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Lemon Thai: Grow + hopefully make some seeds !


Genetics Facilitator
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ICMag Donor
Hey @Jahaze sorry to hear about your troubles with them... but they looks like a nice set of plants.. really pleased at the general 'look' of them
BDC1.. i wonder if this plant came from the Old Bodhi mum, the look is a bit different but those lighter fan leaves look familiar
BDC3 looks more like the New Bodhi mum - lovely looking plant for sure. (the new Bodhi was the first to smell of lemon/citrus in flower.. (then the sharp pithy smell came in later - which combined with the citrus after a bit of curing to make the grapefruit smell))
DCLT1, those leaves have started wide but really narrowed down during flowering! these shorter plants from that population didn't appreciate topping when i grew them and i think yours looks better and has expressed itself better from being left alone. There seems to be a bit of competition in these plants between narrow leaf and broad leaf traits.


subiendo el humo
Day 40 of 11.5 /12.5. I had an issue with pm but after treating they seem to holding up fine. Some of the leaves were left somewhat mottled. Plant BLT/DC #3 seems the most suseptible of the group. The plants are in small containers to limit growth while testing but look a bit restrained and would appreciate more root space. I seem to have 3 separate expressions but all have a lemony nose at this point. BLT/DC #1 is a dead ringer for the original release S1s. It smells similar to the one I still keep suggesting breeding true for the trait. The DCLT/DC plants smells of dirty earthy lemons with a slight skunky sweet wood type smell. The flower set is far behind the others and doesn't look like it's staying on the smaller side. The plant is also the shortest of the group with wider leaflets. Lastly the BLT/DC #3 plant has a brighter zesty lemon smell that is wonderful. There is a minty or menthol thing in the background making the lemon smell sharp and defined. Really nice. This plant also has tighter node distance and better developed flower set with superb resin production. This plant could yield well if trained and given space to grow. Im considering a reveg of this over the other two on smell and structure.





subiendo el humo
Went back in this morning and the BLT/DC #3 plant has a piney note that is enhancing the lemony nose. Also it's smelling sweet giving the buds a candied lemon nose when I disturb the flowers. Really enticing smell on this plant.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thanks @Jahaze they look like the PM hasn't held them back too much.. and it's great that you do seem to have two plants that are broadly similar to the two Bodhi seed mums and the DC one also looking very interesting (but, untopped, harder to compare to the DC mums.)
The terps on the LT really seem to shift and evolve both in growth and in the Jar. My New Bodhi LT that smelt of grapefruit has sweetened a bit now and smells more of pineapple.. and the DC5 plant has evolved too with more citrus and now that one is more like grapefruit.
The Terps on yours sound very promising for sure and. iirc, developing in a similar way.. especially for the BLT/DC3 which i agree has lovely structure and form too.
VG :tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Nice one @Jahaze, They all look good and frosty but BLT/DC #3 is particularly impressive !
Hopefully the fact that it suffered from PM the worst of the three isn't because it is 'weak' in any way.
(As a regular gardener by trade i often observe that root-binding in pots can make PM worse... so the fact that it was more affected could be down to that plant having more vigor) time will tell. It looks like a winner for sure!
VG :tiphat:


subiendo el humo
So while checking over for any residual pm I found some late stage male flowers in the Derg Corra LT plant. Their is no visible sign of pollen and when I removed the flower there was no powder and they were empty. They all grew towards the base of the plant. My guess is the they maybe sterile and probably brought on by a bit of stress dealing with the pm and the treatment given to the plant early in flower. They were treated with h2o2 & water, then milk and water, and before full on flower the big fan leaves were sprayed with some neem. And spots that appeared afterwards were treated strictly with h2o2. Kinda of a bummer as this was one of the most resistant to pm of the three plants. I plucked the male parts and will let her finish as I don't see any new male flowers. The plants are just over 8 weeks and should be finished in the next 10-14 days or so.

DCLT plant



Well-known member
Good job even finding those nanners. A couple of viable seeds wouldn't be a bad thing...


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the update @Jahaze . yeah thats a shame. I guess at least they are 'late' nanners (they look pretty fresh) and they are sterile.. Hard to know for sure if it is the extra stress and treatment due to the PM that has encouraged them or if that plant would have produced them anyway - although ime the naturally produced late nanners you get (most plants will produce them sooner or later if you keep flowering past ripe) generally also produce pollen.
Ive kept all the seed batches separate, and the DC seed batch that the plant in question came from is the smallest and is still separated into the 3 different DC LT seed mums, (the ones i sent you were mixed together but 2 from each plant IIRC) - so i could investigate further to see if any of those 3 DC mum is more susceptable.
It would be easy to exclude them all from the packs but i do think the DC plants maybe had a bit more potency then the Bodhi ones which, whilst still uplifting and happy, gave the high a bit more of an 'electric' feel..The Bodhi plants had more 'straight' lemon i think.. and the combination of the two populations seems to have produced some impressively resinous plants. with good traits from both by the sound of your decriptions

For the moment i will keep my fingers crossed that your plants behave themselves for the next week or two until harvest...



subiendo el humo
Yeah I'm not worried given i could have grown it healthier. I did check trichomes because I too find that plants that pass their peak harvest will sometimes throw nanners. There are few amber glands upon inspection but mostly clear and milky so this maybe a quicker maturing outlier. Im still going to keep it going at least another week because she doesn't feel done me. I actually think the BLT/DC #1 will be the 1st to come down. I checked the DCLT plant today and she seems happy and vibrant so I'll roll the dice on her and see what comes of it.


subiendo el humo
The BLT/DC #3 plant is starting to show some signs of entering the harvest window and I think I'm going to take an early bud (for science :) )to check for overall taste and effect and then let the plant finish like i normally would. I typically harvest with predominant opaque trichomes and more amber than clear. Since this a plant i intend to reveg I'll harvest the top 3/4 to leave as much lower vegetation to improve my chances.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Sounds like a good plan @Jahaze , how is that one smelling as it matures ?
yes probably better to take it down as soon as you're happy with it - i agree it does improve the reveg chances.
hope the sample smoked well,


subiendo el humo
Closing in on week 9 and I'm thinking in the next couple days thr BLT/DC #3 plant will come down. She's ready and I want to harvest while I still have some healthy leaves on the lowers so I can try a reveg. I had a sample in a bowl and she has a cerebral effect with lemony aftertaste. Maybe a bit piney with some faint cedar wood way in the back balancing the sharper upfront citrus. Will know better when I roll a proper phatty. I'll be away for a few days so this will be the last pics before the chop.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
It's a lovely plant @Jahaze, and i hope its reveg is a success... you should be in with a good shout as the leaves mostly are still healthy as you say. I wonder if the PM hit that one the most because it has more root vigor than the rest and was more 'curtailed' in its small pot. ( in general gardening i see 'patterns' to the way PM seems to effect plants, and one definite precursor ime are plants that were rootbound in their pots before being planted out... i'm not saying that is the 'cause' of PM, just makes the plant more likely to be hit when it comes along.. certain warm humid weather conditions seem to bring it on and there is little you can do about it sometimes)
Interesting how strong the two Bodhi plants have come through in the Bodhi/DC plants.. i love them both so that's a good thing imo.


subiendo el humo
Hi everyone. Sorry for not following up at harvest time but I was away from the garden and haven't had free time to update. Anyhow, things are settling down and I have time to update everyone on the lemon thai regs that VG kindly gifted me. The first plant to be harvested was plant #2 which i believe is the "new" bohdi LT crossed to a Derg Corra male. This was the plant which i found particularly interesting amongst the 3 females and the most lemon forward in scent. I cut it down as soon as the trichs showed maturity so I could keep as much of the lower plant still growing in hopes of a reveg. It worked out and that plant will be making another run in a much bigger container and hopefully healthier. Plant #1 was a dead ringer for the LT s1 population i previous ran and seems to have trampled over the Derg male at least in smell and structure. We'll see how the effect turns out after a short cure. Lastly, the Derg Corra female crossed to DC male was a surprise really. Nice sticky resin and more floral citrus lemon than the sweet woody lemon i get with the original bohdi LT used in the s1 population. It did produce some late stage nanners but I am sure it was due to stress from the powdery mildew and restricted root space from the small test containers. I plucked them out and the plant did not produce anymore. All three plants were down by that second week in February but I was unable to get a pre-harvest pic of plant#1. They all went past week 9 of flowering with the DC gal going the longest into week 10. Below is the #3 plant before the chop. I will be trying these out in the next week and will return with an initial impression smoke report.


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