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Limonene extraction of cannabis

that's going to be some heavy duty citrus terp'd oil
limonene is a terp added to oil to so call enhance flavor lol

I'm hearing of unscrupulous oil makers using it and others to revive the oils they heavily purge.
lot's of talk on fb and reddit high times etc

to much terpene oil can cause bad shit to you.

essential oil therapists know this, every herbalist knows this, we are NEVER supposed to inhale large amounts of vaporized terpenes.
We are only to in hale the scent through diffusion not Vaporization as many are doing here.

You wonder why that bad lung shit is happening to oil puffers?
to much terps!

Although what your saying is true, this thread is about using limonene as an extraction solvent, not for reintroducing to old/bad product/ adding flavoring.


Nope since bullshitting and mystifying my tek will only make me look more like a bullshitty asshole I'm going to have to spill the beans.

I vacuum distill the limonene out of the oil, then winterize then vac. I end up using the cold trap for instance from the start to chill my solvent to bone zero right to my alcohol recollection during final water removal, 45 minute alcohol chilling winterize, then back again to protect the vac pump when im doing the final purge in a vac oven. So all in all my oil is purge to "quiessence" 3 times, 1 for limonene, 1 for water, 1 for alcohol.

Idk it been a few years since I took ochem or used a vacuum rotovap but I from what I remember, you can't distill a higher bp compound out of a lower bp compound even under vacuum. Do you guys have some lit or a link to show otherwise? My ochem is rusty and I am genuinely interested. What temp is your water bath at?

Ok suck the nail in the tombstone back AZEOTROPIC VACUUM DISTILLATION. Now does all my equipment make sense?

FUCK MEE read this so I can delete it. Do you want a bedtime story too, that screaming answer took me 4 months of my life. Now some Zho snake oil cocksucker is going to Rip the one thing I hide so stupid people don't go around make more Pure Gold using my name. I'm not a big farma guy but if you look at 502 in washington with that 1% food grade shit, you see why i didn't want to prove myself to the last detail

I shared everything, do I have to put the water in the rotovape for the conservative government and there corporate growers. I obviously joined tonight because I had a debt to the community. But yes that last bit i was hoping somebody would google for themselves. How did he get the limonene out of the orange? maybe he could do the same to get it out of the oil.

Im in Canada, i will see the oil on amazon before my country lets me have a business for the honest hard work i've put in. You think I don't wanna be my own skunk farm canada? I can literally see washington from my house n the fact I'll just be that black guy who invented penut butter but the world thinks penut butter was invented by skippy.

Dude i've been shitting my pants the whole fucken way purchase by purchase. I showed my wife your post then showed her the Ika rotovape website. Magnetic stirbar in a glass steam distiller was a joke, id stand in front of it waiting for the moment the stirbar stop when the oil gets too thick n Bumps. Nah its no wonder i couldn't get all the limonene out, i couldn't stir in thin enough for long enough till all the waters gone.

Thc boiling point has nothing to do with Azeotropic bonds. Im removing limonene at 95f or else i couldn't get shatter n the rest to be like you all. I remember when my shit looked like co2 oil and I felt good I had done something but was 100% sure nobody but a few broke hippy's would care.

more to come, the red are posted by horatio, not the most eloquent, but clearly decipherable.

i have yet to follow the rabbit hole.
I have been researching Horatio's work for quite some time. The timing of this thread coincides well with the timing of my first attempt at LHO shatter. I started yesterday and got winterized, stable pull and snap "shatter" today. It isn't discernible visibly from BHO from the same material. Smell and taste of faint Limonene but smoother than BHO. Will need to do more washes next time. I am sending it in for testing and will report back. I had the advantages of:
1. studying this for months given the knowledge that Horatio has made public.
2. I was patient and waited until I had the necessary equipment available.
3. If I didn't at least get to try one run, my brain would have exploded from not having an outlet after all the seeds Horatio had planted.
It has a lot of potential.


I have been researching Horatio's work for quite some time. The timing of this thread coincides well with the timing of my first attempt at LHO shatter. I started yesterday and got winterized, stable pull and snap "shatter" today. It isn't discernible visibly from BHO from the same material. Smell and taste of faint Limonene but smoother than BHO. Will need to do more washes next time. I am sending it in for testing and will report back. I had the advantages of:
1. studying this for months given the knowledge that Horatio has made public.
2. I was patient and waited until I had the necessary equipment available.
3. If I didn't at least get to try one run, my brain would have exploded from not having an outlet after all the seeds Horatio had planted.
It has a lot of potential.

awesome to hear!

if this works it has incredible potential, particularly at an industrial scale, I'm just imagining acres of cannabis extracted all at once in large ss vessels with less pressure or explosive gas concerns.
I have been researching Horatio's work for quite some time. The timing of this thread coincides well with the timing of my first attempt at LHO shatter. I started yesterday and got winterized, stable pull and snap "shatter" today. It isn't discernible visibly from BHO from the same material. Smell and taste of faint Limonene but smoother than BHO. Will need to do more washes next time. I am sending it in for testing and will report back. I had the advantages of:
1. studying this for months given the knowledge that Horatio has made public.
2. I was patient and waited until I had the necessary equipment available.
3. If I didn't at least get to try one run, my brain would have exploded from not having an outlet after all the seeds Horatio had planted.
It has a lot of potential.

Gotta be able to remove any and all taste and smell of Limonene ...... or it ain't ever gonna fly I'm afraid. People generally hate that smell, taste.


but how do your distill out limonene without distilling out many more desirables

this is where I'm confused.

Gotta be able to remove any and all taste and smell of Limonene ...... or it ain't ever gonna fly I'm afraid. People generally hate that smell, taste.


speaks for itself

Not only that .... but what must you do to the Limonene prior to using it as a solvent? Initial distillation?

couple rounds of steam distillation at vacuum, tossing the heads(or saving for further distillation) also, start with as clean a source as possible.
this is where I'm confused.

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speaks for itself

couple rounds of steam distillation at vacuum, tossing the heads(or saving for further distillation) also, start with as clean a source as possible.

Yeah the tests speak for themself ........... the flavor is what I was referring to. Does it resemble "Pure Gold" ?


Active member
DMT NEXUS and Mycotopia Are the place for data about using limonene for extractions. the other sites where this is coming from are using the Nexus data and Mycotopia also.

I've been using limonene for over a decade extracting DMT Mescaline, and more. and yes ganja oil also, but only with pyrex not a cls, the resulting product was less than desired.

its common knowledge. go to the entheogen sites and study extraction methods...blue light mycotopia dnt nexus and others the data is there and that's where this Horatio is getting the ideas from. He didn't come up with the idea, maybe the cls use but the extraxtion shit has been happening for over a decade with orange oil.

Terps are KNOWN poisons in large amounts and the proof is there but stoners refuse to accept the FACTS.
It will be shown dabbers lung is from to many concentrated terps. this has been seen in the past in the 80's when terps became popular in the new age movement and color healing with aromatherapy, people tried puffing them back them in the movement and getting sick.

Terps work in tiny amounts and then become a negative things after theyare concentrated,

Terps are not concentrated in nature and they only work for healing in very tiny amounts, this is a known fact.

if you want limonene extraction data got to the nexus and read the threads there.

grow up I'll post where ever I reel like.


Active member
DMT NEXUS and Mycotopia Are the place for data about using limonene for extractions. the other sites where this is coming from are using the Nexus data and Mycotopia also.

I've been using limonene for over a decade extracting DMT Mescaline, and more. and yes ganja oil also, but only with pyrex not a cls, the resulting product was less than desired.

its common knowledge. go to the entheogen sites and study extraction methods...blue light mycotopia dnt nexus and others the data is there and that's where this Horatio is getting the ideas from. He didn't come up with the idea, maybe the cls use but the extraxtion shit has been happening for over a decade with orange oil.

Terps are KNOWN poisons in large amounts and the proof is there but stoners refuse to accept the FACTS.
It will be shown dabbers lung is from to many concentrated terps. this has been seen in the past in the 80's when terps became popular in the new age movement and color healing with aromatherapy, people tried puffing them back them in the movement and getting sick.

Terps work in tiny amounts and then become a negative things after theyare concentrated,

Terps are not concentrated in nature and they only work for healing in very tiny amounts, this is a known fact.

if you want limonene extraction data got to the nexus and read the threads there.

grow up I'll post where ever I reel like.

Intriguing info! New to me but now I'll be more aware


DMT NEXUS and Mycotopia Are the place for data about using limonene for extractions. the other sites where this is coming from are using the Nexus data and Mycotopia also.

I've been using limonene for over a decade extracting DMT Mescaline, and more. and yes ganja oil also, but only with pyrex not a cls, the resulting product was less than desired.

its common knowledge. go to the entheogen sites and study extraction methods...blue light mycotopia dnt nexus and others the data is there and that's where this Horatio is getting the ideas from. He didn't come up with the idea, maybe the cls use but the extraxtion shit has been happening for over a decade with orange oil.

Terps are KNOWN poisons in large amounts and the proof is there but stoners refuse to accept the FACTS.
It will be shown dabbers lung is from to many concentrated terps. this has been seen in the past in the 80's when terps became popular in the new age movement and color healing with aromatherapy, people tried puffing them back them in the movement and getting sick.

Terps work in tiny amounts and then become a negative things after theyare concentrated,

Terps are not concentrated in nature and they only work for healing in very tiny amounts, this is a known fact.

if you want limonene extraction data got to the nexus and read the threads there.

grow up I'll post where ever I reel like.

an acid/base precip using limonene as your non-polar is miles apart from an azeotropic distillation of limonene from cannabinoids under vacuum.

and again, at the risk of repeating myself, the goal is to remove the solvent completely.


Active member
Good luck. Even the self declared genius cant get that orange oil out of his concentrates. Including his "clear".


Good luck. Even the self declared genius cant get that orange oil out of his concentrates. Including his "clear".

that's not at all what i wanted to hear :biglaugh::cry:

ok, so even in a proper short path setup, limonene isn't coming out? or are you saying his gear isn't good enough.

even if it needed to pass through a WFE like pope, or the new helderpad, it still is a good industrial option, no?

Rickys bong

ok, so even in a proper short path setup, limonene isn't coming out? or are you saying his gear isn't good enough.

even if it needed to pass through a WFE like pope, or the new helderpad, it still is a good industrial option, no?

The boiling point of d-limonene is much higher than D9-THC and D8-THC and very close to CBN. Short path isn't going to get it out even with very precise control. There's going to be a lot of degradation of THC into CBN as well....

Look up the boiling points, don't take my word for it.

The boiling point of d-limonene is much higher than D9-THC and D8-THC and very close to CBN. Short path isn't going to get it out even with very precise control. There's going to be a lot of degradation of THC into CBN as well....

Look up the boiling points, don't take my word for it.


Well that ends that ......... thank you :tiphat:


The boiling point of d-limonene is much higher than D9-THC and D8-THC and very close to CBN. Short path isn't going to get it out even with very precise control. There's going to be a lot of degradation of THC into CBN as well....

Look up the boiling points, don't take my word for it.


couldn't you just make it into "the clear" then? distill the thc out of the limonene?

but then the whole point of azeotropic distillation is that the water you add to the oleoresin saturated limonene lowers the boiling point of the limonene. he claims to be boiling it off at 110*f or less. edit: thats 110 under vacuum.


Active member
Boiling Points and Distillation PDF WARNING
When a mixture of immiscible liquids is
heated, it will boil at a temperature which is less than the boiling point of either of the components. Both
components will be present in the vapor. For a specific example consider a mixture of limonene and water.
At a little over 97°C the vapor pressure of water is 695 mmHg and the vapor pressure of limonene is 65
mmHg. Since the sum of the vapor pressures equals 760 mmHg, the mixture boils. The mixture will
continue to boil at this temperature as long as any limonene is present in the mixture. When all of the
limonene is gone, the boiling point rises to 100°C, the boiling point of pure water.
I boiled mine off at about 120f. The bulk of it came out pretty quickly. I used about a gallon of water to distill a pint in less than an hour.

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