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Knock and Talk/What are my Rights


Hell, id put on some dancing music and start dancing in front of the window with the blinds up...

as they knock just nod your head and keep dancing, maybe do a spin.

or better yet, put some porn on the TV, and get a stopwatch to see how long they stay in front of the window watching it... hahahaha

BEst one... take a picture of them through the window and wave at them...

actually I can top that.... when they look at you through the window... spit on the window... and then casually wipe it off or something.

Of course if you are doing this stuff, expect to get your ass raped when you go driving around town. (oh sir i think your headlight is busted.... no its not officer.... officer walks up to front of car and breaks it... yep its def broken, heres your ticket.)

Get a Crotch Rocket that can go fast, so they cant follow you. (Pretty sure they don't follow you if you go past a certain speed limit, since you are most likely to die on your own)
(dont let them get close enough to you where their in car cameras can get your license plate, if they don't have that then you can deny that was ever you)

Id also say not to go too far if you are growing, making them pissed off is a bad thing.

Raistlin Majere

green_tea said:
Get a Crotch Rocket that can go fast, so they cant follow you. (Pretty sure they don't follow you if you go past a certain speed limit, since you are most likely to die on your own)
(dont let them get close enough to you where their in car cameras can get your license plate, if they don't have that then you can deny that was ever you)

one thing i have learned in my life
you can out run a copcar on a bike yes, but you can never out run their radio's :badday:

have fun trying though i did :muahaha:

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