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Let's see and hear about your sick plants!!


New member
Recovering I hope

Recovering I hope

At that EC, you are better to just keep pushing water through until it gets to 2.4 or so. Get some calcium carbonate and try to make a much lighter soil next time. You have to start with high Ca and high P and work your way up with K as you grow the plant. Can't start that way. That would be the cart in front of the horse.

Start applying calcium carbonate like a light snow and wash it it. Do it three or four times. Get some bone meal if you can, bone ash. Liquid bone meal would work.

You need airspace, so much that it dries out all by itself two or three times a day. Forget those silly super soils. That is like trying to steer the Titanic! I want a speed boat that I can change my direction quickly, there is a road map and it does have some interesting corners if you want to take it to the next level.

Get some quick lime which is Ca OH or calcium hydroxide. Half a gram or so per gallon will get your pH up to 8 or so in the water to correct low pH quickly.

Thanks slow

Read your instruction 10pm my time and worked through the night. ph now 6.5 ec 2.4.

Out of interest it took 10 litres of flushing to achieve that, 1 ltr flush per test. Going in was 8. Runoff was sampled at first water drop, then left for 30 minutes and sampled again. First was always .2 or .3 higher than 30 minute later sample. Eventually they were equal so I figured the whole pot was 6.5.

Drying is slow, even though environment controlled 28c 60%. I fluffed up the top few inches of soil carefully avoiding the centre of the pot and root damage, dusting in calcium carbonate as I turned it. We'll see in a few days.

Much gratitude.


Well-known member
My friends sick plantsreceived_451845412069620.jpg received_563043241114453.jpg received_2350938471641227.jpg


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Well-known member
He's using shade cloth and half strength fertilizer. He over watered in the past . His ph is 6.1

Any help would be appreciated, thank you


Well-known member
He says they are not over watered


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Well-known member
right......on the 2nd picture in post 982, few inches up on the base of the stem, it looks as if there is a major wound like a broken branch that took out a part of the bark/stem. then underneath that wound the bark/stem looks like it has lesions or breaks in the bark.

these breaks in the stem under the broken branch wound, TO ME, looks like the plant has pythium issues. the broken bark spacing is caused by dead tissue from the pythium rotting the stem. pythium not only can not only effect roots but it can go vascular an travel up the stalk setting up shop. which to me looks like this. then the yellowing above appears as a deficiency cause the pythium has damaged the nutrient highway an upper growth is effected.

had similar issues with stem lesions, an the upper yellowing, an after multiple lab tests pythium was confirmed.


Well-known member
Thank you Gmanwho. I'm going to contact him now .

the issues/fungi could have came in from the open wounds too. it looks like there may have been 2 major branch breaks.

there is not much you can do at this point, pythium is a pathogen u want to prevent, an treating an infected plant is tough. especially now that its in flower.

there are preventive biofungicides that u can use to prevent future issues. like (spelling) trichoderma , actinovate , prestop, an recharge uses a mix of fungi. these fungi will feast on fussarium or pythium type fungi. actinovate can be foliar feed.

being into flower , no safe chemical fungicide i know of should be used.

ride it out, an then dispose of the plant an soil an leaf so it may not return from that medium or plant material. if cuttings where taken, take note, cause it can an will return thru another cutting.


Well-known member
Thanks Gman I'll be able to talk to him on Thursday. I think he's going to finish them up .
Thank you . You hit the nail on the head. I can see exactly what you are talking about from the picture.


New member

As a first time grower, I have run in to something that may be is a problem with my plants. The leaves has started to "wrinkle" a little bit, and they feel almost paperthin when I touch them. As you can see on the picture half of the edge on the left leaf has almost started to turn upwards I wounder what the reason for this can be? I´m worried that I will loose the plants if it continues and gets even worse.

They are 7 days old, and I grow in coco. I use dechlorinated water that is ph-down to 5.8.

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks ever so much in advance!



New member

As a first time grower, I have run in to something that may be is a problem with my plants. The leaves has started to "wrinkle" a little bit, and they feel almost paperthin when I touch them. As you can see on the picture half of the edge on the left leaf has almost started to turn upwards I wounder what the reason for this can be? I´m worried that I will loose the plants if it continues and gets even worse.

They are 7 days old, and I grow in coco. I use dechlorinated water that is ph-down to 5.8.

I hope someone can help me with this.

Thanks ever so much in advance!

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Hi Gorilla -

Can you tell us some more details? Do you know the temperature and humidity in the grow area? If not, you should definitely buy a temperature and humidity monitor, they are cheap on Amazon. Is there anything else in the grow medium besides the coco?

Also have you fed it any nutrients yet? Seedlings can be quite delicate; you definitely don't want to feed it much of anything just yet. I had a similar issue with the "paper thin" feeling leaves and it might have been caused by the light being too close to the top of the seedling and burning it. What type of light do you use and how much? Is it suspended really close to the plant? If so, you might try raising it up a bit. Put your hand where the top of the plant is -- you should be able to hold it there for several minutes without your hand getting too hot.

How often have you been watering? The more detailed info you can give us, the better chance you'll get answers that could save your plant. In general, you only want to water once the medium seems dry and you can lift the container and it's very light. Feel how heavy it is after a watering, so that you can get a feel for the difference in weight when it's dry. It is very common for beginners to over-water and over-feed. I've done it myself. That being said, maybe some other people can tell you if that's the issue, once you provide some more details. Good luck, and don't give up even if you lose this plant! :)



Active member
I am having a few issues with my plants I am using ffof have not added anything to it my rh was getting really high at night to 95 temps range from 65 f to 79 f most the time temps are at about 76f


New member
Hello everyone I just wanted your opinion on whether this is heat damage, overwatering, p lockout from cold, or wind damage or possible root bounding. The old underside leaves of someone of the plants are purple.
Strain is pure gooey 2019’s and 2018’s by gooeybreeder so i thought it could also be genetic since its somewhat happening on all plants.

Basically leaves look soggy/bubbled but feel soft also some curling and twirling i thought because of the light but regardless just wanted any opinions.

Room temps day=72-78
RH= 45-50%
Organic soil home made coot mix
14 days old from sprout
4 waterings total
First at 1 cup per plant with fulvic acid
Second at 1 cup per plant with homemade lactic acid
Last 2 at 1/2 cup per plant with plain jane water
250 watt cfl 2100k bulb

Thanks for any opinions ahead of time guys and gals.



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ni issue the cutted leaves comes from a topping you made some days ago


generally speaking i think shes hungry
the rust spots you see are a calcium deficiency


the previous answers were respectively from hydromaniac and el timbo
idk why the site didnt took the quoting
el timbo you can see your plant look pretty light green, asking for nutrition. maybe regular npk nutrition with microelements will resolve


el timbo you probably gave bloom nutrient too early for that sativa genetic .. she lacks N (light green) but looking better i see some burnings .. probably from bloom nutrient
sativa plants stretch for long time so they need N a bit longer in time ..
sorry for the multipost

hey Heavenlygoo, your plants are probably hungry of veg nutrient .. they are also light green in color
i also seesome heat stress .. which is in fact more heat and dryness combined .. if you can cool it try to add an humidifier to help your plants to handle heat/ and to take advantage of it .. because hot/humid climat, if you can acheive it, will give you fast and lushy vegetative growth
give them organic liquid nutrient, vegetative nutrient.if you can, they will have access to it faster
they are not overwatered at all, looking nice .. i dont see lockout neither


New member
These poor mommies have been getting worse and worse...I thought it was a cute thing when it first started a couple weeks ago, but now that its getting worse I'm thinking its something else. I recently sprayed a new product for IPM so I was thinking maybe it dripped into the coco and threw it out of balance...idk! Please help

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