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Legitimo Grow Outdoor


Well-known member
I read now, someone grew a Hops Strain from Kalyseeds, and he seemed to say that it had at maximum very very low THC. He said it somked roundabout like smoking Hemp. It also didnt produce resin, so if you wanna make extracts, may be probalematic.

But its still scientifically interesting . Also he couldnt rule out if he would have to go trough more of the Seeds.


Well-known member
Free ☕ 🦫
Anybody by chance has managed to find a study/article that confirms that crossbreeding Cannabis and (Japanese) hops is possible?


Well-known member
Ive also seen someone that managed to make Seeds from Crosspolination between t^Canna-Hops. He showed picstures too. But seeds werent viable with a very thin shell. So, it makes atleast hope, i mean if seeds even formed. Probably kalyseeds did a Crosspollination, atleast he seems to claim it worked.

Really i got a good impression by him finally, Kalyseeds just doesent have time to explain it well, that was atleast my impression after reading from someone that worked with him. If i were eager to get some seeds from someones probably small achievements, but probably infact achievements, then i would simply buy some of the Hops-Seeds, and the Seeds that he infact labels as crosses between Hops-Canna.

But dont take my word for it, but take my german english translation that i do for you from reading german forums.


Seed Whore
Anybody by chance has managed to find a study/article that confirms that crossbreeding Cannabis and (Japanese) hops is possible?

Even if it were possible the potency would go down for sure. It would be worse than crossing an Elite Cannabis strain with Hemp. ;)


Well-known member
Anybody by chance has managed to find a study/article that confirms that crossbreeding Cannabis and (Japanese) hops is possible?

No..and I have looked..The ones that claim to have, not kalyseeds..well, too many libel lawsuits, proven frauds and all there, for me to take their claims with more than a pinch of salt. Grafting is known to be possible and done, but it does not magically make the host or graft plant change its DNA to now start producing novel chemicals that it never could before, it does not work like that. Making viable seed..well as close as hops and weed are, we are closer to chimpanzees as far as I know and I doubt if someone shags a chimpanzee that will a viable embryo form, it does not happen like that. And I am pretty sure that even if a chimera was formed by the beastiality, it would be the first chimera in history to make fertile offspring. On the note of grafting, it is old news to make a super mom for novelty that is a bunch of your favourite clones grafted onto one root stock, so lets say I have a sour diesel branch cloned on the super mom, and a cookies, and a cheese, and a haze and a tangie..If I take a cut from each and grow them out, just because they live on the same rootstock there will be no influence on the chemistry of the clones, the sourD will still taste of sourD not haze, the cheese will still smell like it does and not like cookies and tangie will still smell like a stinkbud shat a mandarin out, they will not magically start making novel terpenes because it is attached to another plant that can as far as I know.

The fact that weed and hops are related is about as relevant as tomato and tobacco being related, it doesn't mean you can create fertile hybrids from them that you can further breed with nor does it mean you can hybridize them at all. You can make a liger out of a tiger and a lion, but lions are panthera leo and tigers are panthera tigris, they are closely related and of the same genus, the offspring though you cannot breed with, they are not fertile. Weed is a whole other genus to hops, cannabis and humulus, though related through a common ancestor just as in the same we are related to chimps, through a common ancestor.

Beasleys, what continent are you situated on? The humulus japonicus that I am 99.999% sure you are growing is a declared invasive species in northern america and europe and spread widely via seed and animals apparently, when I read up on it, so not a slight chance in the least to fall from the sky into your pot, it completely normal and common, pretty much every potplant in my garden has at least one weed that came from the sky fuck knows where, growing in it..I'm not saying pull the plant out because of it's declared invasive species label, not at all, just saying that it is widespread on multiple continents and spreads wide easily as the nature of the species it most likely is, so grow some killer hops, I hope you have a female plant that will make female buds as like with weed that is what you want, and then make some killer beer from your homegrown hops! And fuckin enjoy every last sip of it while you smoking some of your first homegrown!:dance013: Welcome to the party..

Last year under lockdown, while everyone was hiding in their houses from corona, I was sneaking out to have full moon parties on the beach by myself (and no moon parties in the pitch darkness LOL) with my fishing rod, till first light, homegrown leaf to chew, some homegrown shrooms which are also weeds that grow out my potplants in the yard ;), homebrew beer (as they banned alcohol sales round my parts, the fascists!) and fat prerolled bats of my homegrown...one man fuckin all nighter freedom celebrations! And a deckchair and some snacks and lots of prefrozen prepared prerigged baits as I had to fish by the moonlight. What you put in is what you get out.
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Well-known member
Grafting is known to be possible and done, but it does not magically make the host or graft plant change its DNA to now start producing novel chemicals that it never could before, it does not work like that.

i dont wanna talk controversial, but i think this has latel been disprooven. they found out that grafting DIFFERENT SPECIES (say Hops and Tomatos) can infact lead to mixed Genetics in the Grft.

I cant find the Article i read, here is a similar one: https://www.mpg.de/5010542/genetic_information_plants it has been prooven by renowned german Institute.. And there was more info in the article i read, they said genetic exchange happens very often
Just an update,
My girls are starting to bud, and every time I think “Possible Legitimo” is going to start budding… it just keeps growing. But today I think we are getting close.


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Sunlight is just about 12/12 and the plant is starting to flower. The vines are now shorter in between new leaves, as though it is rushing.
Some leaves are starting to curl and brown.
I used bonemeal about three weeks ago. I just spread it around and let the rain soak it in.. and we did get rain.. a lot of it.. the plant held up well but it wasn’t in any standing water.
lol I plan on brewing with this and will probably run a separate thread when that happens!

Note: If “Legitimo” turns out to be unicorn feed… I still have a couple girls that are looking sexy!!


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Well-known member
as comparison: this is a random normal Hops Strain:
Click image for larger version  Name:	hop.jpg Views:	0 Size:	75.6 KB ID:	17941351

Hairs are looking like ganja too on this.. But the Resin is higher on the KalyHops?


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as comparison: this is a random normal Hops Strain:

Hairs are looking like ganja too on this.. But the Resin is higher on the KalyHops?

Updated photos show that there’s not much difference (if any) from “normal” hops but I’m still holding out hope. Just hitting 12/12 light dark.

I’ll wait for the buds to get fuller before I take for testing of THC.. I probably have 3 or 4 weeks left.

On a Different Note: Found 3 buds on one of my favorite plants had inchworm buried in and causing black rot!! Evicted pests cut back as little as possible and sprayed with a natural garden pest control spray.


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Turning a pretty deep purple getting bigger. I hope to let it grow another three weeks or so. i have not tested for THC and I’m looking for recommendations as to how to have it tested.
I’m starting to think they they may be passing this off as “Runts” around here..


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Plant is huge and has about a million “purple hops cones” I searched the web for “purple hop” and found little.
In a beer brewing forum someone asked why his hops were purple.. no one knew but one guy said “it’s a cross with weed”
the forums mod.. stopped the conversation because they don’t discuss “illegal activities” but other than that… nothing.
Had a friend bring some cones …to a friend… for testing but a week later I’ve heard nothing. May buy a kit and test it myself.. still seeking recommendations for a potency kit.
Todays picture is one of the largest cones I saw this morning. 2 1/2 inches and purple.


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Click image for larger version  Name:	A3B1B253-8D6F-49AF-B431-2BC102FA84F8.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	139.8 KB ID:	17974307 Just a bit bigger this week. Still no results about THC.. there purple cones everywhere. I’m going to give it as long as it can go before frost. (Assuming bigger is better.)
Temp here is dipping at night and color fills the trees but the purple hop leaves are still pretty green.
Click image for larger version  Name:	725286B7-2363-4F70-96A7-F385061EFD69.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	152.2 KB ID:	17974309 Click image for larger version  Name:	725286B7-2363-4F70-96A7-F385061EFD69.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	152.2 KB ID:	17974309


Well-known member
So smoke some already, on a clear morning you'll know quickly if any thc is around..Though myrcene is pretty potent at making one sleepy so don't get confused and I think hops is full of it...LOL..And save some for making dank beer!
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Click image for larger version  Name:	5644E189-36C7-4ED2-A454-718BE412B55F.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	80.9 KB ID:	17984551 Click image for larger version  Name:	A7883BA4-AB90-4345-B169-9D5B26D06EE6.jpeg Views:	0 Size:	105.8 KB ID:	17984549 Picking the cones is a lot like I would think picking grapes would be like.. sort of strip a bunch at a time.. therapeutic but still labor.
Still going with the possibility it’s worth the time and I’m drying on screen in humidity 57% This is about 1/2 of the plants yield. I contacted two “real testing labs” and I’m thinking they are all waiting to open their doors “soon”.. I don’t know what the holdup is..
Smoking it is likely but… I intended to put the Legitimo debate to rest.. so I still want a test done.
hang on!


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Well-known member
Im proud of you doing that research. In worst Case use these cheap Testkits wich Pol uses for testing,