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Kit Winemaking Tutorial


Sorry about the pc problems. The blackberry sounds great (put that one in my notes to try) Hope you enjoyed your vacation. I am having a hard time getting any time off with spring time here and my business starting to gear up for deliveries. Spring time is when I make most of my sales and it slowes down to nothing after October. you take care and be happy with all your handy work lol


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
I suppose I should up-date this thread a bit more often. Sorry folks. Spring is a busy time for me. And, not the best time for brewing w/the house temps not much higher than ambient.
I've made a few more batches of ginger beer. Played around w/the recipe a bit. All have been more than palatable, but none that I'd settle on. I'm still having trouble w/very long fermentation periods as well as fine, fluffy lees that mix up into the beer w/the slightest disturbance. I got a bit frustrated a month or so ago when I went to my local brew shop to inquire about different yeasts and was laughed off as "impatient".
It's good ice cold. About 4% ABV. 2 ounces of ginger gives it a nice bite, but it's not too hot. It gets nice and bubbly. I'll probably put off makin any more till the weather warms up a bit. In the mean time, I'll do some research. I have nothing brewing atm. The blackberry is still clearing. I may rack it again, I may just bottle it. I'll decide soon.
Yall stay safe n happy brewing :rasta:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Vintners wine journal entry LOL

Vintners wine journal entry LOL

To the best of my recollection, five gallon jugs of blackberry wine have been sitting on my bar since the very end of March. Bout 3 and a 1/2 months. I meant to get to this a bit sooner, but it got bottled today.

It's always nice when there's some left over to sample.

"MOST" of this will go in the crawl space, and wont get touched for at least a year. I sweetened each gallon a bit differently. Gallon #1 had 1oz of simple sugar added to it. Gallons 2&3 had 2oz simple sugar added to them, gallon #4 had 3oz, and gallon #5 had none. Starting Sg was ~1.006
Been making and bottling wine right along, nothing spectacular though. Had to put together a couple batches for a wedding next summer. I'm cellaring that elsewhere which is nice. I haven't had the time to play around w/the ginger beer. I've been giving it a lot of thought, what I might do differently next time...
Yall stay safe n stoned :joint:
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Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thanks for stopping by my wine thread SunTzu & hopleaf. I certainly drink my share of beer as well as wine though I've never made beer. Do either of you have any experience w/wine or beer?


Hi Vintner, I have made moonshine before on a stove top still utilizing lab beakers. Woo, it was quite a experience and very tasty. Fortunately do to the nature of my work I have accesss to extra Lab equiptment high grade glass stuff.


Well-known member
Premium user
i also enjoy making wine (mostly hard apple cider ends up tasting like a resling with a light apple flavor). I've never used a kit like that though. I've found that the apple cider that you can buy at most stores does just fine and much cheaper. 5 gallons apple juice, 4 pounds suger, 1/2 cranberry juice to balence ph, sake yeast (yup rice wine yeast. Wyeast 4134 Sake #9) slow cold ferment 50-55F


Well-known member
Premium user
mead can be very tasty when done right i would sugest to make a semi-sweet mead to start. The Compleat Meadmaker By Ken Schramm is a very good book on mead making if you want some very good info.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Yeah mead!

Yeah mead!

im looking to make some mead!,this thread has popped up just in time!!nice one

Mead is easy!
The only reason the honey does not ferment in the hive is a lack of water.
It's just too concentrated.
If you dilute it properly and use, say, D4 yeast, it's a real no brainer.

The trick to good mead, is good honey.
Christmasberry honey makes superb mead.
Just let it ferment until it's done for a very high alcohol content.
Or, bottle early in heavy-duty bottles and use "Champagne" yeast for sparkling mead.

Then, if it's too "dry" for ya, just add some honey, yah?




Well-known member
Premium user
cheers guys,ill be back with some more questions soon!!

sounds good ill answer to the best of my knowledge. i've made about 100 gallons of wine in the last 6 years. some bad wine a lot of very good wine. I can can tell ya whats worked for me.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Revival of a Long Lost Love<3

Revival of a Long Lost Love<3

I would love to wish a Happy Holidaze to my entire gang of ICMag family & friends w/the bottling of some Peach-Apricot Wine today!
It is deceptively potent, & creeps up on you :friends:

Over a year ago I stopped posting & documenting in this thread because of a troll (Hopefully we all know what a :puke: "troll" is right?) who was followed here by his MANY haters.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not pointing any fingers. I'm greatfull to all of you who had the time, energy, where-with-all & the balls to hunt his ignorant ars down & call him out where & when appropriate. :respect:
I just didn't appreciate it happening in my wine thread. This is my baby yo!

Be that as it may, just as others use these forums to document their grow diaries, grow builds/up-grades, or strain/smoke reports... I plan to continue to use this thread to chronicle & document my own wine making endeavors! :yes: Weather anyone is interested or not!
My long term goal for this thread has always been the experimentation & documentation of the incorporation of the wine that I love & cannabis which we all love. I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reach that goal :bow:
Except for the last few months (when I was dealing w/a close personal death in my familhy) I have over the past year continued to make my home made wines, including multiple batches of kit wines (which my family pays me for in kind :good: ) My next under taking though is a hard apple cyder. I plan to (amoung other things) take a cleaned & sanitized carboy to my local apple orchard, ferment ~ 6gal of fresh pressed apple juice :yes: n bottle it simular to the way beer is bottled. So, Stay tuned :ying:
Recipe and details to follow soon
Stay safe eveyone n :smoweed:
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cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
enjoy the new batch buddy!
i agree with keeping your thread clean, edited my last post.
should have done it awhile ago, my bad friend :D


New member
No offense man but your directions are very amateurish. If you cut corners and you don't know what you're doing, you will fuck your wine up. I didn't take the time to read the whole thread, but I just wanted to point a few things out.

- somebody new to brewing should always take SG readings before racking from primary to secondary in case of a stuck fermentation. Well you should always do this regardless of winemaking skill

-Racking is ESSENTIAL as opposed to pouring, and although it does avoid disturbing the yeast, the main reason it's done is to avoid oxidization, which will make you wine taste rusty. Any amount of oxygen being introduced to the wine after the yeast begin fermentation is detrimental to your wine.

That being said I'm sure you're not expecting to make the worlds best wine. If you have a tried and true system just go with it and enjoy the fruits of your labor.


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Thank you for your opinions DuckLucky Though, if you're going to bash someone you should be a bit more specific. I like to learn & see how others brew. After many others have praised this tutorial, maybe you could point out how my instruction was "amateurish" & where I instructed folks to "cut corners". The use of a hydrometer in wine making came into practice about 200 years ago, but folks have been making great wines for millenia w/out one. How nessesary is it really? Even for the novice?
You odviously didn't read much of the thread. I never encouraged anyone to just pour their fermenting or clearing wine from one container into another, & I believe I did explain on page 3 or 4 that it's important to rack wine to prevent oxidation. Maybe in a bit simpler terms than you used, but when I started this thread it was geared towards novice wine makers.
I believe I also point out that, just as there are a multitude of ways to grow herb, (none of them more correct than the next) there are many ways to make wine, & as long as ones cleanliness is up to par & they're happy w/their results, who's to say they're doing it wrong? (Apparently YOU!?) I don't expect every wine I brew to be award winning, but I do expect to make award winning wines. And I have; thank you very much! As evidence by the fact that my wines range far and wide, & peeps come back for more. I've been asked to make wine for weddings & other functions, & peeps gladly trade me goods and services for wine I've made.
Though nothing was traded for the wine in those pix. It was gifted to be shared by friends & family alike. As are many of my wines :friends:
If, in your opinion, I've steered peeps wrong, why not start your own wine making thread so we can learn from a true grand master vintner. Otherwise, keep your know-it-all mentality to yourself, or as my Dad was fond of saying, "if you've got nothing positive to say, keep you F'in mouth shut!"
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