Dude...I was supposed to vote? I got so baked on my Cherry Pie that I forgot...........
check to see if it was a illegal quorum???? Open meetings act is federal...start a recall...since Hubby already got the trim???run him or yourself for the board be vocal at the meetings,always go..u kno 'our' enemies never miss a chance to spike us...good luck with the new year...Absolutely NO storefronts in our county. And, the board of supervisors has practically pulled the rug out from under us, I'm extremely unhappy about it.
When the announcement was made that they were enacting an emergency ban on all outdoor cultivation, my husband and I decided we had to act. He's had long hair for well over 15yrs, and that following weekend we went to a barber shop and he SHAVED it all off. The reasons for this are simple--we know what we're up against and we wanted to blur the lines.
The pro-cannabis people who show up never dress well, many of them look as though they barely got out of bed (this is common in my county, cannabis grower/user not, just show up at court one day and you'll see). They become a paradigm for people like the BoS, anyone who wants marijuana out of their area. My husband and I show up looking like professionals, right now with his head shaved he looks just like a cop. We blur the lines, we are trying to give a different face and a different impression on the board.
So we've been attending these land use meetings, and we just found out last night that, despite all the "we don't wanna shut down the Mom & Pop growers" promises, they took a secret vote the very morning of the last meeting and voted to extend the ban all the way through NOVEMBER.
This will make me a criminal. I have no record, have had no trouble with the law, and if I want to grow my own meds I'm going back to being a criminal.
And what REALLY chaps my hide is that we spent a lot of time discussing federal involvement in local affairs and how strongly local law enforcement feels about this interference. Both our sheriff and undersheriff are pro-cultivation/pro-meds, and the board goes and does this?
Brown Act was the first thing I thought of. Also, the county's website on the morning of the last meeting did NOT show that the BoS was going to be meeting, let alone voting on anything. That didn't show up until later this week (meeting was on the 27th).check to see if it was a illegal quorum???? Open meetings act is federal...start a recall...since Hubby already got the trim???run him or yourself for the board be vocal at the meetings,always go..u kno 'our' enemies never miss a chance to spike us...good luck with the new year...
Right now it's a land use zoning issue, but like I said above, I think we might be able to get an initiative going for this June's ballot. If we can do that, then the 2012 OD growing season may not be lost.is that not illegal. If its a voter initiate law dont they have to put it forward in court and get a 3/4 majority ?
This is exactly what the under-sheriff told us, feds have already contacted county officials, including the DA, making certain requests and that he expects threats of funding cuts.I was afraid this is how it would end up, and my guess is that "temporary extension" will be come more of a "permanent" one ...done in secret and then they will let you know what THEY have decided. My hit is that the Fed's are really cracking down on known grow counties and threatening loss of federal funding and revenue, and these days that just speaks louder than a few constituants who possibly are pro-MMJ.