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Killer Mandarine - Urban Legends


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Day 65

Everything is looking well. I'm not sure if you can see it in the pic but all of Killer Cookies hairs have turned brown.

On to the pics

Killer Mandarine beefing up well

Auto Duck really surprising me with how well she is doing even with the issues she has

Durban Poison Auto

Killer Cookie most frosty plant I have



Active member
I'm testing the Critical Kush Auto tonight and man I like this stone. Heavy eyes really chill mellow. Super happy with the seeds to. I found 2 seeds in the first bud and they pass the pinch test.


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Chopped Killer Cookies today. Man she was sticky! Durban is starting her first day of flush today.


Active member
The 3 remaining plants are close to chop. I'll be cutting and drying 1 week apart. Flush 1 week Dry 1 week then into bags they go


Active member
Shit guys I forgot to get a before shot of Durban Poison Auto before chop. I'll get you guys a shot of all the weed from this run in 2 weeks. Both Killer Mandarine and Auto Duck have started flush today.

Day 1 drying

Day 1 flush


Well-known member
Great buds mate !!!

but what happen to those leaves ?
the killer mandarine leaves seems totally burn :shucks:


Seedbay Vendor
ICMag Donor
Hi there !

Great show Nedank .

Heavy lack of calcium again, that's hardcore and stressing to go 24/0 for plants + leds light well it's using a huger amount of cal mag . It can look like a mushroom when it is not properly spotted .

2 part of calcium for 1 part of magnesium .
If you had only one you dig the carence on the other element . And then N carence will follow soon . ( and much more if affinities :biglaugh: )

I advise to give some when they are young before giving them nutes .

A tester achieved 330 grs on one plant hydro style with Killer Mandarine auto .


Killer Mandarine Auto grown by Vivix !

Enjoy your crop Nedank !