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Leetdood's growing struggles


Well-known member
Don't think they'd come knock my door down but I certainly don't trust the government further than the letter of the law, and sometimes not even then.


Well-known member
I don't keep track of plant count anymore so one hypothetical conversation I've been having in my head, what if the fire marshals or someone else asks how many I have?

Can I tell them, "I dunno, go and count?"

Will they actually count or will they just go like "Hey man just tell me you're not over the number"


Well-known member
Tahoe got a big water. 5 gal to get enough runoff to read.
Good numbers, about 1.8 ec and 6.07 pH.





Well-known member
Given that I've figured out what was likely going on with irene, I'm likely gonna give her time to bounce back before pulling the trigger on the whole run. The whole run should be given time to bounce back from being misfed, anyway.


Well-known member
Lost power for 3.5 hours this morning.

Trying to stay on top of things but some plants really don't look good. So I'm gonna try and focus on those today.

Dropped the trellis in the 40x40", looks weird right now but will adjust over time. You can see how it creates more of an even canopy and that the lower area is pretty much bare. Will need to do a lot of adjusting and pruning, but some of them were getting too tall. Looking at you, Apples & Bananas and Bubba Kush.

Hoping for Irene and Dragon Hammer to dry back soon so I can correct pH lockout and check the runoff. But drybacks get much slower with lockout. Which makes sense.

Have a great week, you all. Just gonna try and not lose anything on my end and stay on top of stuff. Cleaning has been going great by the way.



Well-known member
Pruned and treated a bunch of plants. Still going.

Fed underdog og (for those catching up, this is loompas headband) to excess runoff, took about 2 gallons maybe a touch more. pH and EC were definitely high so hopefully with the pruning, sulfur spray, and proper EC she should thrive.

Bubba in the 3 gal fabric in the 40x40" doing well, almost ready for a watering.
Dragon Hammer in the 2 liter rain science plastic mesh, drying back slowly and a bit locked out. Needs correction along with Irene. But soon ready for a watering due to small pot size.
Irene in the 1 gal fabric drying back slowly. Keeping my eye on it.
Highway robbery #3 in the 1 gal plastic ready for a watering today. Gonna check pH and EC.
The others are doing fine, no notes.

Just gonna keep cutting and cleaning plants and spraying them and correcting issues as I find them. Transplanted some to the new pots my mom got me for Christmas. Might take pics later. Aliendog #2 on its own warrants a transplant to a bigger container for example. Doesn't have any backups. Stanley spewcock too. That pair had one die.

Happy new year everyone.


Well-known member
Not much to add. Continuing the process. It's a lot of plants. Both chemd big plants were a huge pain to cut back.

Watered highway robbery #3 in the 40x40". About 2.3 ec and 6.05 pH runoff I want to say? So looking good. Made sure there's a runoff tray and pot riser for each plant. Gonna vac up the runoff and check the others in the morning. Irene still drying back slowly but I can see it's still hanging in there. Sorry irene.

Got a batch ready to spray but the cutback process seems hard on my elbow, I hurt it about a decade ago, so I'm just trying to be really careful and take it a few plants at a time. I'm making headway so I'm happy with that. I've been able to check all the clones even if I don't have a clear count yet.

So just gonna keep putting the work in.

Crushers #4 the runt got watered very late the other day and didn't make it. I was just seeing if it'd turn out so no big loss there frankly.


Well-known member
I basically said there was not much to report but turns out that's not true. I'm continuing the cutback and sulfur spray but for now, check out Stanley. Hes the Goji Margy #3 male mentioned earlier.



Sharpie for scale. He's already settling into his new home! The clone donor and other clone already expired so I put Stanley on the fast track for premium care and love ;) the purple pot is one of the batch I got from my mother. Need to clean and sanitize a bunch of plastic ones, and wash the fabric ones.

He's really a fast grower, big stretch but I can work with that. All hail Stanley.

Still lots left to do but I'm chunking it out.


Well-known member
Watered Dragon Hammer (2L rain science mesh pot) in the 40x40".

About 1.77 ec 6.15 pH runoff or so. So it should be normalizing.

Bubba could use watering but the 10 inch saucer isn't quite big enough. I'm going for bloodwork in the morning and and to the city on Saturday probably. So I'm gonna see if I can pick up something like idk a 12 or 14 inch saucer.

El chapo og and irene kush are drying back, albeit slowly.

Some plants are being overcrowded in there, so I'll probably need to devote some time to training, spraying, cutback to the 40x40" after I process the big area. Lots of good stuff done before I got to bed, but more needs doing. It means yet another delay for flip but I want this to be a really good run. Not a half assed one.

Elbow is doing OK, so I'm just continuing to cut plants back, spray, and water. It's pretty much down to the biggest plants in 1 gallons, I've done almost all the others except the clones. As I mentioned I try and clean as I go etc to make sure I have clean space and tools. So it's going pretty good and I've got a nice routine going.

Might take pics of rez ecsd, bubba kush (Matt berger), and some others.

Onycd 3.0 #2 and chem d clones need cleaning up. Both these batches are so unruly.

Sprayed gas basket (x3) and rez ecsd (x1) clones last night. Need to clone more of rez, among others. Underdog, bubba, and dragon hammer need backing up for example.

So just gonna try and get things under control and moving along. Mobility and depression are doing pretty good.


Well-known member

I'm not gonna drop this cause joe dropped it
But damn
I hate holding rez ecsd

Rez ecsd and giesel are such stretchy needy plants sometimes. Not as bad as chemd or irene but still. I had to chop two thirds off this gal to get it ready for spray.


Well-known member
Still moving things along. Got a roast foil tin for the 3 gallon bubba to run off into, lol. Fed 2 to 3 gal. Started at 3.6 ec down to 2.0. End pH was about 6.1 which is fine.


My ugly Matt berger (bubba kush) momma, cut back and sprayed. Need to back it up. But it's in okay shape. More worried about underdog.

Overall things are moving along nicely. Someone suggested I look into tennis elbow. For now there's only so many plants left to aggressively cut back so im just gonna continue taking that one chunk of work at a time. Visiting grandparents and going to the bank tomorrow, then doctor Monday, but should be pretty free rest of the month hopefully to work on the grow. Things are proceeding at a pace I'm enjoying, but there's a lot more I still want to get done.

I should mention Pringles might not make it. I'm nursing her but shit got pretty bad in here after my dad died and I wasn't able to keep up with conditions until now. Overcoming years of depression and hoarding is no joke, lol.

Thank you all. Hope you have a great weekend, I know I will. Gonna water AnB in the 40x40" later and get some numbers but it's just the usual otherwise.


Well-known member
AnB in the 40x40" got 2 gallons feed or so. Started off over 3 ec, final was about 2.2 ec 6.2 pH. Not bad but definitely gonna keep checking.

El chapo og and irene kush are next. The whole 40x40" needs re spraying, another clean up, and more training but that canopy is packed full. Almost time for flip when I get to fully check and correct irene.


Well-known member
Been busy.

Crushers #1 mom looks like it's gonna bite it, I tried a root trim and transplant after it was waterlogged from lockout but nope. I believe I have clones but it's no huge loss to see if a plant can't stand my mistakes or poor growing conditions.


Here it is among the mess that's my vanguard... I mean the first of the treated and cut back plants :)

Limed orange on the left side needs work but just got a transplant and is under the LED light so should be bouncing back.

In general I find this somewhat frustrating and tedious but I'm getting treatment and cleanup done so I just remind myself as terrible as this looks, I'm making progress and will continue to do so as long as I keep completing tasks in a timely manner.

As I mentioned, the plants were getting locked out and I started being more vigilant about checking pH of fresh and sitting batches of feed and it's definitely paying off. I either didn't realize or forgot how quickly the pH of the water raises. I'm about to run out of 17% phosphoric (will check spelling?) acid but I have some about 4 to 5 times as strong in a new bottle so I'll be diluting that to about 17% and filling the bottle or a new bottle. Definitely need to keep up the calibration every 2 to 3 weeks, order more calibration fluid, and keep checking feed before I use it. The plants can stand some swing but the medium can only buffer so much based on size and root growth.

Saw my grandparents and family yesterday and helped them take the Christmas tree down. So didn't get much done yesterday but other than a doctor appointment this week I'll be busting ass on my plants getting it done. There's about 20 ish plants left to cutback, spray, and water. But overall I just want to keep putting effort in and get my garden and home much more clean and my processes more robust.

Will update later about the 40x40" probably.

Happy 2025 again everybody.


Well-known member
Watered highway robbery #3 and irene kush to excess in the 40x40" before bed yesterday. El chapo og today.

I believe the output, after copious feeding, was around 2.0 ec and 6.1 pH. Started out around 3 ec on both. Hoping this helps normalize. Will keep checking.