Rusty Shaklford
New member
Rocket Scientist
Rocket Scientist
It's clean and simple.
Legalize pot 100% Absolutely no restrictions. Of course the sale to minors,DUI, getting high in the work place, common sense stuff would be law.
Grow or possess as much as you like. Buy sell to anyone you choose.
The Kicker, There will be only 1 product you may buy over the counter and it comes from a state run operation.
An independent firm will plan the entire financial price tag for the various set ups across each state. The grows would be set up on state owned land using a free and green source of power, wind, water wheels what have you.
It should be a climate controlled indoor, maximum yielding hydroponics grow. The states minimum security prisoners will run the project supervised.
We now have free labor, after initial investment a cheap source of power.
The independent financial firm will now set the price of the ganja based the actual costs and throwing on a profit just enough to deter the independent grower from growing the same product FOR PROFIT.
Your pot is now legalized, smoke till your head explodes. You have now have taken out all the pot dealers as there is no profit in growing weed. Police and courts are now freed up for more important shit.The state is making a huge profit and is not a TAX!
There is no tax needed to drive the price up as your goals here are to stop the crime associated in marijuana sales which is brought on by the artificial inflation of it being illegal.
Doing a little research, it costs anywhere between a dime and a quarter to produce 1 cigarette. so this means a packs price to produce is between 2 and 5 bucks. There is roughly 1 oz of tobacco in a pack of regular smokes(.8 gram tobacco, rest is paper and filter) and would mean 20oz in a carton with 200 cigarettes
The prices were for cigarettes and from a company who has no free labor and must pay other expenses.
Of course this is a rough price with many other factors so lets just take all the other factors give them a good bunch of credit and say the state could produce a pound of weed for $25. A carton of cigs is around 20 oz. 1 1/4 pounds.
A cigarette sized joint sold for a buck or 2. That is less than 400 for a pound to you. So it would cost the state $25 to make $375.
Great for the state and smoker, but if your growing to sell, for profit anyway you lose!
Problem solved. We have our freedom, state gets their money.
Rocket Scientist
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out how to fix this.It will not happen without taxation-- Sorry--
But how would you rather get fucked?? Financially, through taxation??
Or Prison??
The Start of Legalization has to start somewhere...don't you think now is better than later??
It's clean and simple.
Legalize pot 100% Absolutely no restrictions. Of course the sale to minors,DUI, getting high in the work place, common sense stuff would be law.
Grow or possess as much as you like. Buy sell to anyone you choose.
The Kicker, There will be only 1 product you may buy over the counter and it comes from a state run operation.
An independent firm will plan the entire financial price tag for the various set ups across each state. The grows would be set up on state owned land using a free and green source of power, wind, water wheels what have you.
It should be a climate controlled indoor, maximum yielding hydroponics grow. The states minimum security prisoners will run the project supervised.
We now have free labor, after initial investment a cheap source of power.
The independent financial firm will now set the price of the ganja based the actual costs and throwing on a profit just enough to deter the independent grower from growing the same product FOR PROFIT.
Your pot is now legalized, smoke till your head explodes. You have now have taken out all the pot dealers as there is no profit in growing weed. Police and courts are now freed up for more important shit.The state is making a huge profit and is not a TAX!
There is no tax needed to drive the price up as your goals here are to stop the crime associated in marijuana sales which is brought on by the artificial inflation of it being illegal.
Doing a little research, it costs anywhere between a dime and a quarter to produce 1 cigarette. so this means a packs price to produce is between 2 and 5 bucks. There is roughly 1 oz of tobacco in a pack of regular smokes(.8 gram tobacco, rest is paper and filter) and would mean 20oz in a carton with 200 cigarettes
The prices were for cigarettes and from a company who has no free labor and must pay other expenses.
Of course this is a rough price with many other factors so lets just take all the other factors give them a good bunch of credit and say the state could produce a pound of weed for $25. A carton of cigs is around 20 oz. 1 1/4 pounds.
A cigarette sized joint sold for a buck or 2. That is less than 400 for a pound to you. So it would cost the state $25 to make $375.
Great for the state and smoker, but if your growing to sell, for profit anyway you lose!
Problem solved. We have our freedom, state gets their money.