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Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Borneo and Hong Kong


Active member
To be honest, looking at that list there are countries mentioned, like Turkey especially, where the death penalty is in play. Does that change the fact that is the biggest transit point for heroin coming to the west?

Personally i think the whole war on drugs operates at its crux by instilling fear into people, by ensuring that one fears the potential consequences of their actions. This is how all Laws work. When u have no fear u arent constrained by that mode of thought.

I had the same gung ho attitude, and managed to score in Malaysia quite easily and very stealthily also. Im older, wiser and experienced enough in life to weigh up the surroundings, the character of the people u are dealing with, the potential risks and then make a decision about what course of action to take.

There are however the idiots who do not build personal relationships, walk up to complete strangers without any risk assessment, and expect to get an amsterdam coffeeshop reception? I mean is that wise? Horses for courses! Smoked some beautiful compressed Thai on an idylic beach it was blissful. Wouldnt have had that experience if i was thinking "DEATH PENALTY"


Active member
most people don't have the interest or desire to even go to these countries and that is part of why people will be so fast to tell you're an idiot for wanting to smoke there. i went to the philippines and smoke nearly everyday i was there. travel. get out there.


Active member
what sativa land race strains are preserved from those areas directly on the equator? are they "ïndginous", brought by ancient settlers and now the inhabitants are savage, or was the weed only smuggled in or mekong area seed strains are guerrilla grown?


Active member
also, what is the deal with afghanistan? they reportedly produce most of the worlds opium poppy, and they condem drug users to death? so drugs are bad unless it makes them money selling to people they don't like? but who are they kidding, a load of their people would seem to be so called users. what do they do, keep death laws around to selectively enforce it on undesirables and use them as scapegoats? i suppose extraterrestrials would observe this planet and think it mostly full of shit.

*sits back smoking joint, watching alien invasion, thinking, heheh serves em right.


***Don't get into trouble in Malaysia. Avoid illegal raves or suspect entertainment centres. Cops here are allowed to raid and entire place and impose urine tests on everyone***

I can attest to this: there is no borneo landrace. I doubt cannabis can survive tropical lowlands - you'd have to go really deep into the jungle border mountains to discover any highland landrace, if any.

The only commercial stuff you can get here area all Thai or Vietnamese of origin. Sumatra is known for its weed, but you don't get to see them outside of Indonesia.

What you're most likely going to get are your typical brick weed. But sometimes, you get really spectacularly strong fucky stuff. I was knocked out by a sativa(!!!) a few months back. It wasn't euphoric, but more like an endless loop of dream going into another dream.

Weed is more risky to sell here. The small city that I'm at, the coppers have a hand in hard drugs. Pot is known to reduce the addiction to these hard drugs, so cops see pot dealers as detrimental to their business. Even KTVs that pay up to coppers would be reluctant to entertain requests for pot.

I'd say less than 5% of the population is a habitual user. So it's all about who you know. Brick weed is not expensive at all.
Dank weed is probably double what you'd pay stateside - and even then, it won't be easy for the average westerner to get into the right circle.

*** Do not solicit for drugs. People here can be easily offended. But if you must, start with the pompous African***


New member

Thanks for ur info much appreciated. I will be in malaysia until july and was hoping to score some from a trustworthy person like yourself. Plz kindly drop me a message.


I was drinking and smoking some weed with a lady from Malaysia the other evening here in Cambodia. She was telling me the weed is pretty crap there but plentiful. Mostly Thai or Laos. Maybe some cambo. She always smoked freely in parks and was never in any trouble. There's an underground club there in Kuala lumpar where, upon arrival you are approached by a waiter with a plate full of class As. Pills to ice. No coke. It's a place I wouldn't visit but there are always ways to find what you need, wherever you are. Be safe and discreet if you need to get high. Don't bring anything into the country. Death penalty for transportation. Come to Cambodia... Its alot safer.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Friend told me how nice Cambodia is for tropical weed vacation spot. How are laws in Thailand? Thailand seems to have more beautiful beaches, and Phuket is supposed to be a party town.

Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
Just say fuckit when in Phuket! Lol

Phuket is party town and supposedly great for meeting hot young women. Need money to take care of them and family, but rent in nice area for room is $80.00 a month. Just bed, wifi, and bathroom, for that price.


I'd steer clear of trying to score from strangers in Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore. If you get busted there you will be in very deep shit. While the cops are as corrupt as crap one thing they don't tolerate is drugs. And if you are able to pay them off you're up for about 50K plus for a joint - that or 5 -6 years in prison. Thailand isn't too bad - it'll only cost you about a grand to bribe cops there (re personal weed) and Cambodia is better again. BTW most of the Thai Buddha now comes from Cambodia so there is some excellent pot there regardless of what some might say. Laos is an okay spot - you can literally buy weed from local markets there (they feed pigs with it:) and some of the best smoke I found in SE Asia was in Laos.



Thanks for ur info much appreciated. I will be in malaysia until july and was hoping to score some from a trustworthy person like yourself. Plz kindly drop me a message.

Hi Ichyboy,

I apologize for not being able to extend you any hospitality when it comes to scoring.

I’m not based in Kuala Lumpur anyway.

However, if you or anyone wants to do things off the beaten path in Borneo, do let me know.

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