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Laos Mango x Z99 (and others) by DM outdoors down under

Donald Mallard

el duck
Yeah your pure Laos.
oh cool , they should do you well man,
its certainly a nice line, the girls i have had produced flowers that gave a great high,
motivational , inspiring and uplifting , with little to no come down, often of a golden colour too in the right conditions and if not over fed , you should be able to control that in pots ..
makes for a good mum too which sounds like something you are going to test out ...


Active member

The girls have put on plenty of growth over the last week or two. All are in early flower now, stretch hopefully done. Everyone happy and healthy as far as I can tell.

Surprisingly (or maybe not..) the Laos Mango/Z99 has been overtaken for tallest plant by one of the Blue Dream crosses from SC Goat Farm.

I love the equatorial look of the Laos though.

Here she is pushing 7 and a half feet
Laos M structure 10:2.jpg

Also love the deep red petioles
Laos M 10:2.jpg

The front of the garden now.. all of the girls in the first row are from 7 east genetics. Most of the garden well over 6 foot now.
Front garden 10:2.jpg

Chemdog 91 x Purple Urkle from CSI
Chem x Urkle 10:2.jpg

Kyphi from Heavy Dayze
Kyphi late 10:2.jpg

Lemon party x Skittlez also CSI
Lemon Skittlez 10:2.jpg

Loving having the netting up this year.. caterpillars can be a bitch

Donald Mallard

el duck
never found bt very useful ,
i opted for yates success,
it kills on contact and has some systemic properties,
by far the most useful of all on caterpillars ,
i highly recommend it ...


Active member
Looking great mate.
Photos could be deceptive but circulation could become an issue.
Rains coming, it’s February. Do the walls lift a bit?
Thanks man, a little concerned about that too.

There are openings in the heavier shade cloth on both ends of the garden and a lot of the action is going to be up at the 5mm mesh level, which lets the wind through. There's pretty much constant (heavy) wind here on top of the mountain (at about 950m above sea level), lower humidity and cooler nights than nearer the coast.

Did lose probably 5-10% of last year's yield to mould but most of that was caterpillar damage related I think.

My fingers are crossed. Will be a lesson learnt if it's an issue. I don't think I'll run these numbers in that space again in future. Got a bit greedy this year...


Active member
Update on the garden

(Looking back I probably should've posted this in the 'grow diary' section, my bad..)

Early flower in full swing. Stretch seems to be over. The Laos M/Z99 is 2.2 meters tall or just over 7 feet, at 3 months since germination.

This is her after cleaning up the underside a bit:
Laos full profile 16:2.jpg

Just some perspective on different genetics.. the girl in foreground has had the same life, germinated at the same time.
Kyphi Loas BG 16:2.jpg

Close up of Laos M early flower
Laos early flower close 16:2.jpg

Everything going well. She's a very pretty plant..


Active member
Best to have a plan before the flood weighs your flowers down.
Star pickets ready to have bamboo supports inserted is an example. Or flower mesh. Sometimes after the fact is mud, mould and loss.
I’d guess your stems will be weaker due to wind protection provided by your structure. I notice issues more with my sheltered girls compared to fully exposed ones, even though the exposed ones lean at 45 due to wind exposure.
Just random thoughts 👍


Active member
I like the star picket/bamboo idea, thanks. Will have a crack at that if things get heavy.
They get a good battering despite the wind protection here. Last year only the sativa leaning girls needed support, the nugs just got too thick for their lanky stature. Not the worst problem in the world.. haha


Active member
My 1st season in awhile uncaged. Growing Xmas trees this year, so hopefully not much needed. Pickets with some horizontal bamboo as needed seems like my plan.
I noticed Wally’s Haze misc x2 that I have, like to branch horizontal so they may need attention.
Malawi has vertical branches so not concerned.


Active member
Wild weather on the way. Category 2 cyclone going to make landfall over the next two days and kick up some wild winds and heavy rain. Perfectly bad timing and things starting to thicken up in the garden..

Wide front garden 1:3:25.jpg

Side garden 1:3:25.jpg

Frosty top 1:3:25.jpg

? nice neb nug 1:3:25.jpg

skittlez nug 1:3:25.jpg

The Laos is staring to thicken up
Laos nug thickening 1:3:25.jpg

But getting some premature fade, which is suggesting she needs something.. I'm thinking either her water requirements are higher than the rest of the garden or maybe she's just really hungry..?
I've tried to mitigate for both possibilities. Will see how things go

Any ideas @Donald Mallard?
It has been dry here (until the coming cyclone) and she is drip watered, organic
None of the other girls in the garden are looking like this and they have a lot more plant
Maybe her tropical/laos genetics are used to having wetter feet?

She has a delicious tropical/mango fruit smell...
Laos early fade 1:3:25.jpg

Kyphi from Heavy Dayze looking tasty.
Ripe pitanga 1:3:25.jpg

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