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Killer A5 Haze


Active member
Hola Salva :) Bienvenido!

Y perdona por la tardanza en contestar.
Se ve bien lechugona tu Killer A5 Haze ;)
¿ Que tal te va con ella en floración ?

Pues la floración muy mal. Tenía la Killer A5 Haze, NH x Malawi, Golden Tiger y Malawi x Panamá. Y a los 2 meses las tuve que cortar porque me tocaban el techo del armario. Las podé muy tarde, cuando median 1m más o menos. Ahora he empezado de cero con una red para hacer scrog a 30 cm de altura. Tengo la Bubba Kush x Hash plant, Panamá x Bangi Haze y Haze x Kali china. Algún consejo? Gracias.


Well-known member
Definitely will be keeping up to date on when these will be released again.. I gotta have a couple packs of these..


Hopefully you can sort out card payments before these are ready for release.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Kijell!

Glad you are also exploring this great new release from us! ;)
Best wishes for the flowering stage.


Active member
I dont see a shipping option for the United States.. You guys dont ship to the states anymore?

I was told they no longer ship to u.s. pretty bummed about that myself, wanted to try some stuff from the r n d list. And its always nice to get it directly from the breeders.


Is there a prob with trying to contact Ace at the mo?They are usually very quick at getting back to you when e-mailed but haven't had an answer for a couple of days


Will be other seedbanks getting them as well Rolando,seedsman usually get all the Ace lines.


Active member
I've got White A5 haze seeds gifted to me...I grew one outdoors and she was a big girl,9ft with giant donks from bottom up...it was real good but took a long time to finish,I finally had to take her at almost 12 weeks and into late fall in zone 5...the buds put on alot of weight in the last 3 wks... I believe they were from karma ? Anybody try these?