thanks for replying bro, since university these kind of subjects light something in my brain =)
my queries are mostly about the ratios, and the feeding way, in relation with lights and grow method... (i'm high, i'm sorry if i can't make myself clear). this is mostly why i needed the numebrs to be correct hahaha
you see, when i ran my numbers with the ferts i'm using, and comparing with some recipes from Head, DJM and other big names; the amounts are always crazy different.
still, some kind of ratio can be seen throughout all recipes for coco, so my questions are:
1. are you using this ratio for the entire cycle?
I normally use the same feed all the way threwveg and flower.
2. do you think ratios or ppms should vary according to the grow method and mostly, irrigation method?
I only hand water
2.5 do you adjust the recipe for different stages? i mean, keeping the ratios together, and increasing EC.
When my plants are small and I am using a weak light I use half strength.
3. when did you realize this was your aimed ratio/recipe?
I decided that my plants needed more calcium.
But to get it I needed a additional item. There is no reason I should have to add cal/mag when it is in the base fertilizer.
4. if by changing EC, or changing the ratio of nutrients, how do you adjust your pH? and after adjusting, do you take into account the added elements of the pH modifier?
I adjust down with phosphoric acid. I adjust up with potassium silicate. I dont need very much of either so it will no move the number much. So I am not concerned to much about it.
just some ratios regarding these numbers:
N 0.9
N:K 1.7
P:K 2
N:Ca 1.3
Ca:K 1.28
Ca:Mg 1.98
N:Mg 0.65
so kind of... N 1 - P 1 - K 2 - Ca 1.3 - Mg 0.65 - S 1
so yeah, thanks a lot for your time and dedication! maybe the questions are quite dumb, if you have any comments i will appreciate each of them,
I have been running LEDs for about 1.5 years. They are quite strong and I have not been able to get the plants to look perfect. So I am trying different things to correct the issues I have been having.
One is not enough calcium. So the way to fix that is add more calcium. But my calcium comes from calcium nitrate. So to add that will increase the nitrogen. To much nitrogen gives me fluffy buds and a lot of stretch.
With this in mind I need to figure out how to add the calcium and not increase the nitrogen. I dont like to have a bunch of different additives because it leads to mistakes. Plus they usually come with other stuff I dont want.
So I was talking with Waxitaxi and he was telling me what other people were doing. I searched for what he was talking about but could not find it. I was irritated with Jack's anyway since they changed their mix several years ago. So I checked another place I buy ferts at and they have the Chemgro that I bought.
So this new fertilizer reduces the nitrogen in the base mix. I thought that I would give it a try to see if it will clear up my calcium problems since I can take the calcium up even higher. I say that because I have been running the Jack's for about 9 years. For most of that time it ran great. Most of my problem happened when I switched to LEDs. Since it worked fine I am leaving the NPK close to what it was with the Jack's and increasing the calcium.
Anyway that is my thinking. And I am not a expert at this. So maybe someone with more knowledge will stop by.