that's going to be some heavy duty citrus terp'd oil
limonene is a terp added to oil to so call enhance flavor lol
I'm hearing of unscrupulous oil makers using it and others to revive the oils they heavily purge.
lot's of talk on fb and reddit high times etc
to much terpene oil can cause bad shit to you.
essential oil therapists know this, every herbalist knows this, we are NEVER supposed to inhale large amounts of vaporized terpenes.
We are only to in hale the scent through diffusion not Vaporization as many are doing here.
You wonder why that bad lung shit is happening to oil puffers?
to much terps!
Although what your saying is true, this thread is about using limonene as an extraction solvent, not for reintroducing to old/bad product/ adding flavoring.