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Koopa's Krib


i'm baaaccckkk... :rasta:

after spending many months on the couch in a large medical device around my body and neck, it feels great to be back. thanks to those who held me down when i was at my low point. i really appreciate it and karma will make it's way to you :wave:.

while i was gone, a buddy took care of the SOL plants i had going as well as germing some of the new strains i got. this time around, i will be flowering out 4 annaC NYCD F2, 1 mandala #1, 1 SOL mystery (from adventurously mixed pack), and 1 "White Skunk" bagseed. i grew white skunk the last two times and it has the same sweet skunk aroma to it when i do a stem rub.

here is the tent i got in use right now, hydrohut original (4 x 4 x 7). accompanied by a 600w sunleaves aircooled hps, 6" canfan w/ speedster fan speed controller, big ass carbon filter, and a 6" duct muffler.

all of these will be grown in different sized pots in canadian gold organic soil. i will be feeding with tea using LK, thrivealive, fox farm big bloom, neptune's seaweed/fish emulsion, budswell, molasses, and micro boost foliar feed. also compost if i can get some since i can't get EWC.

more pics to come later. time to smoke on some hash oil :rasta: :rasta:


Med grower
ICMag Donor
:D first one in! Alright Koop? Nice tent mate, I'll keep an eye on this one. :wave:


likein the setup ive pulled my chair up with cold tins on 1 arm n rolling mat on the other keep us posted. temp :)


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Welcome back to the land of the growing! :D Have the same Hut w/ 600w too, so I'll def be checking in! Best wishes, HL :lurk:

Lune TNS

hey koopa whats up brother, glad to hear your at it again, looks like you're about to do it up right too :rasta: The oil sounds good too, Ill be sure to blaze a bowl of the iso I have laying around for ya.

Peace, and stay safe bro. Keep puttin in that work! :joint: :rasta:


thanks errbody. forgot to mention i have some quick mist diesel pollen laying around and will probably pollenate some of the lower buds of each plant to make seeds. looking real forward to the quick mist diesel x nycd... misty city diesel?


Always been interested in those tents, looks a well run set-up. How about 'Misty City Diesel'? sounds exotic.


Yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah koop, Very nice setup you have, everything is looking great. Glad to hear your back and running again without that halo on your neck. Cant wait to see some more pics. HOLLA


if i want to do the NYCD x QMD cross, when should i pollenate? they're in their 4th day of flower.

just transplanted into bigger pots in canadian gold and gave them thrivealive/LK tea.

off topic, but should hash oil cost $60/g? i don't mind the price too much because it lasts longer than an 1/8 and gets more people high.


Registered Pothead
Cool deal bro. i will be taggin along for this one.. Hey are you trying to have that plant laying on its side do some natural lst or something? The reason i ask is cause i was thinking of doing that same thing.


chubbynugs ~ yes, natural LST. i know you can also rest at 45 degrees on each side for a few days to get some side branching. it was my 1 mandala #1 and it has to get the boot cuz it has mites.

last night i was really baked off hash oil and danks, so i decided to germ more seeds. i will be doing 12/12 from seed and take clones off the ones that make the cut. we got 2 more NYCD F2's, and 4 strawberry diesel x NYCD. after i get more of the 4" square pots, i will hopefully be doing some JTR and some fire bagseed from JG.


Registered Pothead
I did away with all my mites with AVID. That shit will clean em out for a long time. Floramite works great too. You can order them at HID HUT. I know the avid is illegal to sell in cali but it doesnt stop them from sending it to you.


Hey Koop I didnt know you had some sd x Nycd where are they from? sound very good my friend cant wait to see.


JG - yeah man, i got quite a few things from annaC before he started to get sick. also got the burmese kush, but that will be on the back burner for a little while.

Chubbynugs - i think i'm gonna get that spider mite shit from HID or my local hydro shop ASAP. does that stuff get rid of gnats too? got a few lurkers, but not too many yet.

2 NYCD on the left, 4 STD x NYCD on the right

it is a LST warzone in there... expect lots of tops :rasta:
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Registered Pothead
I know the gnats are a lil harder to get too with sprays but avid will kill any soft body insect on contact. Works super fast. You have to apply it every three days for nine days. Once that cycle is done you should be set for a while. I know the hot shot strips work good for the gnats.


chubs - i was reading about hot shot strips working on spider mites too. got quite a few mixed opinions though, but i can get that stuff pretty easily. it would be easier if i can get it at some hardware/depot if you know of any.


alright, mini-update... both NYCD seedlings came up as well as the 4 STD x NYCD. also bought the hot shot pest strip for $7 and hopefully that will help with the mites. the white skunk bagseed is furthest along with buds starting to form already and developing the 'sweet' skunk smell.