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learning to roll


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
It just takes practice. I get the pot even in the paper and start pressing down on the center of the j. After I get the center compacted I get the ends compacted and manage the loose paper at the ends and get them even. I use a a metal rod the size of a chopstick I guess, to pack in the ends of the j. Add as much spill over weed as I want into the ends and pack. I leave some space for a 'filter' at one end. 3/8 inch of empty space at the toking end.

If I try to compact the whole j in one shot, well I lack that much skill. People always say my j's are nice.


Active member
We use to get a mound in the middle - just a little higher then press from the middle out to the sides as you roll - it spreads.


I've always used a "filter" or "crutch" ever since I started smoking. Read about it before I ever smoked and remembered it when I started rolling. Really impressed to old timers back in the day when I would roll one with the crutch. Just hits so much easier and no nasty tarry plant pieces & residue on ur tongue. Also makes em easier to do the old hand pipe trick. Put the joint in between two fingers like your holding a ciggeratte and clasp your hands together to make a little chamber and rip away. Smelly smelly hands after though, but nice rips. Good memories :)

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
We use to get a mound in the middle - just a little higher then press from the middle out to the sides as you roll - it spreads.

I roll by having mounds on either end and a void in
the middle, works every time.

How does one roll a cone?


Learned how to roll a joint from Jim Belushi (John's brother) when he was a fill in teacher back in the Chicago area in the mid 70's.
Learned how to roll 'Mendo Bombers' all by myself.
There are some shockingly useless joint rollers around.
And the ones that think they need two rolling papers, one stuck on top of the other, and then roll a "racehorse", so the joint ends up being wrapped five times around with the paper.
Or the ones that roll a thick loose "trumpet" that just about catches fire (and sometimes does) when toked.

And the thing I most can't understand is why people don't use filters.
Trying to get some smoke through a soggy ended roach while you burn your lips and fingers, I wont go there.

If someone offers me a toke on a joint I say let me see it first, and usually it''s a soggy ended pathetic thing and I say no thanks.


My friends saw the hogleg I rolled and took me to the table, gave me a medium Tupperware (plastic) bowl filled with loose pot, a pack of Zig Zags, and made me roll until I got it down real well...later, I got good enough to roll one handed while driving my van around the city. I suppose I got one thing out of the military...thanks guys!


Remember the skit on Saturday night live. Think it was supposed to be Gerald Fords hands attempting to roll one. Used to laugh at that as I filled the bong.
Somethings never change!
I did learn to with OCB rolling papers when I was a kid. A skill that has come in handy many times in life. Sort of like learning to drive with a manual. Never did learn how to do the one hand roll though. I always thought that one was pretty much the Ritz.

Jon 54

Make it EASY on Yourself!!

Make it EASY on Yourself!!

:smoky::smoky::smoky:I have rolled joints for over 40 years and can still remember being taught to make it easy on myself. I have used E-Z Wider double wide papers almost exclusively. These papers make it so simple to roll, just the right thickness so they don't tear when you put the pressure on them and the J's taste good not a burned paper taste. I just even up the dope work it into a pencil thickness joint put a little pressure from the middle and work it toward the ends give it a little lick to seal it firm and straight and sit back lite up and enjoy the taste and high.

P.S. I never even heard of filters back in the day and I can't roll a joint with one in it no matter how hard I try. I felt like a fool in Amsterdam because I couldn't roll with a filter and felt like everyone was staring at me because I kept making a mess every time I tried. I felt better when I realized that my joint's were all pot and the locals seemed to use tobacco in all there joints.

Jon 54 :plant grow::smoweed:


Active member
If you can't roll play an accordion first. 160 base button on the left and 3 octave key board on the right. Still I know people who have a hard time chewing and walking.


New member
My younger brother thought me how to roll in order to get an even distribution and so it wasn't either too loose or too tight.
But it wasn't until i visited Amsterdam and saw the joints you can buy pre-rolled in the coffeeshops that i became an expert in rolling the perfect spliff


if it smells like fish
county jail and tobacco pouch...yeehaw...I don't use filters..when roach small it either gets tossed or into bowl...if driving I eat it


I have rolled joints for over 40 years and can still remember being taught to make it easy on myself. I have used E-Z Wider double wide papers almost exclusively. These papers make it so simple to roll, just the right thickness so they don't tear when you put the pressure on them and the J's taste good not a burned paper taste. I just even up the dope work it into a pencil thickness joint put a little pressure from the middle and work it toward the ends give it a little lick to seal it firm and straight and sit back lite up and enjoy the taste and high.

P.S. I never even heard of filters back in the day and I can't roll a joint with one in it no matter how hard I try. I felt like a fool in Amsterdam because I couldn't roll with a filter and felt like everyone was staring at me because I kept making a mess every time I tried. I felt better when I realized that my joint's were all pot and the locals seemed to use tobacco in all there joints.

Jon 54 :plant grow::smoweed:
Ha, damn near my exact experience. I learned on ez widers. Bless the hippy parents, i just asked my mom to show me how. Rolled those silly ones that are all big in the middle and small on the ends forever.

First time I heard about/saw filters was in amsterdam, they looked at me like i was crazy and i was baffled by the strange tips and mix of tobacco. Still seems wierd, you can't really hold in a hit of tobacco and have it be that pleasant of an experience.

Early on I did learn to use a dollar bill to roll perfectly every time. With a little practice I was able to figure out how angle/place the paper and arrange the pot to roll a perfect cone with filter. mostly just handroll now, might not always look awesome, but they peform well:)
I ususally use a bill/currency to roll one up as I'm not very good at rolling. I've been considering getting a rolling machine however as I like that joints are simple, effective, and require no cleaning unlike pipes/bongs etc.


Well-known member
I love joints and rolling good ones is like anything else, to do it right it takes practice, practice, practice. It also requires a certain touch because different herb needs to be handled accordingly. You don’t want it too tight or too loose so it burns properly. I used to get recruited to roll joints, one guy used to give me 10% of the spoils. I prefer to use 2 hands as I can get a better distribution and consistency but doing it 1 handed looks impressive. The trick for me is rolling and rolling back and forth to get the desired density and shape before the lick and seal. I usually use zig zag whites (with the blue graphics) only because they burn well and are readily available.