? I have transplanted a few to some OF and sent them to flower have not had to add no nutes yet to those.been a week or so in the mix. Just transplanted some today to the new organic mix will see what happens. How much water with my tea shouls I add to the mix to get it kickin it is about 15 gallons of mix? dont want to flood the microbes out. LOL.

Not sure if I understand your questions or can answer them but I have been using the Fox Farm recipe for many years and am very pleased with it. It's a great base to start from, especially if you grow from seed. The original recipe calls for 8 to 10 quarts of perlite to also be added. Not sure why Joe omits that - if he just forgot, or really didn't add it, but I advise doing so. It's just an easy lazy-man's mix that can perform. :)

I do feel that the replacement of Happy Frog Fruit & Flower instead of Peace-of-Mind Fruit & Flower has resulted in an inferior mix, but that's anecdotal.

Happy Growing!


Thanks for the reply Im using the 3 bag mix just only mixed half the full amount of dirt and am basically wondering what all I can amend to the soil without cooking my plants. And What do I need to amend back into the dirt next run as I would like to use blood and bone meal kelp oyster shell or the 3 they are using for re amending I think lime oyster and gypsum alfalfa and stuff as I want to try a different way other than the Happy frog Nutes. I been picking up stuff here and there.. About 15 gallons of soil I will be reusing.


Thanks for the reply Im using the 3 bag mix just only mixed half the full amount of dirt and am basically wondering what all I can amend to the soil without cooking my plants. And What do I need to amend back into the dirt next run as I would like to use blood and bone meal kelp oyster shell or the 3 they are using for re amending I think lime oyster and gypsum alfalfa and stuff as I want to try a different way other than the Happy frog Nutes. I been picking up stuff here and there.. About 15 gallons of soil I will be reusing.

If I were you I wouldn’t add anything other than what the recipe calls for. I don’t reuse the mix (other than into the garden, flowerbeds/pots, etc.). To reuse it would include work to figure out what to put back in. Taking away from the laziness of it all. :biggrin:

I would think you would want to run it as called for, at least a couple times before adding anything else. It is a “water only” recipe. And if your concern is in burning your babies, then definitely hold off on adding anything. I have found the mix to be generally tolerable by the great majority of plants grown (even once dropped a jade plant into it). And I can say that years ago when I did mix blood, bone, oyster, kelp, green sand, vermiculite, etc., etc., trying this and that soil mix, I found (roughly) the same percentages for expressions from seed that weren’t generally happy and satisfied as I do now in this mix, which isn’t as much work - and showed (roughly) better percentages.

No reason you can’t mix it in halves, that’s what I do.

If running from clone, doing what you’re looking to do will be much easier than running from seed. I run from seed; which makes "dialing-in" a bit tricky. But the mix is a nice palette to work from.

Have you considered going no-till? If I wanted to “reuse”, I think that would be the ticket - but not as easy as mixing a few bags together. :biglaugh:


I hear ya water sounds good just want to help them along with botanical teas and stuff . I am doing clones. Im constantly planting back into the soil . I was doing it with promix and
just some lime add a root ball to the tub bust it up and use the dirt from the other end the tub. I was using bottle nutes . So I been reading about how t amend back the lime gypsum and oyster a long with the rockdust and such. I know its more work but like to stay active while my pain is under control.


Well-known member
Ofcourse I find this thread after 1 year of research and completing my recipe after hours and hours of analyzing recipes. This should have been in the organics section! ERRRRRRR


Active member
I am starting a grow soon using the soil mix you don't have to feed that calls for mixing the different FoxFarm products together, but the FoxFarm Light Warrior cannot be sold in my state nor any nearby states. The other products are on their way so I do not want to completely deviate from this mix.

So, is there another product I can substitute, or a way to recreate the Light Warrior by procuring the constituent parts and mixing them myself?



I do not think there even was a Happy Frog product line available twenty years ago. (Was there?)

The Happy Frog fertilizer line was formerly branded as Peace of Mind. I think the HF soil line was made available at the same time the fertilizer line transitioned to Happy Frog.


Active member
Has anyone had success with using only Happy Frog by itself? I added some lime and perlite. First time using only Happy Frog organic. used pro mix last run and it worked out well.


Active member
My first reaction to Happy Frog. It does not hold moisture very well at all. I am attempting to start 9 seeds in the new air pots( holes in the sides) and find center part of pot dried out after one 20 hr on light day with circulating fan on low. With regular closed pots the moisture would linger for a day or two before re watering was required. As I struggle to germinate the remaining pots( planted 8 , 24 hr. soaked Hubba Bubba Smellascope seeds in remaining pots, it appears that daily watering, small amount around seed area is required. Is it the soil, air pots, or too much air circulation? Hell it could be all three, but I suspect the soil right now.


New member
i'll definitely use some bat guano and worm castings in my mix. thanks for this very instructive thread :)


Active member
modified LC shit:

5 parts coco
3 parts perlite
2 parts worm castings

1 T per gallon crushed dolomite

1/2 T Blood meal per gallon (Nitrogen)
1.5 T Bone meal per gallon (Phosphorus)
1 T kelp meal per gallon (Potassium)

1 T per gallon Crab meal per gallon (Chitin, NPK)

1 T per gallon Alfalfa Cubes per gallon (Nitrogen)

1 tsp per gallon Neem Seed Meal per gallon (NPK, Gnat Control)

1 tsp per gallon Mosquito Dunks top dressed (Gnat Control)

1 tsp per gallon The Guano Company’s Super Tea Mix

1 tsp per gallon Diatomaceous Earth (Gnat Control, Silicon)

1 tsp per gallon Azomite

1 tsp per gallon Volcanic Rock Dust

Any suggestions?


New member
I want to eventually get into a fully organic baller soil mix made from compost and all the natural living good stuff but in the meantime I'm growing with a soil mix made of three bags of FF soil, one each of Ocean Forest, Light Warrior, and a red potting soil mix bag with guano and worm casings.

Wanted to go water only and I remember reading about this working if you get the time line right and do frequent up potting. You can also add big bloom during flower with molasses which I totally intend to do flower time, but my question is with watering with soil I don't want run off correct? Total noob here on my 1st grow =0)

St. Phatty

Active member
Trying to make G&B soil mix more hospitable to seedlings being transplanted.

I used a metal screen with 1/4 inch holes and screened some river sand.

2 gallons G&B, 1 gallon river sand.

Is it better to mix the Lime into the soil mix in dry form - or to mix the Lime into water, and to then pour that into a mixing container ? (that has holes on the bottom)

Started out using what was recommended at beginning of thread, 1 teaspoon ag. Lime per gallon.

Then increased the Lime a little bit, to 1 1/2 teaspoons per Gallon, i.e. 1/2 a Tablespoon per Gallon.
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